Chapter 3331

He suffered a big loss in Ye Xiwen's hand and was beaten and defeated again and again. This time, ye Xiwen didn't intend to give him a chance to recover, because ye Xiwen came for the purpose of killing the demon emperor.

What everyone looked at, they could only see the emperor of the sky eating demon roaring while being beaten, just like a wounded beast, which completely subverted their three views.

In their eyes, they should be the rival and irresistible strong existence. Now they are actually hanged by Ye Xiwen, which completely subverts their three views.

The outlook on life is about to collapse!

Although they also vaguely expected that in their hearts, they still felt thrilled when ye Xiwen did it in an almost miraculous way.

Because they seem to see the birth of an uncontrolled monster. What is a monster? Monsters are far beyond their cognition and beyond their control. They are monsters, good or bad.

Although they have far more strength and strength than ordinary people, as well as life span, in their understanding, this is a normal situation, and ye Xiwen's situation of leapfrog challenge, no matter how many reasons, in their view, belongs to the monster level and is absolutely unacceptable.

Ye Xiwen's attack falls like a storm. Every blow can make the emperor of heaven eating demon be seriously damaged. It is impossible to hurt the emperor of heaven eating demon at ordinary times, especially for those senior heavenly lords, they can even modify the rules to make your attack slow and even have no attack power, Only the God who also has the ability to modify the rules can deal with it.

However, it is obvious that the emperor of sky eating demon has not well controlled such ability, and has been seriously damaged, which is the fundamental reason why Ye Xiwen succeeded one after another.

It can be said that he was beaten at once!

Whenever the emperor of heaven eating demon wants to break out and beat Ye Xiwen back to get a chance to breathe, ye Xiwen will actually write an enlarged version of heaven and earth palm, which will directly knock him out again.

Completely suppress it and completely control the rhythm in their own hands. It's like calculating with heart but not with heart. He didn't know how long he had prepared for the battle, which was under his control.

At the same time, he was shocked. The Heavenly Master was indeed the Heavenly Master. He clapped so many hands of heaven and earth. To be an ordinary emperor, even an expert like Dianjun who has already stood at the peak of the emperor can't eat these two or three palms, and it will completely disappear.

However, the emperor of sky eating demon was not directly shot to death. It can be imagined that he was terrible, which was even more terrible than ye Xiwen initially estimated.

He was very happy. Fortunately, I didn't underestimate the emperor of heaven eating demon at the beginning, otherwise it is myself who is completely passive now.

At this time, ye Xiwen didn't seem to be fighting a war of life and death, but practicing martial arts. Like 3000 martial arts, ye Xiwen couldn't figure out how many martial arts he had, because each martial arts can evolve a lot of martial arts. At this time, they all completely evolved, because the vitality of the emperor of heaven devouring demon in front of him is more huge than he thought, So don't worry about him being photographed. You can do your best.

This series of battles stunned the emperor of TIANYAO family, and everyone was no exception. Soon, everyone reacted, including the emperors and emperors of TIANYAO family.

At this time, they are completely crazy. Looking at their leader, which is also the greatest hope of their family, how can they resist being beaten like this by Ye Xiwen. No matter whether you are an opponent or not, you directly take the same arrow on the spot and rush into the cosmic stars. You feel that your speed can't be faster!

Before, because I thought the emperor of heaven eating demon was going to kill Ye Xiwen. But it's just turning hands. It's not difficult at all, so they don't mean to help at all. But now they find that they are wrong. If they had come forward long ago, they might be able to help.

Although they feel far away. In fact, with their feet, they had killed Ye Xiwen in front of him in an instant. The remaining five emperors of the devouring demon family formed a large array and surrounded Ye Xiwen in an instant.

"Go away and die!"

Ye Xiwen roared. Although these emperors and emperors of the sky eating demon family were not enough to pose any threat to him, it was more than enough to just delay some time. In fact, they did it.

All of a sudden, he was separated from the emperor of sky eating demon.


Ye Xiwen immediately felt that the emperor of TIANYAO was out of his control. He clearly felt that the emperor of TIANYAO would die in his hands as long as it took another period of time.

At this time, the obstruction of these people won crucial time for the emperor of heaven eating demon.


Ye Xiwen's arm turned into a sharp sword and chopped it down. He directly split an emperor of the demon family and the flesh of the yuan God in two and killed it in an instant.

At this time, other emperors of the goblin family were not afraid, but rushed up one after another.




After several swords, the emperors were cut in half on the spot. They couldn't stop Ye Xiwen at all.

This is also the only emperor of the sky devouring demon family. Before, they followed the sky devouring demon emperor into the capital of God of creation and protected the Dharma for him. Therefore, they did not survive in the sky devouring demon family, but it was still useless. Everything was like reincarnation. They escaped from ye Xiwen at the beginning, but now they still die in his hand.

All the strong people in the whole TIANYAO clan were crying when they saw this scene. With this breath, all the strong people at the monarch level of the TIANYAO clan except the TIANYAO emperor died. These are the backbone level experts of the TIANYAO clan. The consequences are naturally unpredictable. If the TIANYAO emperor is still alive, it's OK, It can also intimidate the experts of other races, but if even the emperor of heaven eating demon is unpredictable, the consequences are unimaginable. It is not impossible for them to be slaughtered and killed.

After all, in the past countless years, how many people have the sky eating demon clan offended?

It's hard to count clearly, especially the surrounding ethnic groups. They basically have contradictions with the sky eating demon family. Their special cultivation methods also make them naturally have contradictions with others. Because of this, there are not a few people who hate them.

Even among the people who came to congratulate the emperor of heaven eating demons on entering the realm of heaven, I'm afraid there are many people who want to die of heaven eating demons. They are just afraid of the power of heaven eating demons, but dare not say anything.

They are not stupid and don't know about these, but they think that the glory of the sky eating demon family will last forever, and there will be no stop at all.

It's just that they go wrong step by step. Before they raid the Terran, they can't imagine that there will be such consequences. In their view, there's no problem at all. Although the Terran has risen, in the eyes of the old strong, it's nothing at all. It's just a rising star. They dare to shout and slap them to death, except the top ten, And those super teachers, who have they been afraid of?

But I didn't expect that this group is so difficult to provoke!

From the confrontation with the Terran, the emperor died. The emperor of the sky eating demon was also seriously injured. There was no good meat all over his body. Blood flowed and bone debris flew. You can't pretend to come out of that scene.

Such a price is too big, too big. Since the rise of so many emperors, they don't know how much time and resources it took to cultivate the demon family.

It's too big a loss to die here.

But they never thought it was their own problem. This is the nature of their ethnic group. They just looked at Ye Xiwen in the sky with hatred and wanted to break him into pieces.

At this time, they finally realized that it might develop into a war of extermination!

They have never had such an idea, but the Terran is different. Since they provoked such a strong enemy, they are worried all the time that it will evolve into a war of extermination. They just have no choice but to fight back.

In terms of the degree of war preparation, there is a far cry between the Terran and the TIANYAO clan, and between Ye Xiwen and the TIANYAO emperor.

"Kill you, I must kill you!" The emperor of heaven eating demon had a low voice, hoarse and uncontrollable anger. He was going crazy. Although he was saved, the last emperor of heaven eating demon family died in Ye Xiwen's hands. He was not seriously injured and had no vitality at all.

Can he do everything?

It's even more funny to say that he wants to compete with the top ten. It's impossible in a short time. Even if he wins, he razes the Terran to the ground and kills it all.

Ye Xiwen soon calmed his mood. Since he was allowed to escape, it was useless to be angry. Moreover, his confidence at this time was at an unprecedented high. The emperor of heaven eating demon, who had been hit hard by him, wanted to escape from him again. It was absolutely impossible.

He knew that it was time for a real showdown. He was killing himself. Just look at this.

"How much power can you use now?" Ye Xiwen said faintly that the new injuries plus the old injuries were enough for him to eat a pot. He couldn't use all his strength, otherwise he would die.

Pulling out the injury of his whole body, there is no other possibility except death, but he won't be his opponent if he doesn't release his whole body skills. Now it's a dilemma for him, so ye Xiwen has confidence and the victory is in his hands. (~^~)