Chapter 308

In a secret base of aegis, Nick fry is watching Phil Colson's resurrection operation. This is a secret medical structure, and the real person in charge is Phil Colson himself, but after modifying his memory, he will forget it.

"Ah..." scream, memory modification after resurrection is a very painful process, using electricity to stimulate the brain, and need to keep awake, that kind of pain makes Phil Colson shout to want to die.

Nick Fry's dark face was covered with sweat. He felt that he could not bear the pain, but everything would be better. As long as he forgot this memory, he decided to give Phil Colson a rare holiday memory, though it would be very vague.

Tahiti is a good place. Tahiti generally refers to Tahiti Island. It is warm all year round, rich in products, clean beaches and clear water. Maybe it will be an unforgettable holiday for Phil Colson.

When the operation is over, Nick Frey turns to leave. This operation scares him. He can only pray that there won't be another time. Is this acceptable for the Avengers? Now he hesitates. It needs to be closed. If you can't use it, you'd better not use it.

Thinking of Natasha's shifting the hydra's eyes, he also takes this opportunity to revive Colson. He has been away long enough to return to his post.

Nick fry didn't keep Natasha waiting too long, but in half an hour Nick fry walked into the office.

Nick Frey's look is a little tired. It's not physical fatigue, but spiritual fatigue. His blood hasn't completely cooled down. Looking at Colson's painful look, he is also very sad.

Looking at Natasha, she said, "I've revived Colson."

Natasha Leng for a moment, said: "although I do not know whether God exists, but I can be sure that God is not an old and ugly, or a one eyed black marinated egg."

of course! This is Natasha's most true thought in her heart, but at least she can't say it verbally.

"Are you kidding? You are not God

"No kidding. Although the process was tortuous, we succeeded in the end." Nick Frey said solemnly.

"So what's the price?" Natasha asked, frowning slightly.


Everything about Colson, his name, his name, his property, his wife, everything, it's gone.

"Colson is alive?" Natasha looked puzzled and asked, "where is he now?"

"It's a magical place." Nick Frey said with a mysterious smile.

"Oh." Natasha didn't get too tangled, because she knew that what Nick Frey told her was good for her to listen to, and that knowing too much was not good for her.

"All, since Colson is alive, what else do you want me to do?" Natasha asked.

You have to find someone to do business. You have to find Colson. What do you want to do with her? She doesn't take private work.

"He's in a bit of a special situation now, and I think your symbiont can help." Nick Frey said.

"After all, he's from the universe, and he should know something."

Tahiti, also known as Tahiti, is an island deep in the South Pacific Ocean. It is a charming resort with warm spring all the year round and rich products. It is known as the closest place to heaven. But Natasha and Nick Frey are not going to this island, they are going to a secret base.

On the Kun fighter, Nick Frey and Natasha talk about the Tahiti project.

Tahiti project is actually the full name of the earth application project of alien body tissue. They use alien blood to make medicine, which can repair damaged cell tissue and even bring dying people back to life.

The plan of reasoning started in the 1990s, but it was abolished for some reasons. Until Tony was dying, Nick Frey thought of the Tahiti plan again.

At that time, Tony was dying of chronic poisoning, and Nick Frey thought of many ways, including the Tahiti plan. However, before the plan was completed, Tony, with his own intelligence, with the help of Howard stark, created new elements and solved his own crisis.

Later, Thor was expelled by Odin, and Thor's hammer came to earth. The destroyer came to destroy Thor.

Nick Frey found that even the powerful gods would have life-threatening, when he had the intention to attract Thor into the Avengers alliance, but once the Avengers' lives were in danger, they had to find a way to treat them.

So before the New York war, Nick Frey asked Colson to take charge of the Tahiti project secretly, hoping that when the Avengers were dying, they could be brought back to life.

"It turned out that Colson was busy with it at that time." Natasha looked a little complicated and said, "did the plan succeed?"

Nick Frey shook his head and said, "at first we thought the plan was successful. The experimenter's cells regenerate, and the damaged tissue is repairing itself. Soon, however, there were strong side effects

"What are the side effects?"

"The subject's spirit became extremely unstable, and began to appear schizophrenia, emotional, and aggressive. Colson thought the project was dangerous, so he and I applied to terminate it. "

"But after Colson died, you restarted Tahiti, right? It's against the law of nature. " Natasha sighed. She already knew the answer.

Even in the ancient oriental countries, the pursuit of immortality is not resurrection from death, which is against the law of nature.

"The law of nature? Since mankind entered the industrial age, the laws of nature will only be considered to have changed. Do you know how long Colson died? Seventy six hours Nick Fraser said, "we freeze his body so that it doesn't rot. In order to save him, I found a whole team of scientists to work day and night, seven consecutive operations to pull him back from the embrace of death. This is not against the laws of nature, but the victory of human beings against the laws of nature. Colson's death made me sad, so I resurrected him. Isn't it good that he can live again? "

"Well, if you are really good to him, you should let him die instead of resurrecting him with this weird technology." Natasha sneered.

(end of this chapter)

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