Chapter 229

Nobody knows about Tony's going to Kamata Taj to learn magic except peper, but now Tony's life is very full. Anyway, he has teleportation magic, so he simply moved in all his laboratories and studied science and technology in his spare time to learn magic.

Even want to analyze magic, let technology and magic fusion, Gu Yi see everything in the eye, she did not stop, because she knows, this is Tony's own way.

It has to be said that Tony's wisdom is really the most powerful of the whole marvel. Magic has been introduced. It won't be long before he can integrate magic and science.

While Tony was practicing magic, the whole United States suddenly fell into a period of peace. Except for the little thieves captured by spider man, there were no criminals with a larger scope.

Although peace is indeed very good, without the appearance of these criminals, the plain life can't make any waves.

"Well, you're from the universe. What's on the back of the moon?" Natasha looked out the window at the bright moon and asked curiously.

"The back of the moon..." Yang Han thought, the back of the moon seems to be the territory of the alien race.

In the marvel world, in fact, in addition to the mutant race, there are also the alien race and the ancient race!

The origin of alien race can be traced back to millions of years ago.

Millions of years ago, there was an interstellar war between two major races in the universe, the Crees and the Scrooges. For strategic reasons, the Crees arrived in the solar system in a space warship and set up an outpost on Uranus in the seventh orbit.

The Kriging people thought that there was no life in the solar system at that time, but they unexpectedly found that there were a series of life on a blue planet, among which the "Homo sapiens", that is, the most intelligent early human beings, had developed the lowest primitive civilization.

So they found that the cosmic gods group had implanted gene x into the known life on the nearby earth.

This aroused their curiosity, when the earth eternal civil war, a team of failed eternal remnant army left Earth to reach Uranus, where they established a colony.

When they tried to avenge the earth, they were attacked by a passing Kerry spaceship. Kerry captured many of the eternal, and the rest of the remnant army landed on Titan, Saturn's moon, and established a colony there.

The experimental results of Kerry scientists on the captured eternal lead them to the earth to carry out their own genetic experiments on a group of primitive Homo sapiens on the earth. This experiment has two purposes. One is to make a breakthrough in genetic technology to break the evolution of Kerry that has been frozen by the terminal crystal, The second is to create their own super ability special soldiers to fight against scrooge.

However, when they succeeded in creating a group of humanoid species with extraordinary abilities, for some reason, the Crees abandoned their experimental products.

It was only later learned that the supreme wisdom predicted that the Empire would eventually be destroyed in the hands of this race, because only females of the Crees can mate with other races and inherit. If the experiment continues, the genes of the Crees will be diluted or even die out.

The humanoid superpower species produced by this experiment was eventually named alien.

As a result, these mutant Homo sapiens, that is, the alien race, were abandoned by their creators.

In the long years after that, the alien race began to develop independently, and its IQ also evolved to the level of normal human beings, and established its own urban settlement, named Atlan.

Alien people don't want human beings to discover their existence, and they want to keep their isolation from human race. Therefore, the city of Atlantis has migrated several times over the years, from the first North Atlantic island to the Himalayas, and finally to the distant moon. Yang Han also remembers that the aegis seems to have obelisk, which is a sacred object of the alien race.

In fact, the obelisk is just a hard shell, in which a magic terrigen crystal is stored.

This tirigan crystal column will emit a special tirigan fog. Any alien member, whose blood is flowing in his body, will wake up his extraordinary super power once he is filled with this tirigan fog.

"There are people living on the back of the moon, a race called alien race. They are the experimental objects of the Kerry empire. As early as a million years ago, when humans were Homo sapiens, they experimented with some Homo sapiens, but they suddenly abandoned their experimental results and left the solar system.

The abandoned alien formed their own society, system and city. Standing alone in the cruel primitive earth, and hiding himself out of human vision.

Their isolated life makes them have advanced technology beyond human beings. Through the sacred objects and obelisks of the alien race, they get all kinds of super powers, but at the same time, they also cause gene damage and deformity.

This led to the implementation of a long-term breeding program to mitigate these variations. Their city, attilan, is often forced to move, and now attilan has moved to the back of the moon Yang Han explained.

"Fangjianbei..." Natasha listened to Yang Han's explanation, but he heard a very familiar noun.

"Fangjianbei is a mysterious item kept by aegis. The level of confidentiality is level 10. Only Nick Frey, the director of aegis, who has the highest level of authority, is qualified to know its existence and related information." Natasha remembered that except for Nick Frey, who has ten levels of authority, even her agent, who has nine levels of authority, only knows her name.

Therefore, although Natasha knew the obelisk, she didn't understand its meaning at all. Only Yang Han said it, she realized that the function of the obelisk was like this, even the existence of the back of the moon.

Natasha felt that even Nick Frey, the director of aegis, might not know the information.

However, it's also normal. How powerful is aegis? It's just an earth force. Yang Han comes from the universe. His knowledge and intelligence are not of the same level.

"By the way, what do you mean by the God group?" Natasha is full of interest. For the first time, she found that the earth is still too small, and the magnificent universe makes people yearn for it.

"You know it now, and you can't touch it." Yang Han said faintly that the God Group... Is a group of strong cartoon universe, and the movie universe strength feels a little watery.

Natasha may not be able to go to the universe, but he definitely wants to go to the universe, for nothing else but the millions of symbionts and the God of symbiosis.

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