"This place seems to have been idle for a long time."

Natasha looked at the dusty desk and the thick dust on the ground and said to summer night, "there is really something we need here?"

"I hope so."

Summer night is not very sure, but whether there is or not, this place still has to come.

Natasha shrugged her shoulders. "I'll listen to you anyway."

The hand holding the summer night tightened, but it also reminded the summer night. Quietly, he released Natasha's hand. Horus's eyes were fast and had swept the surrounding environment around.

Then she came to an empty filing cabinet with Natasha, who didn't look very good.

There was a wind whistling through the cracks in the filing cabinet.

Summer night looked at Natasha and opened the filing cabinet to reveal a door.

"No surprises."

Natasha shook her head and looked at the code lock on the right.

Take out the phone from your pocket, which is obviously not in line with the current era... Well, that doesn't work.

In this world, the word "times" has been difficult to limit the development of science and technology.

After scanning, the four digit password was easily obtained. Natasha entered the password and the elevator door was opened.

Two people entered the elevator, all the way down, not too far, summer night asked: "signal shield, can you shield here?"

"Of course."

Natasha said, "even if you put it at the gate, it's still in its shadow."

"The rapid development of science and technology always shocked an old antique like me."

Summer night mocks itself.

Natasha glanced at the summer night: "apart from your taste in clothes, other places are very in line with this era."

"Is this a compliment?" summer night was curious.

"Choose what you think. Believe it, I think it's best for you." Natasha smiled.

Without two steps forward, a huge space appeared in front of them.

Natasha looked around and couldn't help but say, "it's an antique of ancient times..."

There is a huge computer in front of us. On the desk is a device connected to the port. It looks out of place with the computer here.

I looked at it on summer night and didn't take it to heart.

Natasha studied it carefully and said, "it seems that if you want to activate the computer here, you need... Some specific things."

"It doesn't matter," said summer night. "We're not here to activate the computer."

"I thought what you wanted would be stored here?"

Natasha was a little surprised.

The summer night breathed softly: "if it is true, I'm afraid it will be the worst result."

The next second, he closed his eyes.

"You close your eyes and don't want to look at me?" Natasha asked.

"No, I'm looking for something."

"It seems that there is still summer night here. He touched his chin, opened the box in his hand and said," in fact, it's better to guard against a black warrior in gold armor over Asgard than against me. "

"Who is that?"


Summer night said, "his eyes can see everything he wants to see, and his ears can hear everything he wants to hear. Therefore, he is much more reliable than all wireless signals. If I want, I can let him fall down a rainbow bridge and directly lead us to Asgard."

"It seems that he has mastered the ability most men dream of."

Natasha blinked and said, "but the more such people are, the less interested they are in seeing what others want to see but can't see?"

"Can we skip this topic?"

Summer night looked at a strange USB flash disk in the box and frowned slightly: "this thing... Ordinary computers probably can't analyze it."

"Do you have a computer?"

Asked Natasha.

Summer night activated the bracelet and said, "only this."

"Tony's products?" Natasha said. "He always has something new and interesting, but unfortunately, I don't have a good relationship with him."

Red ray scanning port for wireless connection.

The next second, dozens of windows appeared in front of the two people.

Then a red light appeared from the virtual screen, and the capitalized "error" almost blinded his eyes on summer night.

Unable to resolve

When he said this, he looked at the equipment in front of the old computer and slightly tilted his mouth: "the worst result."