Chapter 2777

The face of the nether king turned white all of a sudden. They are the leaders of the divine kings among all ethnic groups, which is known as the top ten divine kings, but the heavenly family can resist the existence of the heaven and the world.

Even if it is not an expert at the level of God King, the Tianzu will not fall behind or even dominate the upper heaven, especially when all races have just suffered heavy losses.

After all, although the heavenly family has no monarch, the Allied forces of all ethnic groups also have no monarch. This time, isn't it even?

If you think so, this time the Tianzu attack is extremely dangerous.

"Disaster, this time is really a disaster, it's unimaginable!" The nether King's face was completely pale and thought of what a terrible battle it would be.

The heaven and the world don't know how many people will die. Even experts at their level are like grass mustard. Only experts at the quasi emperor level can say that they can protect themselves. Only experts at the emperor level can really protect themselves. Even so, there are not a few fallen emperors in the past wars.

"How can this happen? Isn't the seal very firm? There are ten prospective emperors guarding it personally. How can something go wrong!" The face of the nether King became more and more ugly. As one of the top ten gods, he was almost the top expert in the world of heaven, and knew many secrets that ordinary people in the world of heaven didn't know.

The sealed place, which was jointly sealed by the great emperors, is a secret in the world of heaven, in order to prevent the remaining sins of the heavenly family from finding and destroying the seal.

However, there were ten powerful quasi emperors who stayed to guard them. Judging from the combat effectiveness at that time, there was no emperor, that is, the most luxurious configuration.

Although all ethnic groups have no way to find the seal directly. However, there are also means to contact in case of emergency, so that if there is any problem with the seal at that time, the heaven and the world still know nothing. It will delay the big event.

"I don't know. I just received a communication before. I informed that there was a problem with the seal there, but I couldn't get in touch with it soon. If I didn't guess wrong, it should have been all occupied!" The immortal copper king said with a serious face.

The netherworld king didn't know what to say. The top ten quasi emperor level masters were brought up in one pot. What a terrible combat effectiveness, when the Emperor didn't come out. Only the Tianzu has such fighting power.

"Now, your predecessors have been looking for it. Although no one knows where the seal is, over the years, not only the Tianzu people are looking for that place, but we are no exception. Now there is probably a direction. If those Tianzu people come out in that direction, they can always get it early. I hope they haven't come out too soon Many experts, in this case, we still have time to clean up the mess! " The immortal copper King sighed. This matter has completely exceeded his ability, and he can't help many things.

The nether king saw that the immortal copper king said well, but he knew it very well. He was afraid that the probability was not very high. After the seal was broken, even the top ten quasi emperor level experts would be destroyed. In that case, I'm afraid that even if the heavenly family army didn't come out, it would be almost the same, for the heavens and the world. How could it not be a huge disaster.

"Now the news is estimated to have spread, and the blockade can't be blocked. The current major thing is to deal with the counterattack of the Tianzu, and I have to be separated countless times. Go and invite all the elders out in person!" Said the immortal copper king.

Since ancient times, so many Shenwang level masters will not be as little as they see now. It's just that many people work hard and don't want to be born at all.

If ordinary things disturb them, I'm afraid they will be thrown out immediately, but it's very dangerous for Tianzu, and they should be understandable.

"This is really a disaster. No one can escape!" The nether world king thought of a terrible guess, that is, this is a kind of elimination activity spontaneously carried out by heaven and earth to remove a number of old monsters.

These gods are not old and immortal. They are separated from the category of life, age, illness and death. If conditions permit, they can even survive forever. However, the resources between heaven and earth are limited. Sooner or later, they will be used up. Even if ordinary mortals practice, they will turn into a cup of loess as soon as possible, which can be regarded as returning to heaven and earth.

But these people will only accumulate more and more experts if they live forever.

If experts were produced at this speed, the world would have a resource crisis long ago, but in fact, it did not. It is because there will be huge cataclysms from time to time. Many great figures in the hidden world can not escape and are killed one after another, not to mention those ordinary people, one by one.

This is a terrible guess, which only spreads among the top levels of all ethnic groups, and it is possible to know only at their level.

If so, they should be careful, because they are probably on the blacklist of heaven and earth. Although heaven and earth have no subjective consciousness, it is because of this that they are terrible. They will not practice favoritism and fraud. To a certain extent, they will automatically become the target of his cleaning up.

It's like a malignant tumor growing in the human body. This tumor will suck your life essence all day, and it will never die. It will become stronger and stronger. There will be no rest at all. Until this time, if you don't cut off the tumor, you will die.

This is very reasonable, but it is precisely because of this that infinite fear emerges in people's hearts. If the opponent is Tianzu, there may be a fight, but if it is God, how to fight.

Thinking of these, he really felt a headache and a sense of extreme danger. However, he had no redundant choice at this time. He chose the way of entering the WTO, which brought his race to the point of several King races. Now it is time to repay the cause and effect.

"No one can escape, but try your best!" The immortal copper king said weakly that it was almost impossible for him to feel powerless when his cultivation reached his level.

Even in the face of strong Ye Xiwen, he can have many ways to deal with him. If he can't, he can always invite other predecessors back.

But what if the opponent is God?

I can only hope that I am not the most unlucky group.

"Anyway, we are still safe in the coalition headquarters. Those Tianzu have just returned and haven't figured out the situation. Even if they are arrogant and bold, they don't dare to come to the headquarters!" The immortal copper king said, "we have a lot of arrays arranged by emperors here. We have been making unremitting repairs over the years. I think there should be no problem blocking the army of the heavenly family!"

The immortal copper King's eyes crossed layers of space, and he could see that one ancient array after another was recovering and starting. At this time, no one dared to take it lightly.

It will be another terrible war.

"You're right. This will be a protracted war. Fortunately, the emperors of the heavenly family have not returned. Otherwise, even if there is an emperor level array in our coalition headquarters, it will be broken every minute. It's useless. Without the emperor in charge, we can't recover the array to the top. It's a waste of resources!" The immortal copper King nodded and said.

"In any case, those who have passed the emperor's inheritance should ignite the Suitian talisman. If you can invite back even one emperor, it will be enough to reverse the situation and completely seal these Tians!" The nether king said, "especially Wuzong, Emperor Qin is the closest emperor to us. If those disappeared emperors are still alive, he is also the one who may survive the most. After all, the time to leave is also the shortest!"

For the whereabouts of those disappeared emperors, people speculated privately, and many people speculated whether they had fallen.

But this point is completely denied by those who have passed on from the emperor. The emperor is their biggest amulet and tiger skin. Unless people see it fall, it is absolutely impossible to admit such a thing.

Not to mention, these things are just a guess.

"Well, yes, when those sires return, the situation can be reversed immediately!" Said the immortal copper king.

Originally, he didn't want those emperors to return. Once those characters return, where are they in the world? Naturally, it is the monarch who comes to the world and controls everything in the world.

But at this time, the situation has reached such a critical time. He has completely changed his mind. Although power is important, his life is not more important.

"As for ye Xiwen, let's let it go for a while. It's not necessary to fight with him at this time. He is also a very important combat power to fight against the Tianzu!" The immortal copper king looked at the nether king and said.

Compared with him, the nether king and ye Xiwen are really immortal.

He was only contradicted by Ye Xiwen, but he was defeated by Ye Xiwen in a humiliating way. How can he accept it for the arrogant him.

Therefore, King Youming has been making small moves recently. These things are under the eyes of the immortal copper king, but he doesn't want to take care of them. It's best if someone can clean up Ye Xiwen.

Besides, the nether king was just below him, but he was not his subordinate. He also ordered him not to move, so he just turned a blind eye.

Now that the situation has reversed, he does not want to make any more twists and turns and continue to lose internally. (to be continued) r655

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