Chapter 1084 - 1084. Explaining The Tower

Name:Master of none Author:
"I know that it may sound-"

"I knew they had been given help! How could they have mastered survival in the desert so well? They shared water runes with the water elves that the water elves had not even developed yet. It was the talk of the elven cities when I was younger and that was already many years after the desert elves had disappeared. But we never went to their city to try and understand it since it was a dangerous place." The forest elf queen blurted out in frustration. 

Everyone was looking at her uncharacteristic outburst. She had never acted in such a way but it was clear that so many years of wondering had their toll. She had always read journals from the past queen about the event and even read other accounts but was never given an answer. What was even worse was the fact that the water elves had grown in power and been able to move in to the lakes with the runes that they had been given. It was a constant reminder about how the desert elves had been considered the most powerful out of all the elves. 

"We have an exploration division. I can send eighty of my researchers and guards at a moment's notice. We need that knowledge. They can deal with the city and the monsters. You said it was under the sand right? We have run in to some sandstone caves before and know the dangers." The new information was very interesting to the king of the deep caves. He knew that with the spirit forging techniques they would need higher quality runes. 

"I will send my people with you as well. We have our own runesmiths that can partner with yours. I will not let the other elves show up here and act as if they are better than everyone in this city. The water elves have not spoken to any of you, correct? The reason why is simple, they believe themselves the purest of the elves and the closest to the high elves. The only reason they related themselves to the desert elves was the fact that they wanted their runes." The forest elf queen did not hide her desires. 

"That does seem to be a better way to go about it. I have sent merchants to befriend the water elves and they were sent back immediately. They had water nymphs great them instead of actually speaking to them. They even came back believing that the water elves would have drowned them just to keep them at a distance." Walker did not know that king August had ever done such a thing. 

"You think that's bad? Try sending a golem and never seeing it again because its been frozen in a block of ice then shattered." There was even more sourness from the king of the deep caves who knew well that the king of the middle had sent golems there to build relations. 

"They once flooded our fields on the opposite side of my kingdom because they didn't like the sediment run off from them. It caused us a rough year and we were unable to wage a proper war with them. They just forced my aquatic forces out of the water." Scylla scowled as king Rorick said this. It was clear that every kingdom had issues in some ways with the water elves. 

"Wait, didn't the merfolk say that they had been taught some water magic from the water elves years ago before they had left the ocean?" Walker recalled this from a conversation he had with Leon. 

"Of course they did. They were going to make the merfolk their primary army until they realized that the merfolk lost half of their stats outside the water making them weaker than the elves by a massive gap." This was even more than Walker hadn't known. 

"Forget the water elves for now. We can go there and speak with them at another time. I know it may be hard, but we could use them in the alliance, and changing their attitude could give them a better life than they think. Let's deal with the tower first." Since this seemed to be more important, Alma changed the topic and gestured to Walker. 

"I know that we have space set aside. Now we don't need materials so much as we need mages and runesmiths to learn. I doubt that I can gather too much since I am not a specified system user. But I should be able to guide those that aren't familiar with everything. I just know that there is not much mana in the tower left. That was why the message from the consciousness left by whatever race passed the tower on so fast. We need to replenish it." This was the core problem with the tower other than the knowledge required to begin to understand all the runes and magic in it. 

"Then we call it to a vote. Place the tower and begin research. It's the perfect time for us to do so. We can make the city stronger while we build it and the people that are coming here will see that our struggle has made us a more powerful and safer home." Out of all the people to speak it was Alma. She knew that they needed to focus on rebuilding, but that couldn't be all they could do. They needed a big move to show that this attack was nothing to them. That Genesis was just beginning. 

Walker looked around the room to see that everyone had a hand up but him. They also believed in what Alma had said and were ready to put it in to practice. "I guess I have to vote with you then." He couldn't help but smirk. They were right afterall, Genesis was just getting started. 



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