If summer night clearly means that Tian Tian is dead.

Loki won't believe it 100%. After all, he is a smart man and has the qualification to be conceited. Although his speculation is not 100% superstitious, he also thinks that it's 80-90!

But even if the summer night said that Tian Tian was still alive, rocky would still swing a little.

If you are still alive, how can you tell yourself so easily?

What conspiracy is hidden here on summer night?

But now, as the summer night said, although I believe what you think... I think my mother is not dead, can I believe this?

Who does the next sentence "reality will not disappoint anyone"?

Summer night, or yourself?


The smarter people are, the more they think at this time. On the contrary, they go around among several possibilities, just like stepping into a maze and can't find any way out.

"I have answered your question, so help me investigate one thing."

Look at Rocky on summer night.

"... what if I don't agree? What's your answer?"

"You know, those people on the earth who are annoyed by you think you are dead." summer night doesn't take that stubble at all, smiled and said, "I'm not threatening you, but if I like, even myself can drag you to all asgards and expose all your tricks. So, you can help me!"

Rocky blinked. "You've become a little shameless lately."

"... haven't I been like this all the time?" the summer night was stunned. Has he performed very badly recently?

"If I am threatened for the first time, I will be threatened for the second time. If I am used to being threatened by you, I can only be your subordinate in the future." Rocky frowned and said, "as a mortal, don't you think it's too much?"

"I don't think so." said summer night. "Besides, am I the kind of person who can take anything? You just need to promise me this thing. I promise I will keep my mouth shut!"


After a moment of silence, rocky nodded, "what are you going to investigate?"

"Has anything earth shaking happened in the whole universe recently?" summer night said: "you just need to investigate this matter and tell me the relevant information."

Rocky wondered, "you won't come here without any preparation. Is it because you don't want me to know the truth?"

"You'll know." summer night smiled, "but it's more interesting to let you guess first."


Rocky bared his teeth in anger and grinned.

Summer night looked at him deeply and smiled: "in fact, do you feel... Not free when you sit in this position?"

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Rocky gritted his teeth: "mortal, don't think that if he confers the God of war on you, you are really the Asgard clan."

"I'm not," said summer night. "Never."

With a smile, he turned and left. When he came to the edge of the hall, he turned back and said, "don't keep me waiting!"

After that, the wings behind him started with a hula, and in the twinkling of an eye they had disappeared without a trace.

Rocky took several deep breaths, which slowly calmed his state of mind. He punched hard on the throne, finally closed his eyes and breathed softly.

Then frown.

After the last summer night, there was speculation in his heart.

But then he looked at the earth and found no problems. Odin was still trapped there and couldn't leave. There was no information about his mother.


Rocky frowned. "If it's really what I think, I should at least detect clues. His strength is so weak that it's impossible to disguise. Unless... Someone else on earth helps him? But... Impossible! How can mortals do this?"



Not to mention Rocky's paranoid thinking over there, summer night came to the medical room again.

As soon as a group of people saw the summer night coming, they quickly bowed down and saluted. As for what they were thinking about, they didn't know.

Found the old man before, summer night will explain.

After hearing this, the old man was stunned: "has the injury recovered? Just people haven't woken up? It's impossible!"

He took care of Colson when he came here.

No one knows more about Colson than the old man.

Now tell yourself that the injury has recovered? It's impossible! Can people do things that God can't do?

Now let Colson out on summer night. After the old man carefully checked, his eyes almost fell to the ground: "how did you do it?"

Summer night also wants to know that he is a complete layman in this regard.

However, if the decomposition machine can be upgraded to the top level in the future and there is no need to worry about experience in the future, I will certainly decompose some relevant books and solve the old man's doubts at that time... But it is obviously not now.

"If he has reached this level, he can live." the old man looked at the summer night and said, "do you want him to wake up now or naturally?"

"What do you say?"

"If you wake up now, it may have a little impact on your spirit, but you'll be fine after two days of rest. If you wake up naturally, you'll have to wait... Of course, you can also use external force to cause the same effect, and it won't damage your spirit."

"How long can he wake up through external force?"

"Half an hour."



Colson felt like he had a dream.

There seems to be everything in the dream, but there seems to be nothing.

It feels very uncomfortable. It's like brushing glue on the brain layer by layer. You want to take it off, but you're afraid. You can only stand it and have nothing to do.

He didn't know when the sound came from his ear. It was like a strange device, making a constant and weak sound, and his body was getting warmer and warmer. At first, it was warm, then it became hot, and finally it became itching and pain

Then he suddenly opened his eyes and gasped.

Looking around blankly, I saw a group of strange people, dressed like clothes in the movie, surrounding him.

"What is this place? Who are you?"

Colson frowned so tightly that he didn't ask who I was.