Chapter 665: No Snacking!

Name:Master of none Author:
The rumbling in the stones below and the influx of the earth elemental mana came from the earth dwelling shield. Walker could only smile since he knew this must be the new skill the shield had been activated by the earth spirit. He knew what this meant but had no time for words. 

The stones and earth rose around all of them just before the massive fire ball made in pact with the earth fortress skill. The explosion and heat was felt through it and the outside layer of earth cracked and fell away leaving Su to shield the remainder of the flame. However, the earth fortress was powerful enough to disperse most of the flames and deflect them. 

"Walker! Now!" Su wasn't letting any of this distract her from their goal. He rushed out at full speed with the twin blitz swords ready. He was using the lightning sword play skill to increase his agility on top of the sword's boost and the multi boost skill. 

He wound up with a cross slash aimed toward the neck of the ancient ember skeleton. At the same time, Midnight unveiled herself from the shadow wrapping. She had silently been hiding out behind the ember skeleton waiting for Walker to coordinate an attack. She knew she wouldn't beat it in one slash unless Walker joined her. They all saw that the skeletons' amber infused bones were tougher than regular skeletons. 

Midnight's claws hit the skeletons' spine causing Walkers' cross slash to cut the skull off and Midnight to cut the legs off. As the three pieces fell to the ground they felt the fire elemental mana released from the skeleton. It had already been preparing another attack for them. 

"Mana!" The fire elemental spirit didn't let this fire elemental mana dissipate. It rushed in and began to draw the mana to it. Walker just watched as it seemed to dance in the air over them pulling the fire elemental mana in and slightly growing in size. It was astonishing to watch the spirit become more powerful in seconds. 

Eventually, Midnight and Walker were able to take their eyes from the spirit and look at each other, "Nice timing. I knew you were waiting for me." Walker wanted to pat her on the head but he saw that Midnight was about to grab the ancient ember skeletons' bones in her teeth and crunch down. "Hey! Wait, we need to save those. I have an idea for those." 

Walker started to pile up the bones realizing they were still ember like. He used his all around appraisal skill to check out what they could do since he wanted to see if he would be able to sue them for making a dwelling item for the fire spirit if it wanted one.

"If they are not as good materials as I think they are, you can have them all. If they are useful I am keeping them. I will give you something else." Walker knew if he didn't say he would give Midnight something he would end up angering her. He was a little too soft and wanted to spoil her even though it was all for a good reason. 

' Ember bones

The bones of an ancient ember skeleton. The bones have long absorbed fire elemental mana during life. After losing that life, the bones retained and even absorbed more fire elemental mana. This gives them an extremely high elemental affinity that causes them to remain warm and appear like coal in a fire. They are extremely weak to water elemental mana but can be used to create powerful fire resistant or fire elemental items.'

"They are great for fire elemental items. Sorry Midnight, but these will be for crafting. I will hand over some orc bones if you want them?" Walker saw Midnight shake her head. "I will toss in some elemental crystals when we get somewhere to rest." This pleased Midnight and she raised her head nodding. 

"That was amazing! I never thought that we would encounter such a powerful skeleton. The others were weaker than ants. But that one...just woooww." Zenith was scribbling notes faster than Walker thought possible. She had sketched the walls and even a drawing of the skeleton before Walker and Midnight teamed up to beat it. 

"I was worried you would use that skill to walk in the air and get caught by the fire ball. I am glad you and Midnight almost share one mind." Su was very glad to know that Walker and Midnight had perfectly teamed up to strike the ancient ember skeleton down in one fell swoop. 

The group watched as the earth spirit materialized from the earth dwelling shield, "I was strong! I put out the fire like nothing!" Walker shared what the spirit was saying and without any hesitation, Su responded. 

"Thank you very much. You were the key to an injury free victory. I was very surprised to see your skill with the shield." She wasn't lying in the least. She had not expected the fortress skill to be so dominant in the defensive skills. She had felt that she was perfectly protected in an instant. Any worries she had about the flames burning her washed away and she knew that there was nothing to worry about. The skill had even crumbled away to allow Walker to easily rush out an attack. 

The earth elemental spirit danced around her happy to receive the praise. Walker could only smile since he knew that Su was reading the system notification. 

"Unique Hero quest- Strong as a fortress- completed

The party leader has assisted the dwarf elder in spirit forging a proper earth dwelling shield. The elemental earth spirit involved is overjoyed to have a home and chance to travel the world. The earth spirit has a high respect for the party leader. Gain the same trust.


Gain the trust of the earth elemental spirit that calls the earth dwelling spirit home.


Elemental earth affinity'



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