V2.Chapter 32

"You told me not to believe the people in Wangdian, but you hid the biggest secret from me ~ ~ ~" I narrowed my eyes and looked at him.

Jiangyan xuechanghao calmly ate his ice cream: "what? What secrets can I have? "

I bit the ice cream spoon and squinted at him: "don't you really want to tell me? For example Your relationship with the palace. "

He was stunned, raised his face, half biting the ice cream spoon like a sudden realization: "Oh ~ ~ ~ that's what you said, eh, yes, I used to be from the palace of kings." He turned and looked at me. His eyes were so broad that his Ruby eyes were even clearer. He directly admitted that I didn't know how to answer the words, and I was just dumbfounded.

"Well, then why did you leave the palace?"

There was an imperceptible obscurity in his red eyes, but soon it was covered up by his casual and casual eyes. He shrugged: "I accidentally killed the person who signed the blood contract with me, so I was expelled. " He raised his lips with a smile, "hoo, after the expulsion, I realized that I could live so freely." He smiles and continues to turn and lean against the window frame to eat ice cream.

I stare at his careless side face, does he really don't care? What he said, what he said How could he speak so lightly when he accidentally killed his blood deed partner? What is carelessness? He said he killed his blood contract partner, but I was not afraid when I listened to him. On the contrary, his tone sounded so sad?

I also turned around and leaned back on the window frame of the corridor bridge like him, inserted the spoon into his ice cream bucket, and began to eat ice cream with him, because I didn't want to ask about his past any more, and I was worried that my curiosity would uncover the scar of Mr. Yan.

I believe in my feeling that Mr. Jiang Yan will not kill his companions carelessly. Maybe it's really wrong, but it must not be what he wants, because he has been protecting us so hard. I suddenly understand why he has been protecting us like this, and his initial "greed for life and fear of death". He really doesn't want everyone in the abandoned firewood house A companion is injured in battle, or dies like his companion

The world became quiet again. I leaned against the corridor bridge with Mr. Jiang Yan and ate ice cream together in the gentle wind and warm sun. Now, it should be nearly December. All of a sudden, I really want to fight, because that's the only time when I came back to the world and was closest to my home.

But just when I was ready for the battle, dark Yang let me read a book!

Those books are floating beside me now, so boring.

There are still those quiet figures in the corridor bridge, and I, just standing in front of the portrait of the woman named Ren Ying, look into her eyes, and I feel very familiar and at ease, just like looking at The eyes of the family.

Suddenly, I remembered that I took the pendant from my neck. Although my father said that no one could see it, I wanted to know what it was. In the immortal Kingdom, the only one who could know the treasure was Mr. Jiang Yan.

"I'm going to be a senior."


"Can you help me see what this is?" When he subconsciously looked at me, I raised my hand and let go of my palm. Immediately, the pendant fell out of my palm and hung in the sun. Immediately, the sun was shining, and the crystal was flowing in the pendant like a liquid, as if it contained a deeper universe. I found that the eyes of Mr. Yan were completely frozen.

He gaped at the shimmering pendant, and his red eyes kept flashing. I felt that he recognized it. At least, he had narrowed the scope.

I immediately asked, "what is it?"

He suddenly recovered, but turned his face and hid the moment's confusion: "I don't know, but don't show anyone again. It's a treasure, yes, it's very old!" He immediately turned around, heavily clasped my shoulder, solemnly looked at me, "put it back quickly, it can protect your safety!"

"What on earth is that?" I asked urgently, because this necklace was left by my mother! It's my only clue to the truth!

"Shh Jiang Yan suddenly asked me not to make a sound. I was stunned. He put down the ice cream on the windowsill in a hurry, then quickly took my necklace, put his hands around my neck and put it back on me. I was close to his chest, and I could smell the faint fragrance of sandalwood on him.

As he drew back his hand, I heard footsteps coming from behind.

I suddenly understood why Mr. Jiang Yan told me not to speak. I quickly hid the pendant back. When I turned around to look at it, the other side also stopped. At that moment, we fell into a confrontation with them.

The people standing in front of us are xuanyuanchen and the God of light.

At the moment when the God of light saw Jiang Yan, his red eyes lit up a fire like a battle. It was a strong reaction to competitors, just like the lion king suddenly saw a lion in his own territory, which was equal to his strength. The sense of hegemony of defending his territory immediately rose from the God of light.

Compared with the God of light, xuanyuanchen seems very ordinary. He is just a little surprised to see me and Jiang Yan together, but the faint surprise soon disappears in his mirror light.He looked at me, and then at Jiang Yan, who picked up the ice cream bucket and turned to leave: "let's go, Xiao Lan."

"Now that you've started, when will you be back?" Xuanyuanchen suddenly said, the light God immediately surprised to see xuanyuanchen, I also have some surprise, from xuanyuanchen see will Yan's eyes obviously, but see they know! But the God of light obviously did not know that Jiang Yan was once a member of the royal palace.

"Oh." Will Yan smile and shake his head, turn back with ice cream spoon to see xuanyuanchen, "don't you have a blood clan around you?"

The God of light's murderous eyes looked at Jiang Yan again. His murderous spirit was not as simple as guarding his first position in the blood clan, as if There's also some anger. Strange. What's he angry about?

"Are you jealous?" Xuanyuanchen raised his chin slightly, his hands around his chest, and the lens was shining in the sun. I adored my godfather in my heart. No matter how fierce the boy was, he always felt defeated in front of him.

Will Yan suddenly stroked the forehead again, a face of distress: "Oh, I'm so handsome, even men are so obsessed with me."

"Poof!" I hastened to cover my mouth and glared at me with Yan's hand.

"Jiang Yan, it's a long time since things happened. It's time for you to stand up again like a man!" Xuanyuanchen's voice is heavy, and has brought out the dignity of an adult man.

"I'm a man ~ ~ I'm a man from top to bottom. What do you think I'm a woman? Do you want me to take it off and show you? "

Xuanyuanchen twisted his eyebrows and suddenly looked at the light God: "I know what you want to do. Go ahead and don't destroy public property."

The flame in the red eyes of the light God jumped for a while, slightly bent down, and his arm gracefully swung over his chest: "President Xie." Then, he stood up, raised his chin and looked at Jiang Yan: "since you are also a blood clan, you should know the rule that there can only be one king of blood clan in the immortal kingdom. Your appearance today is a challenge to my throne! Especially In his eyes, anger rose, looked at me, "robbed my prey!"

I trembled in his extremely possessive eyes, swallowed my saliva, stepped back to Mr. Jiang Yan, next to his arm.

He also slowly stretched out his hand, embracing my back, as if to let me not be afraid.

I also know that the God of light wanted to bite me from the first time he saw me, and I also know the reason why he wanted to bite me, because I became the only human in the immortal realm, even the human mages like Heimei, whose blood was no longer pure because of their magic power.

As a stiff God blood clan, they are not allowed to hunt in the human world, because they are gods, so they have to abide by the law of the Protoss. Now I am a member of the immortal kingdom. As Mr. Jiang Yan said, if I don't suppress my blood, I will become the target of all the blood clans in the immortal Kingdom, just like putting a piece of braised meat in front of a group of wolves.

The brow of Yan Xuechang, began to knot again, the appearance of a pair of headache.

Xuanyuanchen came out of the light God and walked towards me. I retreated slightly to Mr. Yan. Xuanyuanchen stopped in front of me. The light flashed through his glasses, and he directly reached for my neck. When his fingertips just touched my neck hair, he had already been detained by Mr. Yan. He looked at him, picked Mr. Yan's eyebrows, and drooped his eyelids: "this girl is now a girl There are a lot of men in the guard, she wrote Will Yan Xuechang open xuanyuanchen, from the top down to point to, "idle, people, don't touch."

Idle people Don't touch me???

I stare at Mr. Jiang Yan, who is just like a fool. He winks at me, and then looks at xuanyuanchen. Xuanyuanchen looks at him. The lens flashes a cold light, and his hands ring his chest again: "how, she is really your blood master now?"

"No I and will be the same voice, will be a Yan Zheng, look at me at xuanyuanchen, "just an accident."

"Accident?" The light God laughingly looks at will Yan, "as I am also a blood clan, I doubt deeply, don't talk nonsense, come on." The light God opened his arms and slowly lifted up.

Xuanyuanchen looked at me and said in the tone of command: "go, this is the battle of their blood men."

I looked at Mr. Jiang Yan, who sighed and told me to "roll" away. Then I followed my godfather.

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