Looking at fengzimo, Yi Pingchuan can't help remembering his first meeting. He has a strong background comparable to Yi Wangchuan, the strength to crush him, and the courage to be afraid of anything.

That day, even if Long Qin didn't pass by and knew the background of fengzimo, Yi Pingchuan didn't dare to make a fool of fengzimo. Otherwise, with Lu yadaojun's and Yi Lingwu's short guard, he would not get any good results.

Today, standing in the challenge arena, we have indeed reached the same starting line. We are all in the realm of true God, so let's go! Even if it's dual attribute, it's not likely to beat him. Yi Pingchuan thinks that he has been in the realm of emptiness and divinity for many years. No matter his basic knowledge or combat experience, it's beyond fengzimo's reach.

Yi Pingchuan takes out his weapon from the ring of space. He has a long blue sword with a wide body and a charming streamer.

This is a good sword!

Under the operation of Yi Pingchuan's energy, the light of the sword is even stronger. The water energy breathed by the sword tip is that Yi Pingchuan has aroused the water energy between heaven and earth.

"After you!" Yi Pingchuan put forward a defensive posture and said to fengzimo.

"Ha ha, it's better for you to do it first. I'm afraid if I do it first, you won't have a chance to do it." Wind son Mo says with a smile.

"Arrogance Yi Pingchuan a little angry, clay figurine also has three points of anger, not to mention the wind son Mo so play Yu him. With a swing of his arm, Yi Pingchuan gathered more energy and stabbed fengzimo with one sword: "lend me a move, spin dragon sting!".

Fengzimo quietly watched Yi Pingchuan stab with a sword. He didn't know when he brought a boxer on his hands. It was ma Qirui's masterpiece.

Although he didn't use the cultivation of the true God of the wood system, for fengzimo now, Yi Pingchuan's movement was too slow.

The crowd under the stage watched Yi Pingchuan stab fengzimo with his sword, but the latter didn't seem to respond, and didn't even take out his weapon. The people on Yi Tianba's side are not only relaxed, but also disdain in their eyes. It's strange that they are so big that they won't be abandoned. Even the person of Yi Hao Xuan this side, a few timid female dependents all have some not to bear to cover eyes.

All they heard was a sound of "Ding ~". Before the long sword hit, fengzimo raised his left hand and grasped the tip of the sword. The sound was the sound of breaking the tip of the sword.

Yi Pingchuan was still there. He couldn't get his sword in or out. He was ashamed of himself.

Fengzimo broke Yi Pingchuan's sword with his left hand.

As soon as the sword was broken, Yi Pingchuan, who struggled to draw the sword, stumbled to fengzimo. The latter didn't keep his hand. Today, he came to Liwei to punch Yi Pingchuan's abdomen. Then, the right hand water and fire double ball to fly in the air Yi Pingchuan.

Bang, bang, Yi Pingchuan flies out of the crowd at a faster speed.

Fengzimo still keeps his hand. The power of this explosion is not too high, so Yi Pingchuan, who is flying in the air, is not seriously hurt, but his heart hurts. He thinks that fengzimo's foundation is not solid, that fengzimo's fighting experience is not rich, and that fengzimo is arrogant. As a result, he is properly beaten in the face. If someone moves first, he doesn't even have a chance to fight.

Where does Yi Pingchuan know what fengzimo has encountered and how much effort he has made? Where does he know how much pain fengzimo has endured nine times in the bottom of yanghun pool.

Fengzimo looked at the broken sword in his hand, threw it to the ground and muttered: "it's a pity! What a good sword

It's really a pity. If he hadn't seen the exquisite craftsmanship of the goblins, fengzimo would never have wanted to destroy this sword. He must have tried to grab it.

All the people under the stage who didn't know why were surprised to see the result of the accident. Those who covered their eyes didn't see anything, so it was over“ Come again Wind son Mo toward three elder called to wave a way, eyes is full of mockery.

The three elder angrily patted the armrest of the chair and coldly looked at Yi Tianba.

Yi Tianba didn't pay attention to the coldness of the three elders. He stood up and slowly stepped into the challenge arena step by step.

Calm looking at the wind son Mo, he is more than Yi Pingchuan's emotion. At the beginning, was it too clear? Why didn't you kill this disaster?

"Where have you got Hanchuan?" Yi Tianba stares at fengzimo's eyes and asks, why does Yi Hanchuan appear in the battlefield, and why doesn't he report to the Chinese army accounting officer? These things are not clear, he did not dare to speak out openly.

"I haven't seen him. Isn't he missing?" Wind son Mo will admit, let him do anxious to go.

"Well, don't you have the courage to admit it? My personal guards saw with their own eyes that your people took away Hanchuan who had been crushed and broken a leg! I don't want to fight for the commander of the Tianji army, as long as you change my son back. " Yi Tianba snorted coldly.

What's the point of fighting for the manager?

Sure enough, it can't stop everyone, thought fengzimo. However, he would not admit: "ha ha, general Wei Yong, we all know that your son ran away from home. We also know that you miss your son, but don't wrongly treat me. You said it was Yi Hanchuan, so why did he suddenly appear on the battlefield? Even if he went by himself, why didn't he go to the bailiff to report? We're all catching black skyscrapers. "

"Can my bodyguard be wrong? If you don't admit it, I'll call you to admit it. " Yi Tianba believed in the report he received.

"Well, then fight!" The wind son Mo says.

As a true God, Yi Tianba is already at the peak. In another 20 years, he will definitely break through to the realm of the LORD God.

Yi Tianba's weapon is a halberd, named Youlong.

It is said that you long Zhan Ji was Yi Tianba who killed a successful dragon at the peak of Xu Shen to kill him

It's made of dragon horn. It's not only extremely sharp, but also highly toxic. Once it's stabbed, it will be poisoned.

Yi Tianba waves the Dragon halberd and rushes to fengzimo.

In the eyes of the audience, they almost have no words. After Yi Tianba came to power, he looked at fengzimo and killed him.

Fengzimo didn't dare to support him this time. He took out the two handed sword of the goblin clan he had just borrowed from LongQin. He held the sword handle in his right hand and the sword body in his left hand. Anyway, he wore gloves and was not afraid of cutting.

Yi Tianba cuts, stabs, and pushes fengzimo step by step. The latter holds the sword in both hands, dodges or resists.

Both sides are testing, Yi Tianba wants to see how strong Feng Zimo is. Feng Zimo wants to see what moves Yi Tianba has, and how to make the other side lose more thoroughly.

After a few moves, fengzimo spins and swings his double handed epee. He splits to Yi Tianba like a big knife.

Sure enough, the latter used the halberd's main pole to block it, but he didn't expect that fengzimo was not only extremely powerful, but also had the inertia brought by the rapid rotation of his body. With one sword, the halberd was split into two parts.