Chapter 627

Thor swung Thor's hammer, and he saw a lot of tanks and Hydra soldiers swarming in.

"They seem to be in a line." Thor waved his hammer.

Steve looked at the Hydra soldier who came to him with a dignified face and said, "I'm excited to see the idol."

Then Steve put the shield in front of him, and Thor hit him with a hammer. The lightning scattered around through the shield, and the Hydra soldiers in a line were knocked down one by one.

Steve, who suffered from the power of Thor's hammer, said to himself that although this kind of cooperation has great lethality, he is the hardest one.

After solving this group of Hydra soldiers, Thor flew to the sky to take Clint to the plane and said, "find the scepter."

Steve nodded as Tony's voice said, "my God, don't swear!"

Steve sighed helplessly: "you're holding on to this and don't want to let it go."

At this time, Tony had already broken into the command center of the snow fortress. He sent out a shock beam to break the ground and said, "stop, everyone. You have something to say."

The scientific research personnel of the command center are all dumbfounded... Who did it first?

Baron Strack fled ahead of time at the exit on the other side. The researchers aimed their guns at Tony. They didn't do anything. They thought Tony would discuss something. But the next second, when Jarvis's target was locked, Tony launched multiple micro missiles without saying a word and blew the researchers to the ground.

"Well said." Tony is praising the obedience of these researchers. They shake their bodies in pain one by one. "It's not good at all."

After solving the problem of the outside researchers, Tony continues to go deep into the command center. The scientists are deleting all the research materials according to Baron Strack's words. A shock beam is emitted from the palm of Tony's hand to knock him over.

"Oh..." science didn't respond at all. Tony removed the armor and came out of it. Then he ordered the armor to enter "alert mode".

Then Tony came to the computer and said to Jarvis, "well, Jarvis, I want all of them. Remember to CC hill at headquarters."

The computer shows the prompt of deleting. Under Tony's genius, the deleting becomes downloading. Tony intercepts the research data Baron Strack wants to delete.

After Tony and Steve successfully broke into the inside of the snow fortress, Natasha outside also came the good news: "it's safe outside."

Steve took a shield and walked on the passage of the snow fortress: "then go to Bruce. It's time to sing a lullaby."

With Tony's success in opening the energy shield of the snow fortress, the Avengers rush in. The only task left is to take back Rocky's scepter.

Tony took a look at the downloaded data and found something wrong, so he said to the fallen scientist, "I know you're hiding more than documents, Jarvis. Give me the infrared scan of the room. Hurry up."

After scanning the whole room, Jarvis said, "the wall on your left, I detected the steel bar and the airflow."

Tony went over and whispered, "if it's a secret door, if it's a secret door, if it's a secret door."

Tony pushed his hands against the wall, and the whole wall opened to both sides with a click. Tony walked in with a "yes" as if he were a child. A dim yellow light was shining on his head. On Tony's right, there was a downward stairway. The whole passage was like a tunnel on the road. Every four or five meters, a dim yellow light was shining. These lights originally emitted white light, but now they have become yellow light. It can be seen that this snow fortress has existed for quite a long time.

In the woods outside the snow fortress, Bruce, who has become Hulk hawk, is destroying the Hydra members' vehicles. He raises the smashed motorcycle and falls it into the snow. The enemy has been defeated, and Hulk Hawk is still in a violent state.

Among the members of the Avengers League, Natasha has the most control over hawk.

After the eagle eye was taken away by Thor, Natasha walked to hawk and said gently, "big man, the sun is going down."

Hawk kept yelling at Natasha. Natasha held out her palm and clapped her hands. Hawk's roar became lower. He went to Natasha on the slope and put her hand on her hand. Natasha gently touched hawk's hand, and then slipped through his palm. Hawk's brain suddenly vibrated and he ran away shaking, He's going back to Bruce Banner.

In the snow fortress, Baron Strack just ran to the middle of the escape. In the ascending stairs, he saw his men being kicked out of the door. The escape of Baron Strack stopped immediately. Steve came out of the door and looked at him and said with a smile: "Baron Strack, the number one villain of the hydra."

Baron Strack's tongue hardened: "strictly speaking, he is the number one villain of aegis."

"Strictly speaking, you're fired." Steve was no less eloquent than Baron Strack, and then he asked, "where's Rocky's Scepter?"

With a black detector in his right eye, Baron Strack looked into Steve's face and said, "don't worry. I know what's wrong. I hope you can say that I'm very cooperative."

"How many of them do I add to the illegal human experiments?" Steve's eyes suddenly cold up, but at this time Steve has not yet found the Scarlet Witch has come to his back.

A crimson light burst out from the crimson witch's hand. Steve was immediately knocked down the stairs. When he rushed up again, the crimson witch had already entered the gate.

Steve told everyone, "Second Power Builder, female, don't fight."

The Scarlet Witch obviously didn't intend to save Baron Strack together. When she entered the door, she closed it, so Baron Strack was still arrested by Steve.

"You have to hurry..." Baron Strack just wanted to speak. Steve stepped on the shield on the ground, and the shield bounced up. Steve kicked the shield again, and the shield hit Baron Strack's chest directly. The huge shock and pain made him coma.

Although the Scarlet Witch ran away, Steve's outflanking from behind was also a big gain.

"Gentlemen, I've got Baron Strack." Steve brings good news. Rose net, rose net, you remember to collect the website or remember the website, the website rose net is free of charge, the fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft, no anti-theft, error report, book search, book chat with book friends, please add QQ group: 647377658 (group number)