Chapter 280

Hearing the words, people's eyes suddenly became round, and their pupils contracted into a slit.

In the myth of Western Europe, the thunder god in charge of thunder is not a God's residence!

Nick Frey glanced at the startled faces of the people and said in a deep voice, "you guys don't understand me wrong. He is the legendary Thor from Asgard!"

"My God! The legendary Thor actually exists. Does that mean that the Legendary God also exists? "

"If God really existed, why did the Holy See decline in the Middle Ages. Why can those damned heretics still cause all kinds of terrorist attacks? "

The topic of the public turned to the existence of God.

Nick Frey coughed and said in a deep voice, "Dear gentlemen, we don't have any evidence of God yet. But as for the gods of Western Europe, they can be sure that they really exist. We will discuss this later. Now we have to face unprecedented troubles. "

When people heard this, they looked a little more embarrassed and dignified than ever before.

The president's index finger tapped gently on the table, his eyes fixed on the shadow of war destroyer, hawk and detestation in the projection, and said in a deep voice: "this guy who can deal with hulk and Raytheon, should be the so-called big trouble of the director?"

"Yes, this is an alien creature that can attach itself to the human body and bring great power to human beings. He has his own thinking and can also control human thinking. I think we should make a decision whether to accept this alien creature attached to human body or to eliminate the leader of symbionts and artificially control these symbionts." Asked Nick fry, nodding.

"These creatures are alien creatures? We thought it was the mad scientist who caused the trouble again. " The president was surprised.

Nick Frey nodded helplessly and said: "yes, these are aliens. Their race has millions of symbionts, but these symbionts seem to have social characteristics similar to ants. They obey the orders of their race leader. Their leader is also the most powerful existence. This is the leader of symbionts."

The president pondered and said, "Mr. director, how did you know that?"

"Life foundation, they have found symbionts, and have made a lot of achievements. You can have a look." Nick Frey called out a lot of information for the president and members of Parliament to watch.

After a while, the president and the congressmen began to discuss. Half an hour later, the president and the congressmen finished their discussion. The president looked at Nick Frey solemnly and said, "we have passed your plan. Make sure to solve this alien leader. "

Listening to the president's reply, Nick Frey seemed relieved and said, "I will."

Even if the connection is cut off, the problem of symbiosis must be solved. It's not my race, but my heart will be different. Although this symbiosis has not done anything bad, but... Isn't that what human beings are like?

They're going to kill some of their lives.


"What about this guy?" Tony asked, looking at Rocky with his arms in his arms.

"Rocky, I have to take him back to Asgard. The law of Asgard will try him." Thor sank.

"Rocky, give us the cube, and we'll let you take him." Nick fry interjected.

This is his bottom line. Although rocky has attacked many military bases and killed many people, they have nothing to do. Although Nick Frey has a lot of anger in his heart, what can he do? Cut rocky to pieces and behead him?

I really killed rocky. What should I do with the fairy palace?

At that time, when we tried rocky, we were under intense pressure from the fairy palace or something unexpected happened... At that time, aegis and Avengers alliance could be regarded as losing their face in front of the earth people, and their credibility was gone.

So, although rocky killed a lot of people, he can only let Thor take him away, but the cube of the universe, they must stay.

"Yes." Thor agreed immediately.

Nick Frey gestured to Natasha and went to the cage where rocky was being held.

"Watch out, gentlemen!" After a word of warning, Natasha skillfully turned on the monitor, sat down with a dignified face, and said to the others in the room, "we can see the dialogue between director Frey and rocky here. Please pay attention to it and see if you can find anything from the dialogue."

As soon as the voice fell, Nick Frey's voice came from the surveillance screen.

"You'd better not move. Even if you scratch the cage with your little paw, the cage will take you and fall down from the high air with a" bang, tut ~ "

Speaking of this, Nick Frey's black face had an expression that he couldn't bear to look directly at.

Rocky didn't seem angry. Instead, he laughed, pointed to the cage around him and said, "this cage is really good. I think it wasn't built for me in the first place, was it?"

With that, rocky waved to the camera in the cage, as if to say hello. Then he faced Nick Frey and said with a smile, "it's a terrible beast, but you treat him as a rescuer. By the way, there's the person who didn't pay attention to you. You invited him here. How desperate are you? Ah... "

"Desperate?" Nick Frey was angry. He didn't explain, but directly admitted: "he stole something that doesn't belong to you, and then threatened me to fight against our world. You forced me to go all out of my way, and you finally fell into our hands, and you will surely die miserably, understand?"

"Don't understand... On the contrary, you will despair." Rocky laughed even more.

Through the surveillance screen, Dr. Benner, Tony Stark, Thor, Natasha, Captain America and others look at Rocky who will occupy the entire surveillance screen.

"Despair?" Nick Frey replied coldly: "you threaten me to rule the world and steal the power I can't control. You claim peace, but you enjoy killing. You really make me despair, and you will regret it. "

"Oh, it's going to hurt you a lot." Rocky looked at Nick Frey, and suddenly his eyes narrowed, his face smiling, and he said.

"What do you do when you get the cube of the universe, have its energy, and have unlimited energy? Is it to light a lamp that never goes out for mankind? " Rocky scoffed: "let them see the real power later?"

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