Chapter 165: FIRE!

Name:Master of none Author:
The two had completely lost sight of the goals here, instead Su tried to feed the flame cat that had slowly been changing shape pieces of dried grass. The benefits of the fire were great, even sitting on the ice they were warm. The two had no care in the world, Walker had begun to shape the ears better so they looked as if they moved up and down. The paws began to develop rudimentary claws and a waving tale. Finding that the more Su fed it the more the flames would bristle out almost like fur.

Making the fire cat swipe at Su with its paw she blocked it with the back of her arm guard. Small black soot spots showed up but caused no damage to her or to her arm guards. "Leader, can you make it bigger? Maybe we can have a new pet!" Su was normally serious but when adding in something cute Walker often saw the facade fall apart. Not wanting to disappoint her he used a free hand to grab a handful of grass, Since the flames were something that came from burning grass he only needed mana to manipulate it and not create it. This in pair with the pieces of gear he had that helped him regenerate mana made him able to manipulate it for a fairly long time.

Not using even a fifth if his mana the growing fire cat had reached a foot tall. Su was even more entertained by this and began to play with it again, the cat's paws causing more soot marks on Su's armor.

' The skill flame doll has been taken from the puppeteer system. The skill has been automatically learned due to user experimentation.

Flame doll- 2mana cost

Creates a doll of flames in the desired shape by the user. The doll will be able to follow basic actions as instructed by the user. Attacks from the doll will deal fire elemental damage often causing burns to a target. When destroyed will cause a loud bang to disorient its assailant.'

The system showed Walker the skill he had just learned and without hesitation he used it. The cat he had made from the flames took a denser shape and no longer constantly drained his mana. Instead it walked over to the pile of grass consuming some itself.

"Oh! How'd you do that? It's different now, did you learn a skill?" Not letting the change escape her Su wanted answers. The fire doll was playfully rolling about acting just as a normal cat would, it had been directed by walker to do so.

Smiling at Su Walker explained, " that's the first skill I just learned, it's name is flame doll. I can make flames change in to any shape I want and issue them orders. I directed it to act like a cat, and even better when it breaks it makes a loud noise to disorient whatever destroyed it. Here watch, kitty cat take a swipe at Su, she needs to block some attacks." The flame doll stopped acting like a cat and instead rolled on to its feet, it's tail sweeping up more grass in to its body. The flames bristles around where a spine would be on a real cat just as it bounded forward. The flame doll cat swiped forward the soft playful swats long gone. Instead small bursts of flame came from its claws reminding Walker of Laurence's tiger Bengal.

Su raised her arms not holding her shield and she was forced to try and deflect the claws. The hits were not very heavy and did not cause her damage, However they were fast enough that she was forced to take every blow. Fair to say she was on her way to finishing her quest. Walker himself was deep in thought, nearly two hours of complete distraction had yielded one of the most interesting spells he had.

The flame doll did not need to be a cat, what if he made a dragon? A snake? A bear? There were so many possibilities, the only drawback was being able to provide its fire with enough fuel to burn. This fact was constantly reinforced by watching the cat flame doll use its tail to pull small pieces of grass in to it.

"Ugghhh I'll worry about the possibilities later i need two more fire spells! Little kitty cat please keep your flame burning and wait over here. I'm going to need your help forming some more spells." Walker intended to use the flame doll as a source of constant flames, it would feed itself so he could experiment with his manipulation freely. A bit disappointed for the sudden stop Su pouted a bit but soon found herself more excited at the potential to see two more new spells.

"Why don't you try doing what you did with that earth spike you made? Isn't that an earth spell?" Su like the others had just been assuming it was another spell Walker had learned, however it was not the case.

"Actually it's just me forcing two elements to work together with my elemental manipulation. I had hoped it would become some sort of spell after the fire flower but that doesn't seem to work. I have no idea on the requirements to make a skill to completely become learned." This was one thing Walker had partially been avoiding but now he could not avoid it. For the quest!

"That court magician that Gil was talking about has a few stories about her. One is that she can create giant fireballs the size of a meteor, why not try that?"

Walker left a quizzical look at Su, "you want me to make a meteor? Su you're usually very down to earth, you do know that would destroy like a lot." He definitely thought she had broken something in her head for wanting him to do something so dangerous for everyone around him.

"No not that, do it smaller like the size of a watermelon!' Her glare was enough to tell him he was overreacting.

"Well i guess i can try it, just watch and see what i can do." trying to play off his awkward overreaction he focused doubly on his next attempt.

Holding his hands above the flame doll he pulled a small amount of fire between them. He imagined the fire rotating in a small ball the speed slow but dense. Constantly pushing the thought of it condensing in to a seed from his mind was his main focus. He refused to end up in the same place he had before, he needed something new.

"Leader try making it in to a teardrop shape, if it spins like that it might get too small." The idea was fair, with the spinning he was creating an inward pull but if he forced it to pull out he would create a more aerodynamic shape. He would also cause the rotation trying to condense would lessen.

"Su get ready, I will let this fly, we will see what it does." Grabbing her shield Su took her stance ready to block whatever came at her. Walker raised his hands and willed the flame forwards. The teardrop moved at a fairly steady pace. Halfway to Su it started to fade, by the time it reached her nothing but a match flame brushed her shield.

"Tsk" Walker began to form another this time letting it condense just a bit more. The second one he released got even closer this time but still puttered out. "TSK" his annoyance grew and so did the rate of condensation, the side of the teardrop condensed to almost half. Releasing the third he felt much more mana drain from him than before. The smaller teardrop fireball shot much faster slamming in to Su's shield, a burst of flame slightly pushing Su back appeared upon contact.

' The skill Fire bolt has been taken from the fire mage system. The skill fire bolt has been learned through the user's experimentation with elemental manipulation.

Fire bolt- 3mana cost

Condensed flames form an aerodynamic shape shooting off at a target. Upon contact a small burst of flames causes knock back and burns.'

" Leader that must have worked, that attack had some good power." Lowering her shield Su had her answer, it was written all over Walker's face.

That was the second spell done and done but there was still one more to figure out. The flame doll had great use in providing fire to manipulate, it could also cause perfect distractions during battle. The fire bolt would cover his safer to use fire spell goal easily. It was fast and caused some knock back, that could really come in handy to throw off an opponent.

With attack and distraction taken care of Walker was thinking he should focus on some defense, the real question was how could he make fire protect him. The best part was he had their party's defender right in front of him, it was time to pick her brain.