After the summer night came back, it took two hours to get free.

At this time, walking along the channel of Caspian camp with Tony, I can't help complaining: "I think you should simplify this process! Although I also think it is the first element, the whole process is too heavy and long, and the efficiency is not the highest."

"You should be considerate of the researcher's hard work."

Tony said: "they not only need to fight with a new and never seen monster, but also have to be careful with their boss, so as not to make their boss think their work is not meticulous. In contrast, they will inevitably ignore your feelings."

Although it seems to be explaining with heart, in fact, the gloating smile at the corner of this guy's mouth can't be covered up anyway.

Summer night glared at him and asked, "how's it going?"

"You know, we just got this thing," Tony said. "No matter how harsh the boss is, he can't ask the employees about their progress the next second they hand over the work!"

"Sorry, you may have met the most demanding boss in history."

"Moreover, I need more than just the research progress of this comet," summer night said

"What you need, I think we can meet it," Tony said. "You know, we've been studying the warship brought back by the dark world before, and we haven't got nothing... Well, of course, I've shown you the heroism of the ship!"

"Is there anything else besides that?"

"Of course," Tony said. "This can be!"

"Well, can I understand your sentence in detail..." summer night looked at Tony thoughtfully: "There was no such thing, but because I said so and this happened, what did you think of? And looking at your strength now, it is obvious that this method is not only feasible, but also there is no shortage of materials, which can meet my needs in a short time?"

"The summary is very perfect, very good, I have nothing to say!"

Tony doesn't know why. His face is a little black.

Summer night smiled with satisfaction: "yes, I hope I can do it as soon as possible. After I have no worries, I can rest assured to do what was already on the itinerary."

"Tomorrow morning, you'll see a surprise."

Tony sighed: "thank me for my great creativity! Sumer's manipulator is definitely the greatest invention in history. It saves me God knows how much time!"

"... all right."

What else can he say on summer night? Although in the end, he didn't know how long Tony called "God knows".



After I separated from Tony, I wanted to talk to Tony in detail, but I never said it.

Summer night still knows Tony better... How to say, this guy's enthusiasm for interest is greater than everything!

Once you encounter something you are interested in, it is difficult to be interested in other things.

This may be a habit formed from childhood. After all, he is a child born with a golden key. He lacks nothing from childhood. He is smart and has almost everything he wants.

Despite the development of interest, he finally grew into a bear child.

Therefore, many things for him can be divided into two categories... One is what he likes to do, and the other is what he doesn't like to do!

Generally speaking, he will never do what he doesn't like to do!

There are probably some things you like to do, but one of them is definitely caused by interest and occupies a certain degree of dominance!

Therefore, talking to him about it at this moment is likely to cause this guy to shift his interest and consider the possibility of that matter, thus ignoring his current work.

Taking advantage of his interest in this matter, he simply let this guy finish it on summer night.

After handling it, go and talk to him about the thing you imagined on the comet. The result may have a critical effect.

Thinking about these things in my heart, I returned to my room on summer night. After changing a suit of clothes, my body flashed and appeared outside the base.

"I really can't bear it."

Standing at the gate of Caspian camp, summer night sighed gently: "I seem to have got an afternoon or even an evening vacation. If I can't meet my girlfriend in love during this busy time, is it too much for me to be a boyfriend?"

He took out a mirror from the decomposition space and looked at his face. After thinking about it, his figure began to change!

The body has become a little shorter and the face has become a little older. It is an oriental middle-aged image.

"That's it." Xia Zhiye sighed in his heart. There was nothing he could do. He didn't know what talent to form. Simply... Yi formed the image of Li Xiaomi's father: "I just want to see his dead and reborn father. Li Xiaomi won't be scared to death."

Then he took out his communicator and connected a communication: "book me a ticket. Yes, I'll send my identity information soon. It'll be OK in an hour. Thank you."

After the communication, Xiaohei was released on summer night: "airport! I need to make up for sleep. Call me when it's time."



The gate of the campus is not a sea of people. There are many people in and out, but it is relatively quiet.

When summer night parked the car at the gate of the school where Li Xiaomi was studying, there was a strange feeling.

He and Li Xiaomi have been together for so long, no... it can't be said that he has been together for so long. It's the first time he has come to Li Xiaomi's school since he met for so long.

"Although I was busy, I had plenty of time before."

After gently blaming himself in his heart, he drove his car into the campus on summer night.

Unexpectedly, without any inventory, the university is open to the outside world during the day, and all kinds of vehicles can go in and out at will.

Li Xiaomi didn't tell summer night before, but he made it clear where his dormitory was, what classes he had every day, what food he ate, and even when he went to the bathroom!

Although, I don't know why even this kind of thing should be told to myself on summer night.

Driving all the way, I was wondering where the girl is now?



Or go out and play with your girlfriends?

The time for the former should have come to the end of class, and the latter... Will it not come back?

Playing with girlfriends is not often... I hope it won't hit luck.

When she was thinking about it like this, she already saw the familiar figure. She was walking along the roadside with two books in her arms, absent-minded, because all her energy seemed to be on a mobile phone in her hand, with a sad face and a delicate little face, almost like Bago.

Summer night saw that she was still muttering in her mouth. She simply turned her ears and tried to listen. She heard the girl read: "why haven't you sent a text message? Do you know how long you haven't contacted my aunt? How can you be someone else's boyfriend! Great superheroes? Believe it or not, my aunt killed you!"

Summer night looked strange. He took out his mobile phone and sent a short message, concise and comprehensive: "letter!"