A bloody battle.

Sure enough, it was just as hebrey thought.

As long as you lead the crowd too close and want to retain others, you will naturally be retained by others.

When the siege broke out, there were only more than 100 armor and more than 80 cavalry left.

Hebrey still couldn't resist rushing in.

He seized a gap, a loophole.

Although until now, I don't know whether the loophole was deliberately exposed by the generals of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

But... The opportunity to break through the decapitation was in front of him.

He can't give up.

Even if you know it's a trap, you have to jump in.

Because if you miss an opportunity, even one in ten thousand, you really don't have it.

So he transferred the cavalry.

The infantry made a hard way for the cavalry to rush in and behead.

Unfortunately, the other party's preparation is too complete.

Highbury had a chance of his own.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

What he held in his hand was a compound crossbow specially made by the Xiao family.

Two people are needed for the first string.

On weekdays, they hang on their arms. When fighting, they have only one chance.

That crossbow alone weighs three kilograms!

It is more than ten times that of an ordinary crossbow!

The momentum is strong and heavy. It may not be worse than the ordinary siege crossbow.

Even at the moment of the arrow, his whole body would tremble uncontrollably.

Just one chance.

He aimed at the generals of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

When the tension spring was pressed, the composite bow instantly ejected and shot out the heavy and sharp black crossbow!



It seemed as if there were only two successive sounds left in the air.

As if everything was quiet.

Everything slowed down.

The crossbow pushed the wind away.

With the naked eye, the surrounding scenery is distorted like the transpiration of the summer ground.

This arrow, across the wind, across the ferocious faces of countless people, across the blood droplets splashed in the air, and pasted several waving swords

Unmatched, unstoppable.

Rotating, he rushed straight north to general Wei.

Northern Wei generals had not looked in this direction before.

It seemed that I was alert and suddenly turned my head.

The moment he saw the crossbow.

The crossbow and arrow had come before him.

As long as you take another step, you'll definitely kill him!

But it was at this moment.

Suddenly a dark shadow flashed.

A man, holding a very thick shield.

Let's hear it!

Stop the crossbow from flying out.

Even after losing strength, the crossbow still hit an adjutant next to the general and flew a few feet back with his whole body!

The man with the shield just looked in the direction of hebory, turned and disappeared.

Highbury's teeth were crushed.

But he could only shout, "retreat!"

That's it.

There are only so many people who have escaped.

Haiborui looked at the dying flag bearer around him, reluctantly shook his head and took the flag from him.

At this moment, the flagman fell down directly.

He insisted with one breath.

When the anger is relieved, the man dies.

Highbury was stunned.

Looking at the man in front of him who had been with him for more than ten years, he flashed in his mind when he was only a teenager, holding his sword and calling himself a general with a young face.

I corrected him countless times.

"I'm not a general."

Now he has finally become a general.

But he's gone.

Highbury shook his body.

Suddenly it was dark.

He bit his teeth hard, took out a small bottle from his arms, opened it and took a pill.

Close your eyes and relax for a while.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at the enemy.

The enemy did not come.

Just some people look in this direction.

His eyes were full of contempt.

The atmosphere became extremely heavy for a time.

Suddenly a veteran said, "it's four times."


Highbury turned and asked.

The veteran said, "Whoever can go back alive told the childe that the man's head fell off. In fact, he didn't die. He blinked four times and didn't die immediately."

Highbury was stunned.

Then suddenly he laughed too.

"If someone survives, it's important to take the news back," he said

He turned over and mounted the horse, holding a big flag in his hand, shouted: "people will die. Today is a good day!"

Another bloody battle.

They didn't die today.

Such a small man had dragged the Northern Wei army on this plain for four days!

Finally exhausted, no food, no drink.

The horses are dead tired.

People can't even pick up weapons.

But standing there one by one.

Staring at the army of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Try to call them back with your eyes and let them fight with them again!

This includes Highbury.

Lost his leg, lost his arm, and tied the broken flag to his body.

People rely on the flag.

The flag leaned against the man.

They didn't fall.

It's like

The word "man" looks like when it was created.

The Northern Wei army stopped.

Turned and looked at them.

The general said to the general of the Northern Wei Dynasty, "otherwise... Send some people out and give them a ride?"

From the initial disregard, to the subsequent contempt, to the present solemnity, and even respect.

Between the two countries, a thousand years of hatred, but it took only four days.

The general of the Northern Wei Dynasty squinted at the wounded army.

A hundred thousand troops.

Apart from those who need to carry the wounded, there are only more than 30000 people who can form combat power.

The enemy is only the Qin army in its early 1000's!

The eyes of the general of the Northern Wei Dynasty suddenly twitched violently.

There are all kinds of changes in expression.

Finally, he just shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, let them live and die. Now even if they delay the trip for a moment, they win."

Bit his teeth.

"I don't want them to win."

The army of the state of Qin... Can't be said to be an army.

Six people.

Covered in scars.

Just stand there.

Quietly waiting for the Northern Wei army to turn back.

But it didn't.

A day later.

When they were found by the receiving troops, two of the more seriously injured died.

There are only four people left.

Four incomplete people.

"It's four times. I blinked four times. Tell you, it's four times."

Before he passed out, hebrey kept saying things that the others didn't understand.

But when he took this to Xiao Yun, he understood it in an instant.

This is not the only place where such a tragic battle took place.

Above the hall, Leng Feng's description seemed so understated.

It's like this is a very simple thing.

However, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty all left sweat.

Level guard battle.

The 100000 infantry of the Northern Wei Dynasty did not play any role.

It was all besieged. Only the general of the Northern Wei Dynasty was protected by an expert. With a heavy shield, he passed through thousands of troops and horses and fled without a trace.

The rest became prisoners of the state of Qin.

When they are detained for interrogation, they often ask a question.

"What is the name of the army you keep on the plain?"

According to the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty, that army should have a name.

A name that rings through the sky!

Sitting in the majestic pass, Xiao Huaien held a heavy weapon and did not lose in the face of the crazy counterattack of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

More than 100000 people were captured.

They were all escorted to the border of the state of Qin and assigned to several captive camps to be responsible for the construction of roads.

Just in the early spring, although the road construction is difficult, it can be carried out.

To the surprise of those soldiers in the Northern Wei Dynasty, they were not treated by inhumans.

Three meals a day, although they don't eat well, they can eat enough. If anyone is ill and has a special doctor to deal with it, they will also give him time to rest. For more deadly things, every five or six days they work, someone will get a day's holiday, and will get a few big words of "wages", so that they can buy something in the shops of the prisoner camp.

For example, warmer clothes, better food and better tools.

Among them, the best workers earn a lot more money than others, and the highest can even reach ten times. In addition to not easily leaving the prisoner camp, they live like a normal person, which is quite good!

This gave many prisoners hope.

He works quite hard.

Of course, these cold fronts did not focus on explanation.

Northern Xinjiang outer Road, major campaigns, major events and minor events. When he talked about them, it was noon.

No one felt tired or hungry in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

But that's just a feeling.

When an old minister fell to the ground without strength, his majesty finally closed the court meeting, asked all ministers to have a meal and rest, and continued to start in the afternoon.

When officials have enough to eat and drink and have a rest, the most talked about problem is

How should the Xiao family seal the reward?!

The credit is too great. It's scary.