The Shaying headquarters covers an extremely vast area. After coming out of the residence arranged by greck for Chu Nan and others and sneaking for three kilometers to the southwest, it was calculated that it was separated from the core of the Shaying headquarters.

After looking back at the bright lights behind him, Chu Nan gently breathed out a breath at the sand Eagle headquarters, which is still very lively and looks no different from a small city.

At this time, the virtual screen of the personal terminal on the wrist finally changed from the bright red of the full screen to a green, showing that Chu Nan has now reached the area with weak signal detection.

According to Uncle Muluo's statement when he implanted the anti monitoring program into Chunan's personal terminal, this does not mean that Chunan has completely got rid of the enemy's monitoring, nor does it mean that his actions just now can completely avoid the enemy's monitoring, but it means that he has more possibilities to avoid monitoring than other people in the scope of monitoring.

Although the technical level of Thales security company in terms of security is very good in the whole earth federation, and even in several countries on the outside of Orion's spiral arm, it is not the kind of technology leading the whole galaxy like Noam chamber of Commerce, but also a super chamber of commerce with the largest and most complete database in the whole galaxy. It can't guarantee 100% defense against all similar signals.

But that's enough.

Chu Nan lowered his body. Although his feet were off the ground and entered the flight state, he didn't fly too high. Instead, he was only more than ten meters away from the ground and didn't fly fast at first. He didn't start to mobilize his breath and adjust his speed to the extreme until he finally completely separated from the direction of the sand Eagle headquarters.

Less than 11 minutes later, he had come to a small city 2000 kilometers away from the sand Eagle headquarters, found a corner and fell down.

As soon as his foot touched the ground, he immediately opened his personal address book and sent a communication request to Dong Fang.

The request was answered almost instantaneously.

"Hey, Chu Nan, you've been shutting down personal terminals and shielding communication signals. Are you in trouble?"

Chu Nan shook his head: "no, now it's you who are in trouble."

Dong Fang was stunned: "what's going on?"

Chu Nan quickly told Dong Fang that aoweili was fighting with another star level warrior at this time and that the leader of the sand eagle was actually a strong man of Yutian level, and also told Dong Fang about the situation of herself and Angela belle.

After hearing this, Dong Fang looked a little embarrassed and thought for a while, Zhengse said: "I don't suggest you and Angela Belle wait all the time. It's very dangerous. To tell you the truth, although aoweili is an incomparably powerful star level warrior, among the 19 star level warriors in the Federation, her past achievements are not outstanding, or even... There are almost no bright achievements. Since she became a star level warrior, she seems to have lost interest in cultivating martial arts, so..."

"So you don't think the oberli is strong among the star level warriors?" The Chunan tunnel is straightforward.

"Well... This is a lot of people's guess, and I'm more inclined to this guess, so... I'm not optimistic about the result. Even if the Reverend ovelli should not die directly, she is likely to lose."

Speaking of this, Dong Fang's face was slightly heavy. He looked at Chu Nan and seemed to be a little embarrassed.

"Although you are Angela Belle's good friend, don't affect your judgment."

Chu Nan was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"In fact, I didn't think about the possibility of the defeat of Reverend ovelli. I just felt that I couldn't put my fate on this uncertain factor. Before the victory between Reverend ovelli and the guy named rahir, I think it's better to find a way out of danger by myself."

Dong Fang looked appreciative and nodded: "you're right. In matters related to life, we should give priority to the worst. This is also the iron rule of our security company."

Dong Fang suddenly smiled, changed his tone and said to Chu Nan, "I think you have great potential for security work. Why don't you go to Xingyun college after you go back this time and directly change to our company."

Chu Nan gave him a nasty look.

"When is it? You're still in the mood to joke. OK, now that you understand my idea, I'm here to tell you this news. You should know how to do it?"

Dong Fang touched his chin. Without considering how long, he waved his hand as expected.

"I will immediately stop the caravan from retreating. These guys of the sand Eagle deliberately targeted the caravan from our earth federation this time, which is obviously premeditated. We can't let the caravan people take this risk, we must evacuate quickly."

Then he sighed.

"This business development spanning more than 1000 light-years is an action prepared by many federal chambers of Commerce for a long time. It would be a pity if it failed due to the forced intervention of a star warrior."

Chu Nan also sighed: "no way, the star level warrior is this kind of unreasonable creature. Who wants us to have enough star level warriors in the Earth Federation, otherwise we can send two out to escort the caravan. I'm afraid it's already done."

This time it was Dong Fang's turn to roll his eyes.

"Do you think the Star Warrior is a cabbage on the street and can take it with you? Even in the dikland Empire, there can't be a folk caravan equipped with the Star Warrior. In the final analysis, the Star Warrior won't interfere in the lives of ordinary people under normal circumstances. This time it's our bad luck."

Chu Nan shrugged and also expressed helplessness.

There's no way. The strength of star level warriors completely exceeds the limit of ordinary people. Even the top warship of nuoyantem chamber of commerce can threaten them. In other means, only sending the same star level warriors can restrict or resist them.

Disputes will arise on a small planet like lepler. Greg, a strong man at the imperial level, has exceeded the specification, but now he jumps out of two star level warriors to fight for it, which is completely beyond anyone's expectation.

"Well, I'll organize the evacuation immediately, but what about you? What are you going to do?" Dong Fang asked again.

"I will find a way to bring Angela Belle and high priest zima out of the sand Eagle headquarters, and then run away with Angela Belle as far as possible. As for the RAND people... We have done enough for them, and we can't help them anymore. I believe that even if the sand Eagle people are crazy, they won't really kill all the RAND people." Chu Nan smiled bitterly.

Dong Fang also smiled bitterly: "I hope so."

Chu Nan was silent for a long time, took a deep breath, and said to Dong Fang, "Dong Fang, I have decided that I must become a star warrior." (to be continued)