Quinn gradually found that he seemed to become a spider with a web. He wanted to weave the web into a web to hunt prey, but the prey was very tenacious. He was always struggling in the web, so he had to keep repairing the web, but he entangled himself here.

He wanted to kill Chu Nan, but it turned out that he couldn't do it either in the positive space or in the different space.

It's easy for him to defeat Chu Nan, but Chu Nan doesn't seem to really intend to defeat him, but he just keeps pestering him and won't let him go.

He wanted to leave directly, but Chu Nan's flying speed in the positive space universe was faster than his star level warrior. He was more skilled in space jumping through different space than his star level warrior. He couldn't run away easily.

As for ignoring Chu Nan, just run by yourself?

Please, although Chu Nan is not a star level warrior, he is also a powerful Yutian level warrior. It's not so easy to ignore.

Wait... What did he think of just now?

Powerful... Yutian level warrior?

Quinn felt a chill in his heart.

He suddenly found that after fighting with Chu Nan for so long, he had even shaken his confidence.

Before he came here to find Chu Nan, he could disdain Chu Nan Nan in his heart and think that he could kill Chu Nan with a slap. Now, he has admitted Chu Nan's strength in his heart!

Is this boy strong?

No... even if he can cross the wall of space and survive in different spaces, he is by no means a star level warrior, because he does not master the field and has no way to his own field, so he is certainly not as powerful as his own star level warrior.

But he's not strong?

Of course that's not right.

If Chu Nan is not strong, how can he still be safe and sound under the most powerful attack with his most powerful use of Honglian anger flame divine skill, and now he even begins to counterattack?

Quinn doesn't think it's because Chunan's absolute strength is strong, because the fact is that Chunan's recovery ability is too amazing, so he can always recover quickly after injury and remain in full shape.

If it hadn't been for his amazing recovery, Quinn would have beaten him into a ball of meat sauce.

However, the fact is the fact. In fact, Chu Nan's recovery ability is amazing, and Quinn can't kill him.

So now Chu Nan began to fight back, but Quinn began to feel powerless.

Chu Nan's attack still didn't pose a great threat to Quinn, but Quinn didn't dare to continue to use the red lotus wrath divine skill in order to avoid the expansion of meridians. He knew that this would not help Chu Nan, but would only bring trouble to himself.

He can only continue to rely on the field to suppress Chu Nan, let Chu Nan move around in the field and take time to fight back from time to time.

However, the binding force of the net woven by the field to Chu Nan is becoming weaker and weaker, and Chu Nan's counterattack is becoming stronger and stronger. Quinn gradually finds that he seems to have been unable to trap Chu Nan, and he is gradually unable to ignore Chu Nan's counterattack.

"I won't be defeated by this boy, will I?"

The idea just rose in Quinn's mind and was immediately extinguished by him.

"How could it be! I'm a powerful star level warrior. How could I lose to a young boy of Yutian level!"

Perhaps stimulated by this sudden terrible idea, Quinn's spirit was shocked, and his body suddenly burst into a red light. The red lotus flame divine skill was launched again, urging the strong black air to completely surround Chu Nan in an instant.

Quinn hadn't used the red lotus rage skill for a long time before. This sudden launch caught Chu Nan unprepared. Under such a powerful attack, Chu Nan suffered heavy losses again unintentionally.

However, Quinn was soon disappointed to find that Chu Nan's milky light shone, his injury was repaired in an instant, and rushed back in high spirits again.

Quinn himself suffered more serious damage to his meridians because of his forced use of the red lotus flame divine skill just now, but the gain was not worth the loss.

"Shit, this boy is a monster."

Quinn scolded angrily in his heart, his red light converged, and completely gave up the idea of urging the red lotus anger divine skill.

The fact before us now is that it is impossible for him to kill Chu Nan, so it is naturally impossible to accept the risk of incurable damage to the meridians. From the current situation, he can't even defeat Chu Nan completely. Of course, the only choice is to stop when he can suppress Chu Nan now.

Otherwise, if it goes on like this, the little monster Chu Nan seems to never use up his internal breathing, and his physical injury will never cause any problems. In the end, he will suffer a loss.

After understanding this point, Quinn stopped thinking about it. His heart was horizontal, the field was fully opened, forced Chu Nan back, and flew directly to the surface of Lantis.

Chu Nan was in front of him again. Quinn sneered and thought that although he couldn't clean up your boy, could you really stop me?

He continued to open his field and didn't bother to pay attention to Chu Nan, so he planned to rush over like this.

In his opinion, although Chu Nan has the ability to still bounce around in the field and even fight back occasionally, it is impossible to defeat him in his field.

This is the decisive gap between star level warriors and Yutian level warriors. Even if Chu Nan is a little monster, it can't be crossed.

Sure enough, when he opened the field and concentrated his strength in the field in front of him, Chu Nan, who blocked in front, could only retreat obediently and obviously could only avoid the edge.

Seeing Chu Nan get out of the way, Quinn raised a proud smile at the corners of his mouth.

Hey, boy, what if you're strong? Yutian level boy can't compare with me who has broken through the star avenue after all.

Let you be proud for once. After a while, when I have a more thorough understanding of the star avenue and the field is more stable, even if you don't use the red lotus anger flame divine skill, you don't have any qualification to compete with me!

Quinn's smile suddenly froze.

He turned around suspiciously and just saw Chu Nan punch the void behind him.

"What is this boy doing?" Quinn is a little confused. "Is it crazy? Because I don't dare to stop me, I can only vent in the void?"

The next moment, he suddenly felt a strange wave of energy coming from behind.


Quinn is even more strange.

Although this energy fluctuation is strange, it is very weak and can't cause any damage to him at all.

Quinn ignored and continued to fly in the direction of Lantis.

Behind him came another wave of energy, which was bigger than just now.

Quinn sensed something wrong at this time.

Under the influence of this energy fluctuation, he felt that there seemed to be a slight loosening in the field behind him.

Quinn frowned and turned his attention to his back, strengthening the control of the field in the space behind him.

But Chu Nan seemed to have predicted his idea in advance. He flew to his side in an instant and blew out another punch, driving another more intense and strange energy fluctuation.

Under the interference of this energy fluctuation, Quinn's field suddenly appeared an inexplicable vibration, and the field became more unstable.