Chapter 105: Showing off

Name:Master of none Author:
"Hmpf guess you're fancy earth magic you were hiding can stand up to me at all." Remey tried to look extra tough but walker knew she had exhausted most of her mana already this morning and was down for the count.

"I can't lie your punches are no contest. I wasn't hiding it by the way I just got kind of distracted and didn't see anything. Plus even I didn't realize what it could do. I tried learning all the elements and I practiced until I passed out. When I woke up onyx had hatched and that was more important." Walker knew using onyx as the excuse was dirty but it was still true. He couldn't neglect a newborn creature let alone one that was part of his family.

"Well then, if you show me something else cool I won't punch you when I get my mana back." The teasing was evident in her tone but walker felt there was a real threat mixed in.

"Fine then, I want to test some thing anyways." He knew that ice was basically water but more solid, so in theory he could manipulate the snow just like the earth. "You know those arrows that made ice spikes on contact? Watch this." Walker then held out a hand focusing on the snow nearest to them. "Elemental manipulation, ice spikes!" His command and as mixed. A jagged spike shot from the snow faster than the earth had moved. Walker had aimed for the remaining earth wall fully piercing it. The sharp piece of ice that remained halfway through the wall spoke of terrifying injury. This attack could severely harm any monster without sufficient defenses.

"Oooo aaahhh you made ice congrats I'll ask you to chill my drinks at dinner." Walker couldn't help but glee at Remey who was giggling to herself while leaning against the earth wall he had made.

"Not enough for you? Fine let me mix a few elements." He wanted to do something a bit scary. Mumbling to himself "add some air....just a bit of water...mostly fire but not fire...hmmm would this! Got it!" He'd thought for a moment on what elements to mix to get his next elemental manipulation. "Let's say I mix the right amount of wind water and fire. The fire provides energy that forces the water to change but the wind forces the water to cool. This turmoil is a storm and storms give birth to...elemental manipulation, lightning bolt!"

A yellow bolt of light night flew from his hand where a small grey cloud had formed. The light from it was blinding and a strange burning smell filled the air. The bolt hit the nearest training dummy completely obliterating it. Straw and bits of wood flew everywhere. A second later "BOOOOOMMMM!!!!!" The sound produced echoed for a few moments causing major tuning in Remey and walkers ears.

walker stumbled slightly, he had not expected the sound to be so strong. He also hadn't realized it would consume fifteen mana. This was a dangerous spell to use. It wasn't necessarily troublesome to just manipulate the elements but due to his elemental fusion skill and the elemental manipulation he could fuse and create exceptional combinations. This also meant he needed to be much more careful, he couldn't imagine what would happen if he hit a person with lightning.

Walker turned to apologize to Remey but instead found her standing up smiling. She yelled at walker due to her temperature deafness "that was the best spell ever!!!!!" It figured that the most energetic of the party would be enticed by the flash and boom of the lightning. This may not have been the best thing to show off. He didn't have much time to worry about the impression he mad as the sound of footsteps took his focus.

A few moments passed and Gil came barreling around the counter for the mansion. Su was slightly behind him a worried expression in her face. "What in the holy heaven was that!" All Gil knew was they heard a loud boom as they respectively were heading outside to train. There was smoking debris all around the training ground. However knowing the sound as thunder they all looked up, had lightning struck the training dummy on a clear sky after yesterday's snow? Had someone tempted a god?

Remey was uncontrollable giggling unable to even speak while she grasped at her stomach. "Well as you can see Remey is getting her abdominal workout in and I just tested my elemental fusion and elemental manipulation skills. Fun facts I can mix elements and make lightning now..." walker slowly trailed off as he said the last but not wanting to cause even more drama.

"Leader how can you say that so normally, we did not even know you could manipulate the elements but now you can even make lightning?" Su had returned to her poker face but definitely had an air of curiosity about her.

"Well Since you guys know what I'm practicing, how about you tell me you plans. Maybe I can help." Gil seemed to already have a plan since he was holding three sets of older looking arrows.

"Long distance sniping. I have a skill naturally that enhances my vision and now with the new passive skill I can try to fire arrows from farther. I think starting from one end of the training field and spacing targets evenly to the far wall would be a start." Gils plan was to fire arrows at increasing distances until he found his maximum distance with decent accuracy. From there he would focus and push to go to the next farthest distance improving his accuracy with each shot until he was comfortable.

Nodding his head walker moved to the middle of the training field. "Elemental manipulation, multi ice walls." Channeling mana in to the snow he imagined ice turning in to circular walls. Ten walls appeared specs out in the training grounds. Looking back at Gil all walker could see was that his jaw had dropped. "You wanted targets like this right?"