Chapter 571: Pondering The Yellow Slimes

Name:Master of none Author:
The arty watched as the ice was melted away. Walker was prepared to use another set of firebolts when he noticed that the limes were also falling in to a puddle. The cores had been punctured by the ice. "Ice is the best bet to beat acidic slimes so far. Note taken." Gil had another of the water elemental arrows already notched and released it to put it back in to the quiver. 

"I thought fire would damage them more. But it seems that it only helps burn off some of their outer body." Walker was examining the damage the slime bodies were doing to the ground and Ice. "I think they have a unique sense for the earth elemental mana within the ores and that attracts them. They went after us as soon as there was more metal on us than in the steel worm skin." 

"That should mean they can be lured and defeated easily. If we get enough earth elemental mana together." Su was already deducing a plan to gather them and defeat every single yellow slime possible. 

"That will be tough. There is a lot of earth and a lot of earth elemental mana. Especially down in the city which is underground and full of different ores and metals. All being used by the dwarves, or mined, or traded." Walker could already tell that this would be a problem. There would need to be a better way to deal with them. 

The party was silent while they looked around for more slides that may show themselves. "At least give me something to store more of their bodies. If we can ever get a core too, that would be nice." Remey was still looking at the possible silver lining and trying to gather some more of the yellow slimes' body.

"Sure," Walker pulled out some of the larger vials and watched as Remey very carefully gathered the slime body. He moved toward the steel skinned worms' body and looked at what had happened to it in the fire and acid. All that was left were the tougher pieces of ore that had not been broken down by the slimes or the worm. Walker did his best to store them away for any possible use later but had some doubt that they could be valuable at all. 

"Something I have been thinking about, if the slimes are already underground and in the mines, what's to say they aren't in the main city yet?" Gil had hit on a tough subject. If the slimes were already within the city then it would be extremely dangerous for the dwarves. They would need to fight and escape their very own homes. 

"We should speed up then. But I have a feeling that they aren't that far gone yet. If they weren't I don't think that smoke over there would still be burning." Walker pointed out the cloud of black smoke in the distance. This was the smoke from the ever burning forges of the dwarves. 

The party started to travel again after Walker was sure that there were no embers left from the burned work body. He wanted to make sure that there would not be anything that could blow away in the wind and start a fire somewhere. It was the same principle of extinguishing the campfire they used for their camp at night. 

"If I can learn some other water spells maybe I can dilute the acid slimes' bodies and make them unable to hold together just leaving the core?" Walker had this idea while they were walking. He had only learned to make water in to ice more or less and not used it in the liquid form as often. 

"That would need a lot of water though, right? Where would you get enough in a battle?" Remey was sure that this was not some easy task that Walker could just perform like nothing. 

"That's the question. Leader could somehow control it to come with us. But I think he will need to use the flooded mines from the rainy season." Su knew that the rainy season was the biggest issue for the dwarves. There would always be a decrease in trade due to the rain naturally flooding caves. By the end of summer and the start of fall, the dwarves would go in to their busy season and mine more and more as the caves dried out. 

"Then it might be possible to deal with them in the lower parts of the city which is good since that is where the majority of the ores will be." Gil already saw the plan coming together. He had so,e of the failed prototype arrows just in case and some only made the ara slightly misty of foggy with the moisture in the air. He had thought them failures but jow they would have their uses. 

"If we dilute it and obtain the cores then we might be able to find someone with a unique system to make the acid slimes less dangerous. Maybe another slime breeder or something. I just want them to be used for alchemy." Remey was sure that these slimes could be a massive benefit in the world of alchemy. She had been thinking about this since she saw how fast they dissolved the steel skinned worm. 

"Alright, so we have some small personal goals like gathering yellow slime cores, meeting the golem builder, and looking for better ways to deal with the slimes. Add those to our main goal of helping the dwarves and getting them to join the Genesis alliance and we have a full schedule." Walker felt invigorated and picked up the pace. He liked having these solid goals to keep moving forward. He was also more confident now that they knew the slimes' weakness and could do more to them than just retreat. 



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