Leng Yueling watched the auction for a while.

I'm a little confused.

Then he whispered, "Xiao Yun, what are they selling? I waited for a long time and didn't see them open the box."

Xiao Yun smiled and said, "it's such an auction. It's to open the blind box. It's not clear what's in it. You can't know until you buy it and open it."


Leng Yueling wondered, "well... What if things are bad? Didn't the buyer lose money?"

"Why do you always think bad? If you open the things you buy, the result is far more than the value you pay?"


Leng Yueling frowned and said, "we don't know what's inside, but the people who put it in must know."

Xiao Yun was speechless.

The root of the blind box was suddenly told by Leng Yueling

This guy is really the big general who once dominated the situation in Northern Xinjiang. He has enough brains.

This special blind box, in the eyes of some people, should be more like a bet.

After all, if businesses want to maintain their sales volume and not let everyone regard themselves as liars, they are bound to put some high-value things in them.

Of course, on the whole, businesses must make a lot of money.

But there must be something good in it.

This becomes a pair of bets. Gamblers feel that they can bet on the high-value thing.

All kinds of psychological warfare and analytical warfare naturally start in people's hearts.

Bet on such a thing.

It's terrible.

What is really terrible is not that the gambling village will always make a profit or lose for a long time.

What is really terrible about gambling is the destruction of people's hearts and values!

Especially the destruction of one's self-awareness.

It's terrible.

Xiao Yun met some people.

They bet.

But if someone wants to play, they have to persuade them.

Don't let others gamble, even with the idea of playing.

They often say, "I can't do it in my life. You can't gamble. Gambling will be abolished."

They are often the people who understand the harm best.

They know that many times it's a hoax.

They continue to gamble. On the one hand, they want to get chestnuts from the fire. On the other hand, they are also a kind of inertia and a kind of acceptance of life.

When a person's self-worth is destroyed, that person is completely finished. Even life doesn't mean much to him.

How can a person who starts to despise his own life care about others?!

Xiao Yun knew a man in his previous life.

Nicknamed tiger.

He was once the most potential young man in the organization.

People also have high hopes for him.

And on a mission, he's going to gamble.

He went and didn't think so.

Then he won.

Won more than two million in one night.

He was happy at first, but then he became unhappy.

Especially not so serious about work.

Some tasks can hide even more. Unlike before, you have to rush up where there is any danger.

Xiao Yun couldn't help asking why he became like this and chatted with him.

He just sighed.

"I worked hard and narrowly escaped death. Then I only earned tens of thousands of yuan. Sometimes I was injured and had to lie in the hospital bed for a long time. I had worked hard for two years and then saved 200000. I was very frugal... But I got more than two million at once, and I worked hard for 20 years to save it... You say, I can live until 20 years later Are you? Can I persist in that task after task? "

"After winning the money, I was very happy, and then I went to the high-end places I didn't dare to go in before... Hehe, you know? A plate of beef can buy more than 800 yuan, and a meal can eat more than 2000 yuan. There are people in the shop. Dare you believe it? A meal of more than 2000 yuan should be in line! That day, I ate, drank and played At that time, I was very happy. I had never been so happy. What happened? That night, I spent 100000 yuan, but it was just eating, drinking and having fun. I spent so much money. That's the money I can save in a year. It disappeared in one night, and then I looked at the two million born in my card... "

At this point, Xiaohu can't go on.

Xiao Yun could only sigh at that time.

He knew that his words alone could not make him change anything.

Xiaohu is too young to be defeated. It's a defeat that can't be saved.

Xiao Yun actually knows why the organization pays them very little.

It is common for a task, only the things used by the executor, to consume hundreds of thousands, millions, or even hundreds of millions of resources to complete a task.

But they are still paid so little.

It's not that the organization doesn't want to give this money, but that they are worried about giving too much money. These guys who have mastered strong skills lose their heart.

In fact, compared with ordinary people, they pay a lot. If they can retire, that considerable pension is enough to make ordinary people look at them.

The control of this value is to enable them to keep their original heart.

To put it bluntly, if they have too much money and have seen too much prosperity in the world, if their hearts change, they will be a disaster to the world.

Because they have too many ways to make money.

Of course, most of them challenge the authority of those in power.

In the end, Xiaohu made a big mistake.

A mission that should have been assassinated, he kidnapped the other party and demanded a lot of money.

According to his idea, in any case, people will be killed in the end. It's better to take the opportunity to get a sum of money, get the money, and complete the task. Everyone is happy.

But it is because of this that clues are missed and opportunities are given to some people to make them aware of the existence of the organization.

Finally, the tiger died.

How did he die? Xiao Yun doesn't know.

The report said that he was killed by the other party in the execution of his task, but according to Xiao Yun's understanding of him, I'm afraid no one among them is his opponent.

Is it an organized hand?

No way to know, no way to ask.

But when it comes to the real cause of his death, Xiao Yun still thinks it's that damn gamble!

"Xiao Yun? Xiao Yun?"

The call of Leng Yueling pulled Xiao Yun out of his mind.

"What's the matter with you? You're absent-minded. Why don't you take a bath first."

"Oh, nothing, just think of some past events and a young man I once valued."

"A young man you can value? That must be extraordinary. How is he now?"

Xiao Yun sighed and said, "it's premature."

"Oh... That's a pity."

Leng Yueling quickly changed the topic: "do you want to participate in this auction? I always think they are lying."

Xiao Yun said with a smile, "it's actually very interesting. Why don't you try?"


Leng Yueling pointed to her nose, thought for a moment, nodded and said, "well."

At the auction, Leng Yueling has experienced it.

Nature knows the rules.

Instead of choosing a large box, she waited until a small box came out and haiqinghe quoted a reserve price of 32 before she directly quoted a price.

Thirty or twelve.

A little petty.

When she wanted to come, she just offered to play. As long as the price rose, she gave up directly.

But when she finished offering, she was surprised to find that everyone turned to her and... Didn't offer.