Chapter 634: Unique Questing

Name:Master of none Author:
Walker watched as the spirit flitted about a little here and there. "I can rest there! It's better! Faster mana! Comfortable!" The earth spirit was overjoyed to find such a comfortable place. Walker could only theorize that the runes carve on the shield were increasing the absorption of the earth elemental mana much more than it normally would with just the spirit dwelling within.

On top of this, the earth dwelling shield had been made using the skills and abilities of the earth elemental spirit. It was simple to say that this specific earth elemental spirit would have the easiest time to enter and dwell within the shield. And most likely the easiest time controlling the earth dwellings shield. 

The elder had finished looking and accepting the shield to focus on the spirit. When he moved to fully face the spirit and lower his head the spirit flinched slightly. "Please, I am sorry for trapping you. I did not know someone could truly speak to spirits and that you were so amazing. Thank you for helping me. Please do whatever you want." 

Walker was very proud to see that the elder of the dwarves was not hard headed and brutish. Instead, he was seeing the mistake for what it was and owning up to it. This was a very large step for them to come to terms with the elves and move forward. With this elder in charge, Walker could only see positive growth. 

Walker could tell that the earth elemental spirit understood, "I give! But you will help my friends when they wake up and make them homes like mine!" The spirit moved to the shield calling it a home. This instantly connected a few dots for Walker. 

"The spirit says this shield is its' home to it and that when the dormant spirits wake up that you should make them for them." Walker was thinking of something but having hard time putting it all together. 

"Of course I will do that. I can further my peoples' dreams and make up for the wrongs I have done to another sentient creature. I will prove that the dwarves are not spirit chaining monsters." The elder stood up and thumped his less damaged arm on his chest. "Ehm, I will also repair these arms so that I may do that better." 

'Race quest: Dwarves and Elves- completed

The dwarves and elves are two opposing races. They do not harbor hate but they do not work together. Due to the creation of a new alliance, they will be brought together and have the chance to become bonded. 


Find the true path of spirit forging


500exp multiplied to 5000 exp.

Due to exceptional heroic actions the user has gained 2 heroic points.

Unique True hero quest

Unique hero quests'

Walker was excited to soon find out about these unique quests but was amazed to see that the quest reward had been added to. He had been willing to put his life on the line so that no one else would be harmed in his semi forced experiment in spirit forging. This had earned him the extra heroic points to increase his level. It was a heroic action to take the risk upon himself but also a dangerous one that he would remember to think about more carefully next time. 

"Walker, I think you will want to hear this…" Gil was holding the bow he used regularly and looking at it in awe. Walker on the other hand was slightly lost. "I just received a quest to gather materials from the dwarven city and prepare to modify the bow...It will free the spirit and make it like that shield." 

Walker's face lit up in to a brilliant smile, He could barely contain his joy for Gil who he knew was feeling more and more strongly about this bow. "It doesn't list the materials needed but says that I need to find wind elemental materials that are within the city. I need to go…"

"Yes! Go, this is what that spirit needs and what you have wanted. I won't hold you back. If you need me I will be there." Walker didn't hesitate to push Gil away. This was the best turn of events and he could tell Gil had solidified his resolve once again. 

The elder was surprised and showing all his emotions out in the open. "I must prepare myself. My arms were too weak. I was complacent and did not improve my own body. How pathetic. I need orichalcum and sea stone. Ahh, I'm going to the treasury!" 

The elder jumped up and Midnight followed behind him since she was interested in seeing a treasury. Walker had the feeling that this was because she was thinking about the potential mana crystals there she could snack on with the elders' permission and started to follow. 

"Ah! Take that shield with you so the spirit can come. Actually, take that shield. It will be my gratitude for showing me the right path. Also, if there is anything you need crafter you can request it of me at any time." The elder had stopped realized that they would be leaving the shield and the spirit alone ad didn't want to continue his mistakes from the past. 

"Yes! Adventures! Show me the world!" The earth elemental spirit was getting just what it wanted. It had been trapped and now with freedom, would see the world as it desired. Walker was amazed that such an item would just be given to him. But inside the cabinet, the elder had taken the cake from there were many dormant elemental spirits. There was sure to be even more that wanted dwelling items like the earth elemental spirit from the elven city. 

"Thank you, I can promise that wherever you decide to go you will find adventure." Walker made this promise to the earth elemental spirit knowing that the world was once again open to it fully.


Just a heads up, a new privilege tier will open and begin to be filled at the start of the month. It may take a day or two to even out. 


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