Chapter 2942

Ye Xiwen's breath became weaker and weaker, and even many God kings far away from Tianjie felt it. Suddenly, their faces flashed a very scary look.

Can't even ye Xiwen survive such a terrible disaster?

"It's terrible here.

In particular, those young supreme masters look pale. If their future catastrophe is so terrible, they don't have to cross the robbery and commit suicide directly. There is no possibility of success at all.

Even ye Xiwen can't cross, let alone them. Does it really have to have the so-called opportunity to become emperor?

& ω á ń ロ Ba nsb.@ mnbsp; Ye Xiwen's disaster completely lost their confidence.

Ye Xiwen's skills are obvious to all and completely surpass them. Although the realm is the same, his combat effectiveness can explode them for several streets, but even so, he is still killed by heaven's robbery. Do you want anyone to live.

Since modern times, only Emperor Qin finally forcibly preached, and others either didn't dare to cause a natural disaster or died under the emperor's disaster, without exception.

There is even a saying among the Wuzong that after becoming emperor, Emperor Qin seriously warned those antiques in the Wuzong who are qualified to attack the emperor not to try to become emperor, because now heaven and earth are no longer allowed to produce an emperor.

He was able to become emperor largely for his own special reasons. Others can't copy it. That's why, after that, no one in Wuzong has ever tried to become emperor. No one will think that Emperor Qin was afraid that someone would surpass him.

Moreover, the later facts also proved that Emperor Qin was indeed right. All those who tried to become emperor died, except those who got the chance to become emperor.

So many people flocked to the opportunity of emperor Cheng.

≮ before a distant time, although the probability of becoming emperor was low, it never reached the point of not becoming emperor.

And those who become emperors by chance have many bad rumors that something ominous may happen. Therefore, this has made countless Tianjiao of the whole heaven and the world break their brains.

Therefore, the competition of every chance of becoming emperor has become particularly fierce, even to the point where you can't solve the problem.

"It's over, ye Xiwen is really dead, and the world of the heavens is really over. Do you really want to submit to the feet of the heavenly family?"

"Go, hurry up, let's go quickly, or we'll die when the emperor returns to God!"

Many people immediately began to talk, and they all hoped for miracles. But it is useless. It seems that the defeat of Ye Xiwen is a foregone conclusion.

They must plan early and think clearly about what to do.

At this time, the leaders of many forces were also immersed in meditation. Although they did not personally arrive at the scene, they were also watching from a distance. Seeing this scene, they could not help but have other thoughts.

It's time to make a decision. Ye Xiwen is most likely to challenge the emperor. Those who may become emperors have failed. How long can they resist?

When other emperors of Tianzu come across the sky, they won't be given too many opportunities at all.

The power of thunder fell like a waterfall, but there was no gap. People can only vaguely see through the force of the thunder that bounces out. It's a human shadow.

Ye Xiwen's breath became weaker and weaker until everyone couldn't notice his breath at all.

When everyone thought Ye Xiwen was dead, they were preparing to escape. In order to avoid being killed by the emperor and the rebels, they soon found something wrong.

Although Ye Xiwen's breath was gone, his body was not submerged under the thunderstorm waterfall. Even vaguely exudes a luster like jade

When their martial arts practitioners reach a high level, they will discharge the impurities in their body. Their body is like jade and has no impurities. It is normal, but at this time, it seems very strange.

All this seems wrong.

In particular, neither ye Mo nor ye Qianqian has wavered, and they are still trying their best to urge the Taoist instrument to guard the five yuan sky killing array and ye Xiwen.

"Is there any chance?"

Everyone stared. No one knew what kind of means Ye Xiwen had, so all this was just speculation.

However, many people seem to have guessed something and have some expectations.

Everyone could see it, not to mention the emperor's rebellion. He immediately saw that it was wrong. Ye Xiwen definitely didn't look like he was going to sit down, but he had no breath. What was he doing?

I can't see his ability as an emperor, just because he was blocked by this robbery.

Under the thunderstorm waterfall of Tianjie, almost all the breath is cut off. Even the emperor is not much better than ordinary people in this case.

"No matter what you're going to do, I'll kill you. God can't kill you. I'll kill you!" The emperor shouted. He stepped up his attack and planned to shoot Ye Xiwen himself.

And ye Xiwen was still motionless, despite the baptism of the natural disaster.

"No, he's going to do his best!" Ye Mo roared, and then he only felt that the power of rolling on the five yuan sky killing array suddenly soared, and a heavy feeling rolled down.


The five yuan sky killing array broke directly. It was where ye Qianqian resisted. At this time, it was his turn to deal with the emperor's rebellion.


Ye Qianqian spewed out a mouthful of blood. A little blood was like plum blossom. She retreated again and again. In her eyes, she flashed a bit of surprise and uncertainty. The emperor's rebellion with all her strength was really terrible. There was another five yuan sky killing array and the time robe removed its power, but she was still badly hurt.

If there is nothing, I'm afraid this blow will make her die.

At this time, Hua Menghan saw this situation and immediately knew that the situation was urgent and the real danger was extreme. She flew over directly and stood in front of the emperor.

"Yufei nine days!" She gave a soft drink, and countless flames spewed out, vast and mighty, forming a huge sea of fire. The Phoenix clothes on her body were emitting bursts of light, almost like the Phoenix ancestor wanted to be reborn.

In her blood, the power of Tianhuang was awakening, turned into terrible energy and rushed out.

Then in the gap of this attack, ye Qianqian quickly retreated to another eye to rest. The power of time radiated from the time robe. She soon recovered. The physical injury recovered to the magic of the power of time before she was injured. At this time, it was completely manifested.

"Small skills, spread out for me!" With a loud roar and a sudden grasp of his big hand, he directly grabbed all the flames that had been put out. Even if these Nanming who claimed to be able to burn the sky and cook the earth were so powerful from the fire, it was of no use at this time. It was like catching a small fire. We can see the horror of the emperor's rebellion.

"It's broken!" The emperor's counter attack directly bombarded Hua Menghan, who was in the five yuan sky killing array


The blow directly hit Hua Menghan. Hua Menghan immediately took a mouthful of blood and flew out upside down. Behind her, a fire phoenix emerged and dragged her, so that she would not be directly blown through and fly out of the five yuan sky killing array.

"Hum!" After flying Hua Menghan, the emperor was not proud. He just defeated a quasi emperor, even worse than ye Xiwen

"Next for me!" When xiaokunpeng saw the emperor's rebellion coming down again, he roared directly and turned into Kunpeng's real body, which was tens of millions of feet long, directly blocking out the sky and the sun, and came towards the emperor's rebellion.

"But they are all clowns. Even if the real demon master comes, I'm not afraid, let alone just a descendant!" With a sneer, the emperor rushed up.

"Boom!" With a huge roar, the emperor threw a fist at little Kunpeng. Little Kunpeng immediately screamed. His body broke directly in mid air and turned into a little golden rain of blood.

In his body, yin and Yang turned into yin and Yang Qi. Wrap him in to avoid being killed by the emperor.

"Don't go out to kill him again. We should hold on, hold the five yuan sky killing array. When ye Xiwen gets through the imperial robbery, it's time for us to really win!" Ye Mo roared, and a nose sword in his hand cut a startling sword, swept across most of the sky, and directly rushed to the emperor's rebel, blocking the emperor's pursuit of Xiao Kunpeng.

At this time, his face was also particularly ugly. The emperor's rebellion that broke out with all its strength was really terrible. They couldn't resist it at all. It wasn't Ye Xiwen. At least Ye Xiwen was able to fight against the emperor's rebellion without heavy damage. This itself is a miracle. Miracles don't have the possibility of replication.

"Demon emperor bell, town the world!" Ye Wudi roared and flew up to fill the vacancy. But this time, he didn't take the initiative to attack, but stayed in the eye of the array. He saw the end of Xiao Kunpeng's initiative just now. If he changed him, he might not be much better.

When the demon emperor Bell comes out, the world will be determined!

Everything was completely fixed in the bell wave of the demon emperor bell, and then disintegrated. Standing on the head at the same time is a congenital invincible, which can be called a unique Taoist instrument that can advance, attack and retreat.

The emperor was directly cut by a bi sword and was torn open, which surprised him. Unexpectedly, a bi sword had this power. Although it was only a tear, it was for the emperor, not the prospective emperor.

"Damn you, all of you are going to die. No one can run. I will control all your Taoist instruments!" The emperor's rebellious look is extremely crazy. He has been angered. At the same time, he also covets five Taoist weapons. This is a top wealth that even the emperor wants to be greedy. (to be continued...)