After leaving Huangtu City, Ye Lin went all the way south.

He had spent a day, but he was still in the middle of the wasteland.

The territory of xiaotianjie is larger than that of the earth, which makes Ye Lin feel like he is in the fairyland again.

However, the real fairyland was infinitely larger than the small heaven, but he did not dare to underestimate the practitioners of this world,

Because he knew that this little heaven, which was many times smaller than the fairyland, also had the peak power of fairyland.

For example, four fierce beasts.

The power of the four ferocious beasts is extremely terrifying. Ye Lin only feels that in the fairyland.

But here are the strong ones who can seal the four fierce beasts. This is the most important thing.

It shows that the cultivation system here is close to the fairyland.

"It's really desolate. There's no signpost to distinguish."

Ye Lin looks at the boundless wilderness ahead and shakes his head helplessly.

It's really thanks to the four fierce beasts that I was sent to this place.

"According to the memory of Shahe, we can walk out of this wasteland in three days."

Ye Lin flies up. If he wants to find Prynne Jun, he has to go out of this place before he can find out where binglingzong is.

Two more days passed.

The desolation is not so serious. With a lot of trees, Ye Lin feels that he is already at the boundary of the wasteland.


All of a sudden, the roar of monsters and the scream of human warriors rang out in a rocky forest.

"Everyone, gather around and don't be entangled by these sand snakes, or we won't be able to leave here!"

Cried a human warrior.

"Ha ha ha, human beings, this is the territory of our sand snake clan. It's very brave of you to break into here."

A warrior of the sand snake clan looks at the surrounded human warrior with a sneer.

Tear... Tear

Three sand snakes form a circle and trap several warriors together. It seems that their clothes are from the same force.

They wear not only ancient clothes, but also modern clothes.

Ye Lin went to see a scene here.

"Tut Tut, it seems that the development of xiaotianjie is good. I thought all the people in it were ancient people?"

From Bingchen's mouth, we know that xiaotianjie has developed since it was connected with the secular world, including express delivery, mobile phone and Internet.

Of course, it's not to say that all of them are popular, it's just that some people in xiaotianjie use it.

You know, some martial arts means are better than modern things.

"Human beings, if you intrude into the territory of the sand snake clan, you will die."

The warrior of the sand snake clan is a three meter tall sand snake.

Those human warriors were trapped by three sand snakes, and their sight was covered by dust, so they could not see the crisis.

The warlords of the sand snake family spit out yellow sand, which is wrapped with powerful aura.

"Bang bang."

The spitting sand exploded, and the human warriors were injured and fell to the ground.

"This is the consequence of offending our sand snake clan!" The three meter high sand snake rushed towards the human warriors.

Those people were desperate and didn't expect to die here.


A cold light suddenly fell from the sky, straight through the head of the three meter sand snake, killed on the spot.

The sudden scene surprised those people, what happened.

"Well, did you come from outside the wasteland?" Ye Lin's figure appeared in front of those people.

Those people watched Ye Lin warily and said, "are you human?"

They are extremely careful to kill the sand snake.

Ye Lin nods.

"I'm going out of this wasteland. I've saved your lives. Show me the way."

Since these people are from outside, they may know the shortcut and speed up the time to go out.

One of the older men came forward and said, "I'm sorry, we broke up with the family team and entered the territory of the sand snake clan by mistake. Now we have to make peace with the family."

Ye Lin frowned and said, "forget it."

"Wait a minute, sir." The man stopped Ye Lin.

"What's the matter?"

"Sir, I think you are outstanding. My family is short of experts like you in the team this time. Why don't you come and help us? Our leader will give you a good reward. Of course, he will take you out."

Ye Lin thought about it and said, "yes."

Those people are very excited to see Ye Lin agree. With Ye Lin's protection, there is no danger along the way.

When he saw a road sign, Ye Lin was in the same place.

The sign says, "welcome to the wasteland.".

"I'll go. There are road signs here!" Ye Lin was surprised.

"Hahaha, sir, this is set up by the dragon group."

Ye Lin ha ha a few, it seems that the small heaven really into a lot of secular elements ah.