Chapter 700

A black car came out from the side of the underpass. The people on the car chased Steve, who was running at the end of the tunnel, and yelled, "stop!"

Steve looked to his right rear as he raced. He slowed down, put a shield around his waist and pushed against the front window of the car.

Steve turned over in front of the car, smashed the mirror with his shield, and then grabbed the people in the car and went in by himself.

So Steve drove to catch up with the Panther who was staring at Bucky.

The Panther flipped into the air and grabbed by the door. No matter how Steve dumped the car, he couldn't get the Panther off the car. The Panther stuck to the car like an octopus.

Steve said to Sam in the back, "I can't get rid of him!"

Sam was flying in the sky, because Steve three ran into the underground passage, so he had to wait until the end of the passage to stop the Panther.

After all, his speed will be greatly limited in the narrow underpass.

"Come on!"

Sam was waiting at the exit, but Steve wasn't the only one waiting for them.

More than a dozen police cars stopped at the entrance, they put the car obliquely, but Bucky easily passed.

Even Steve, who was driving, found a gap and ran out of it.

Bucky ran out of the underpass and saw a motorcycle coming. He turned his hand and flew the people on the motorcycle. Then he grabbed the motorcycle and rode on it in a reverse direction.

Steve drove his car to catch up with Bucky. Cheetah seized the opportunity to grab a hand on the motorcycle. A lot of sparks rubbed out. Bucky deflected the front of the car and they passed by.

Sam started, he put a time bomb in front of the next underground passage, and then blew up the passage. He seized the panther with the advantage of flying.

The Panther broke away from Sam with all her strength, and then flew to Bucky.

Steve abandoned his car and ran out. After the underground passage was blown up, the exit was blocked and the police car behind couldn't catch up.

Bucky was affected by the explosion fell from the motorcycle, panther, Steve two people hold each other.

Steve stood in front of Bucky and stopped the Panther. A helicopter came in the sky and a police car came in front of the passage.

Colonel Roddy came over wearing a war machine. He held out his hand and said to the three, "surrender now!"

A large number of policemen came out of the rear police car with armour piercing guns. In a moment, dozens of guns were aimed at the three people.

The Panther took a look at the policeman behind him. He put down his hand.

Steve also put the shield back on his back.

Roddy said to Steve, "Congratulations, Captain, you're a criminal."

The police have come to the three people to buckle down, even the air Sam did not let go.

The Panther looks at Bucky and takes off his helmet. He looks at Bucky with the fire in his eyes.

Steve's eyes widened when he saw that the real face of the panther was vakanda's Prince. Roddy even said to him, "your majesty

After the death of the former king techaka, techara naturally inherited the throne.

So a group of four were held.

In the avenger alliance base, vision is cooking in the kitchen to the menu: "put a little chili powder, how much is a little?"

Vision pinched a little red chili powder on the plate. Wanda came over and asked, "is that chili powder?"

"I think it will cheer you up." Wanda came over and made way for mirage.

Wanda picked up the spoon, tasted the soup made for him by mirage and said with a smile, "I'm so excited."

"Sorry, I've never made anything." Hallucination knows it's not doing very well.

Wanda put down the spoon and said with a smile, "let me do it."

"Please." The vision gave way to the kitchen.

"Thank you." Wanda began to smell the bottles and confirm what ingredients were in them.

Vision came to Wanda's front, stretched out his hand and made a speech like gesture: "Wanda, no one hates you."

"Thank you." Wanda looks at mirage with a smile on her face.

"You're welcome." The vision turned its hand around its head. "I mean it's a subconscious reaction of the amygdala. They can't help being afraid of you."

"Are you afraid of me, too?" Wanda took a look at the phantom as she made the soup.

Vision sat down and looked at Wanda and said, "my amygdala is artificial, so..."

After hearing this, Wanda laughed happily: "I used to have a certain view of myself, but since I had the ability, I have changed. I am still that me, but the world doesn't think so."

Wanda's hands appear red mental energy, they are surrounded by Wanda's fingertips, just like the beautiful aurora.

"I don't know what it is. I don't know. It doesn't belong to this world. It powers Rocky's scepter and gives you powers. But... Its real properties are still unknown, and it's a part of me."

Wanda asked, "are you afraid of it?"

"I want to understand it. The more I understand it, the less control it has over me. Maybe one day, I can still control it." Vision, put your hands down.

Wanda pointed to the red chili powder that mirage had taken before and said, "I don't know what it is, but I'm sure it's not chili powder. I'll go to the store and come back in 20 minutes."

Wanda just walked out of the kitchen, vision immediately stopped in front of her, very nervous said: "or, we can order pizza?"

Wanda naturally saw that there was something wrong with mirage's attitude. The smile on her face disappeared: "mirage, don't you want me to leave?"

Vision lowered his head: "for the sake of safety."

"I can protect myself." Wanda walked forward, and mirage held out his hand to stop Wanda. "It's not your safety. Mr. stark wants to avoid another public accident until the" agreement "is basically settled."

The more Wanda listened, the colder her heart became, and the expression on her face became cold. She looked up at the vision and asked, "what do you want?" Mirage looked into Wanda's eyes and replied, "the world looks at you like I do."

Wanda's heart gradually warmed up because of the words of illusion.

The more you have power, the more afraid you are to use it. This is undoubtedly Wanda.

Even though she experienced tragic things in her childhood, Wanda finally became a kind person.

Otherwise, the power of the Scarlet Witch will burst out completely, and only Yang Han can stop her in the whole aegis.

As for the other man, Captain Marvel is still saving other planets in space. Net, net, you should remember to collect or remember. Report mistakes. Ask for books and find books. Talk with friends about books