Chapter 311

"What memory are you going to implant in Colson?" Natasha asked in a hoarse voice.

"Beautiful Tahiti." "He'll think he'll be on an island after he's hurt, with charming beaches, palm trees, cocktail detectives and masseuses," Dr. stern replied

After the operation, Colson's consciousness fell into a deep sleep. The doctor told them it was a normal reaction. After a while, Colson will wake up again. After a period of recovery, Colson, who they used to know, will come back.

"About maps..." Nick Frey hasn't given up on maps.

"I'm afraid you've resurrected more than one Colson this time." Yang Han asked.

"Indeed. After rocky slaughtered the cosmic cube team, I urgently used the reserved drugs and revived a total of 6 agents who were allowed to resurrect. After resurrecting these agents, we rewrote their memory and gave them a new identity, hoping that they could return to normal life and no longer be aegis agents... Of course, Colson. Colson is a core member of the aegis, and his face has been well known by many departments and figures, so he can't retire and can only continue to work as an agent. "

"As for his memory, we changed it into a lucky one. We went to Tahiti for a few days to recuperate, and finally returned to the aegis team..." Nick Frey nodded.

The death rate of the agent industry is very high. If you can not be an agent, it is estimated that no one would like to be an agent. What Nick Frey has done can also be regarded as his kindness.

"The symbol drawn by Colson is just a remnant map. If we can collect other remnant maps, we may know where these maps want to guide us." Yang Han said.

"You mean..." Nick Frey said.

"It's possible."

"I'll have them watched." Nick fry nodded and said.

Yang Han knows the meaning of this map. The resurrected agents of aegis wrote those strange words because they were injected with Kerry's body fluids. Those words are actually a map left by Kerry.

The Crees built a temple on the earth with terrigen crystal, which is specially used to promote human mutation with alien gene. These words are the maps marking the temple, and dense symbols such as ×, ⊙, ┻, are actually three-dimensional patterns.

The resurrected agents are aware of this very important plan by fusing Kerry's body fluids. They are like migratory birds flying south and North. The consciousness in their bones makes them want to find this Kerry temple

"Natasha told me about item 084, obelisk. This obelisk is a product of the Crees, and maybe it has something to do with these symbols. "

"Yes? I see Nick Frey nodded.

"Do you know why Colson is like this?" Yang Han looks a little mysterious.

"What is it? Isn't it because of too much pain that Colson broke down? " Asked Nick Frey.

"Hell! I've seen the Lord of hell, Mephisto, the hellmen, you should know, the power from hell Yang Han said, squinting.

"Johnny Blazer? This guy has made a lot of trouble. I'm impressed. " Nick Frey said.

"People say that people will go to heaven or hell after they die. Good people go to heaven, bad people go to hell and suffer. " Yang Han explained patiently“ Don't tell me that Colson is going to hell. " Nick Frey said strangely.

"It's incredible, but I tell you, it's true. You should have seen the files about Johnny Blaser. The dead who were killed by him died miserably, just like the burned soul and vitality." Yang Han said.

"You agents are heavily in debt before you die, and you can't go to heaven after you die. So you go to hell and are punished by hell according to your own sins. The pain in your soul is much more painful than that in your life. Then you resurrect Colson and pull Colson's soul out of hell, because the punishment in hell makes Colson insane, and Kerry's body fluid makes Colson involuntarily describe the place where Kerry's biological and chemical weapons are stored. Then you modify Colson's memory, so that Colson can forget his experience in hell, and he will be able to recover naturally. " Yang Han said.

Nick Frey's mouth is full of chatter. Just talk about Duzi. He doesn't believe it anyway, but it makes a lot of sense

If he wasn't an atheist, he would have believed it. Maybe he would have been so scared that he cried and ran home to find his mother.

Nima's Thor is still the God of thunder. He can still thunder and lightning. He's just an alien. He's not a God's residence. Maybe the emperor of hell is the same?

Playing with the soul? Why don't you say there are still ghosts in the world? Why don't I see one?

For what Yang Han said, Nick Frey is still dubious. After all, he is the head of the secret service and can't easily trust others.

Nick Frey didn't completely believe Yang Han, but he also knew a lot of things. At the moment, Colson is OK after the operation. Nick Frey plans to transfer Colson to another place. After all, this is a secret experimental base, which is not suitable for patients.

Colson was put into the sleeping cabin, and the Kun fighter took them away from here and flew back to an airport belonging to the aegis.

On the other side.

After Sidwell gave pierce the list of new agents, he said: "our mission has failed. She has strong defense and strength. She can't do any damage to Natasha because of the general fire suppression. Next time, I think we should use sound wave weapons or flame weapons."

Pierce looked at the list of new agents and said faintly: "I know. Don't attack Natasha for the time being. It's not good for her to be alert. When the sentry robot is finished, three sentry robots, plus sound wave weapons, flame weapons and strong firepower, will encircle and suppress Natasha. If the encirclement and suppression is successful, some agents will be killed, Even the high-level, all abandon, save the maximum strength, continue to lurk, although the aegis has become a hydra organization, but we still need the aegis skin, you know? "

"Yes, sir. I see Sidwell answered.

"Sooner or later, the world will be ours. Hey, heidler!" Pierce whispered.

Sitwell made a chic twist, clenched his hands and stretched straight up. His eyes were wild and he cried, "Hey, heidler!"

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