Chapter 3870

Wudao era mended the sky successfully. The news was like a bomb exploding in the pool water and spread overnight in the whole chaos.

Before the start of sky mending, many people didn't feel the possibility of success at all. Last time, ye Xiwen failed to mend the sky. Although there were several masters interfering later, ye Xiwen failed before several masters interfering.

It was because ye Xiwen failed first and was backfired by the rules of heaven that several later masters intervened.

So at the beginning, they didn't think ye Xiwen could succeed. They haven't heard of anyone since ancient times.

It is the most common method to destroy the ancient era and let the current century devour the ancient era, so as to increase the life of the current century, but it can not last for a long time.

Although there are many ancient epochs, no matter how many, the number is limited, and those ancient epochs can not really be caught, it must be another bloody war, so this road can not last long.

There are many ancient eras destroyed by the hand of Wudao era, but they all happen for a reason, so those ancient eras can be tolerated temporarily.

If there is no reason to start the military in the Wudao era, it will inevitably lead to the collective siege of other ancient eras.

Even if the Wudao era is strong now, there is still no chance of winning in the face of those ancient eras.

"He really did it, the first person in history!"

"I thought he was just powerful, but I didn't want to see his understanding of the road so deep!"

Those masters of the ancient era are not stupid. Naturally, they understand that the understanding of the avenue needed to mend the sky is possible only to what extent.

"The key is how he did it and what kind of adventure he got. You know, even the ancient era masters can't do it. How did he do it!"

Many half step masters are difficult to understand, but the successful renewal of the Wudao era at this time is by no means a good thing for them in these ancient eras.

The longer the life of the Wudao era, the more suffering it will be for them. In particular, many old monsters whose life has reached the key point urgently need to grab enough food from the gluttonous feast of the destruction of the Wudao era so that they can survive.

Now, they have no hope.

This time, the life of Wudao era will obviously continue to extend, and his prosperity will continue, which is the most terrible for them.

But whether they like it or not, they have to accept this fact, because ye Xiwen is still there. As long as he has the ability to mend the sky, it is an unsolved mystery for them.

At this time, in the era of Wudao, there was a lot of cheering and boiling, and ye Xiwen's prestige was once again above Qin Jun.

Although Qin Jun was strong and powerful, he could not complete the way of heaven, nor could he renew his life for the Wudao era, that is, he could renew his life for ordinary creatures in disguise.

You know, it's hard for ordinary creatures to survive the catastrophe of heaven and earth at the turn of the century.

In this way, the Wudao era gained tens of millions of years of prosperity after ye Xiwen filled the sky.

In these tens of millions of years, there have been several half step masters in heaven and earth. It can be said that it has really entered the era of half step domination.

Originally, those top heavenly lords either entered the realm of half step domination and became a powerful existence between heaven and earth, or they could only succumb to the majesty of half step domination. The world is no longer an era they can look at.

Because of the birth of these half step masters, more than half of the peak Tianzun disappeared, either succeeded in becoming a half step master, or fell into a disaster.

Most of them fell into the sky, and only a few individuals could step into the realm of half-step domination.

But even so, it still can't stop those peak masters who want to become half step masters.

That's not the same thing as the supreme god!

Among this group of half step masters, there is no doubt that the God of creation is respected. Thousands of years have passed, and he has become more terrible. He has not been caught up because of the birth of other half step masters.

On the contrary, nowadays, his skills are more unfathomable.

Because once there was a half step master, he realized that he had also stepped into the half step master. Why can't he sit in the Dragon Court and join the God capital of creation, but he was easily defeated by the middle heaven and escaped seriously.

This also makes people understand that although they are half masters, it is obvious that there is a huge gap between the two sides.

Although Zhong Tianzun is not as powerful as ye Xiwen and can fight retrogradely to dominate, he has also reached an unimaginable level on this road.

Since then, everyone has put out the idea of challenging zhongtianzun. Zhongtianzun has maintained his dignity with absolute strength.

He is an old half step master, which can not be compared with these new half step masters.

As for ye Xiwen, who should have been the head of the half step master, no one will really list him as the half step master, but treat him as the master.

Because we all know his terrible strength, no one can match!

And this life passed quickly, but it was thousands of years. The peak of this life had ended. The Tiandao of the Wudao era showed signs of decline again. This decline was even more terrible than the last one.

The concentration of destructive substances is increasing, and the strength of the law of destruction is also increasing, which is to supplement the cost and of the way of heaven. The more powerful the way of heaven is, the more terrible it will be once destroyed.

At such a time of panic, ye Xiwen appeared again, and he began to mend the sky again. In a word, this is the third time to mend the sky.

Compared with the last time, ye Xiwen, who mended the sky this time, was more cautious, but the situation he faced was also worse. At this time, the power of heaven's counterattack was more terrible than before.

The way of heaven has been much more perfect than the last time. Because of this, it is more difficult to make up for it.

Although Ye Xiwen had long been prepared, he was again bitten by the rules of heaven. After a heavy blow, all the rules poured in. Ye Xiwen suddenly became incomparably old, his whole body was covered with wrinkles, and even his whole body began to shrink.

And countless spaces around him collapsed, and at the same time, countless karma fires were burning and floods were scouring.

It can be said that all kinds of laws broke out around him, which was terrible.

It's like killing him in a moment!

The emergence of these laws immediately hit Ye Xiwen hard. Even if he was hard to hurt by external forces and did not account for cause and effect, he could not bear it at all.

The results of sky mending are great, but the cause and effect reverse phagocytosis to be borne is also very large. If you change the general half step master, you may fall directly. How can you support it.

This time, ye Xiwen was seriously injured and made up the way of heaven, so that heaven and earth returned to their heyday and no longer declined.

But as a price, he was devoured by the rules of heaven and earth for three times. Each time, his life hung on the line, and he kept burning the golden light of merit to recover.

It can be said that all the merits and virtues he obtained this time were used to recover himself. He had to do so, not only to guard against the enemies who might attack in the dark, but also that he was seriously injured and in danger. If he was not treated, there was no way to continue to mend the sky.

Seeing the price paid by Ye Xiwen to mend the sky this time, many people exclaimed. If it goes on like this, ye Xiwen can support it several times.

If things go on like this, I'm afraid Ye Xiwen's merits and virtues in mending the sky are not enough for him to use to mend the sky. It's not cost-effective at all.

Is there a limit to mending the sky?

Many people think so secretly, and many half step masters of the ancient era finally see the dawn and hope.

As long as ye Xiwen can't stick to it, even in the Wudao era, it's only a temporary struggle to survive. It's impossible to really survive forever.

At this time, for them, the Wudao era has become the food for their survival. Whoever moves this food, they may work hard with each other.

After this sky mending, the Wudao era ushered in a new round of outbreak, and several half-step masters were added. However, at the cost of millions of years, the Qi brought by Ye Xiwen's sky mending was also consumed.

Heaven and earth have entered a period of decline again.

In the face of this situation, even ye Xiwen has been helpless, but he has to mend the sky. He has noticed that the heyday of the Tao of heaven is shorter every time.

If the first time he mended the sky, he could bring tens of millions of years of prosperity to the Wudao era, then the second time he could only bring tens of millions of years of prosperity to the Wudao era, and the third time was millions of years. The more difficult it was later, the less the heyday.

Until the end, the Wudao era will inevitably fall, and in this process, the birth of the half step master will accelerate the decline and fall of the Wudao era.

This time, for ye Xiwen, it was also a near death. The power of the way of heaven to bite back became more and more terrible. Every time, he was in danger, that is, he could be rescued by virtue of merit and virtue. Otherwise, he might fall on the spot.

After such a process lasted for seven times, ye Xiwen finally made up the way of heaven this time, so as not to let the Wudao era continue to decline.

This time, ye Xiwen, who finished mending the sky, the first thing was to integrate himself with the Tao, and then directly banned the promotion of half step master.

Now there are too many half step masters between heaven and earth. Each will lead to the collapse of the Wudao era.

In this way, ye Xiwen can't support it, but directly forbid the birth of a new half step master. (to be continued)