Chapter 803: Fight The Cold

Name:Master of none Author:
Su was not shy when it came to how she wanted to train with them. She simply put herself in the position that would be most affected by the cold and frost; right in front of Midnight. Ar first, Walker wanted to warn her because he could see her shivering but when he realized she was copying him and trying to meditate he had a better feeling. Su was trying to understand why she was cold and the effects the elemental mana had on her body so that she could develop a mental resistance first. 

Every failed breath attack from Midnight sent flurries of snow and chilling air right on to Su. Each time Su would shudder with the cold that sapped away her heat and forced her joints to become stiff. Her armor was a good defense against the breath attack since it was technically a magical elemental attack, but the cold air was another thing. It was pushing through the cracks in her armor and hitting her real body. 

"Don't change the mana or increase the temperature!" Su felt that Walker had started t change the mana around her so that it would become warmer. If that happened then she would not achieve what she was setting out to do. However, Walker was starting to worry more and more since Su was turning slightly blue in the cold. Her pale face was the only thing That even showed she was still breathing since she would let out a soft misty breath around the ice herself. 

Before Walker could choose to argue with Su and try to convince her to be done since they had already been trying this for some time, Midnight took a much deeper breath that pulled in a lot more elemental mana than before. The water elemental mana rushed towards her as things clicked in to place for Midnight. Every piece was coming together and the water elemental mana condenseing. 

When Midnight stopped for just a second before breathing out, Walker felt that Su had already steeled herself more than before. He swore the water elemental mana was trembling around Su as well as Midnight. The bind they had was different than Walker's with Midnight. The bond that Su had was one that came from spending time and wanting to protect Midnight. 

The breath was released and Walker felt the difference. The mist and flurries were now a pure cold that spread through the area and caused the wind to shift. The ice crystals in her breath were fine and caused the ice in the area outside the forge to spread even more. 

When the breath hit Su, she became covered in frost and ice crystals which formed immediately. But this was not the part that shocked Walker. The part that caused Walker to jump up in wonder was when Su took her own deep breath. As she breathed out the ice crystals fell from her body. With each breath after there was a slow change in her appearance. 

Su became rosy cheeked again and her breath was not as weak as before. The frost was not sitting on her body and was even starting to melt off of her armor. Midnight breathed out a large breath of frosty ice again but this tike it moved around Su. It was as if it was afraid to touch her. 

There was a slight coughing sound from Midnight and the two of them focused on her. "I think it's time to stop for the day. If you keep forcing it you will hurt yourself. But I think you have already learned the essence of the skill."The space of ice all around them had started to expand without Walker's influence. It was the best result from the training they had done. 

"Leader, I have found a way to resist the ice. I have a cold resistance skill now and I can keep learning to temper my body with it." Su was not just looking to resist the cold physically. She had pushed her mind to the limit so that she would be able to hold out against the cold that forcefully ate away at someone. The cold was nothing to joke about. 

"I saw the frost rolling off of you. That last frost breath didn't even want to go near you." The observations seemed to fit with what Su had been imagining while training. There was one thing that he was wandering about, "I wonder why I am not getting a cold resistance skill? I have been here the whole time but I can't even say I feel too cold." 

"Huh? I thought you were using a skill. The ice and frost seem to bend around you as well. That is what I was imagining would happen when the frost came in contact with me." Su had seen the first around Walker move and flow around him.

"I wonder if this is because I have the ability to manipulate natural mana. I can feel the water mana pass by me but it feels like it is just there and not really interacting with me in the same way." This was another thing he would need t look in to. If the nature spirit resting in him caused the natural mana to always be close to him then he would better be able to use his nature mana manipulation. However, there was also the fact that the natural mana was not welcoming just one kid of mana to fuse with it. 

This fact alone was good because it was an unintentional protection to mana rich environments. If the snow fell when he was with the wandering blacksmith on the mountain he would be warmer than everyone else. It was a unique side effect of natural mana being around him and he was already planning to write it down in a journal all about natural mana. 



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