"Be careful!"

Prince leikas drank in a deep voice. With a wave of his arm, the field opened, enveloping all four people in Chu Nan and stabilizing the surrounding space in an instant.

However, although he can protect the four people, he can't stop the change of the whole space. The whole space has changed countless at this moment, from the stability in the previous portal to extremely choppy. At the next moment, the scene in front of the five people is changed again. The bright light shines from all directions, almost mapping the five people, including Prince leikas, to a fine point.

"Oh, dear prince leikas, if you want to visit our Perseus spiral arm, you can inform it through official channels. The alliance will receive it well as a VIP. Why should you sneak through the hole like a mouse? Don't you think it's really losing your identity?"

An old voice with obvious irony suddenly came from the front, and was clearly transmitted to Prince leikas's ears through the vibration of space energy. At the same time, it was also transmitted to the ears of the four people in southern Chu.

Chunan noticed that when he heard the sound, Prince leikas obviously changed his face slightly, then recovered his calm and looked in the direction of the sound.

In that direction is not particularly far away, where is a thin figure floating.

Although he looked thin and small, Chu Nan just glanced at him and immediately noticed his unusual appearance.

He was clearly in such a chaotic space, but Chu Nan could not sense any breath from him. Even if he had seen him and heard his voice, it gave people the feeling that he was a dead man.

This is different from the hidden breath of ordinary warriors. He seems to have no breath, because the raging space energy in the surrounding space seems to completely ignore him and has not been affected by him at all.

Chu Nan couldn't help but change his face.

Those who can achieve this level of martial arts can only be super powerful star level martial arts, and they are not ordinary star level martial arts.

"Dear Pope lockmarton, I haven't heard from you for several years. I thought you had died quietly. I'm still surprised that you're trying to hide such a big thing in the military treaty alliance of erewarna. I didn't expect you to be still alive and in good spirit. I'm very happy to see you here with my own eyes."

I don't know whether it was intentional or not. Prince leikas's response was also transmitted to the west through space energy microwave vibration, so that Chunan and others could hear it clearly.

"It's Pope lockmarton!" The Royal daughter of Romanti exclaimed. "I thought he was dead, too."

Chunan and Angie Belle were puzzled. They were about to ask the Royal daughter Romanti who the lockmarton Pope was, but they heard the distant lockmarton Pope coming again.

"Ha ha..." Pope lockmarton first gave a dry smile full of decay, and then said, "thank the prince for his concern. My health is good. I don't think I will die earlier than his majesty gremein. I've heard before that his majesty gremein seems to have made a small mistake in cultivating his martial arts skills, and almost fell into the devil and died, didn't he?"

Prince leikas's face sank and he laughed again.

"It's just a small problem. It doesn't matter at all. Your majesty is in good health now. Thank you for your concern."

"Oh? Really? That's really gratifying. His majesty grimayne is one of my old friends. If I die like this, I will be very disappointed. The goddess of wisdom and harvest, isavi, is on the. May she bless his majesty grimayne's health until he returns to the arms of God."

"The diklands never believe in God. I don't think his majesty will respond to your blessings." Prince leikas was still smiling, but his tone was very cold.

"Oh, that's a pity. May the goddess of Hathaway forgive these people who have no faith in the gods. The goddess will use her love to influence you and let you join her arms."

"We prefer to believe in the power in our own hands rather than the love of the goddess." Prince leikas shook his head. "Your holiness, the time for greetings has passed. Please get out of the way. I'll take these children to business."

"Really?" Pope lockmarton exclaimed as if he had seen Chu Nan's dead for the first time. "These four lovely children certainly don't belong to your empire, do they? Just like those children who accidentally broke into us before, they don't all belong to your Declan Empire and other children from all over the world."

Prince leikas and Chunan looked at each other.

"Sure enough, are there some outstanding children who have successfully broken through here?" Prince leikas laughed. "I have brought these four children here this time to look for these accidentally lost children. If you know their whereabouts, your holiness, please let me know. On behalf of the Empire, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you."

"Oh, Prince leikas, you are very kind. As believers of the goddess isavi, of course, we will only take extra care of these lovely children, but... I'm afraid they won't go back with you."

"Huh?" Prince leikas was stunned, and then his face became gloomy. "What do you mean?"

Pope lockmarton waved to the four.

"Please follow me."

Watching the Pope of lockmarton fly to the distance, Royal daughter Romanti grabbed Prince leikas who was ready to leave.

"Uncle Lucas, Pope lockmarton suddenly appears here. There may be a trap. We can't just go through like this!"

Prince leikas looked at the Royal daughter Romanti, smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Don't worry, it's all expected."

After that, he turned his head and explained to Chu Nan, "pay attention to observation later. If there is information related to the portal, remember to write it down."

"Yes." Chu Nan quickly responded.

"You only need to follow me. For others, just look and think more, but don't say more. Do you understand?" Prince leikas explained it to Angela Belle and Carola.

"Yes, your highness (uncle leikas)."

Seeing that everyone was obedient, Prince leikas nodded and took the four together to the Pope lockmarton, who stopped in front and waited for several people to move.

Seeing the crowd approaching, Pope lockmarton gave a long smile.

"It seems that even if you haven't seen it for many years, your temper hasn't changed at all. If it were your dear brother, you wouldn't take risks like you."

Prince leikas snorted coldly: "Your Majesty, his identity is different from me. The stability of the whole empire and royal family should be maintained by him. How can he come in person at will." Speaking of this, Prince leikas suddenly smiled and said, "I said, your majesty, you said we were taking a personal risk, which means there will be danger waiting for us ahead?"

"Is there any danger? We have to wait until you arrive, don't we? Let's go." Pope lockmarton smiled, avoided the problem and took the people to the depths of space.

It didn't take long for Chu nan to feel that the whole body space had changed significantly again, but it was much more stable than the previous mutation, and the changes of the surrounding scenery were not so intense.

Generally speaking, this change is very close to the feeling when crossing the portal, and there are not many differences.

The energy fluctuation in the surrounding space is becoming more and more stable, and the scenery is becoming more and more stable and clear.

The light in front of everyone was brighter, but because it was too bright, people couldn't see what it looked like around for a moment.

"Here we are, let's go out." Pope lockmarton in front suddenly waved his hand and took the lead to go out.

Prince leikas followed up without hesitation, and the four of Chu Nan immediately followed.

Feeling as like as two peas from the portal, but the three people who are in the south, Angela and Romandy are unable to help but wonder.