V3.Chapter 9

"So I said let Huo Jianhua fall in love with me." I said dejectedly.

"Poof!" It's spraying.

"Xiao Lan, what are you talking about?" Moming stands up and Maomao immediately pulls him to sit down. "Brother ~ ~ ~ is normal. Girls want to be loved by a handsome boy ~ ~"

"am I not handsome enough?" Moming felt his face like the end of the world.

Maomao gave him a blank look, as if he didn't want to talk to him at all. He looked at me: "sister Xiaolan Why don't you choose a young one? Isn't that silly roe deer popular among you recently

I covered my face: "my uncle controls..."

"I see." Mo Ming is talking to himself again.

"And then And... " Xiao Nuo asked, holding the white snake.

"No," I sighed

"Why is that not allowed?" Maomao was puzzled. I was surprised to see her: "eh? Is that ok? "

Maomao looked at Jiang Yan: "is that ok?"

"Of course not ~ ~" spread Yan lazily on the sofa, "love is so precious, even the true God may not get it, and If love is obtained in this way, are you happy? "

Looking at me lazily, I blinked: "I'm very happy."

"Cough! Cough... " Cover your chest and don't want to see me cough heavily.

I have a bad smile for a while, see everyone: "that wish card in the end can change what?"

"Equipment Maomao said angrily and began to beat me with her small fist, "sister Xiaolan, you are so stupid! Stupid! How stupid

I'll go! I'm going to cry and faint in the toilet.

But you don't have to say it three times!

"Money Qingming comes to mend the sword again.

Poof - my heart hurts.

"Capping One hundred thousand... "

Poof! Poof! Poof!

I'm going to the bathroom.

I staggered up and climbed to the toilet. Behind me was the voice of Mr. Jiang Yan, who seemed to be trying to suppress a smile: "stop talking. She's going to the toilet to cry."

The stupidest person in the world is Xia Xiaolan. I really have a brain!

"Bang, bang, bang!" Someone knocked on the door again, "is Xia Xiaolan there?" Someone called.

"Stop yelling!" I raised my hand, "I've been crying in the toilet!"

Woo -

"poof! Hahaha -- "these scum are still laughing there. It's so irritating!

"Your insurance gift bag has arrived. Please come and sign for it."

"Gift bag!" I got up from the bathroom and rushed to the door. When I opened the door, I found that it was the turtle express boy again.

There was a beautiful box on his back, which finally smoothed my heart of crying. I picked up the box, the box is very light, shaking, there is no sound, do not know what it is.

"What is it, what is it?" Maomao can't wait to see it.

I took the box back to the room and put it in front of everyone. Everyone looked at it curiously. I opened the bow, which was as nervous as opening a beautiful woman's clothes.

All of a sudden, the light flashed out from the inside, and the figure of the beautiful rabbit sister appeared. She looked at me with a smile: "Hello, Xia Xiaolan, your insurance policy has been accepted and reviewed. This is your big gift bag. Your outstanding performance in the credit competition makes our company feel particularly proud of serving you, so we added the gift of the gift bag. This time, the gift of the gift bag is "yes." Rabbit beauty sister stretched out her right hand, "ten thousand immortal domain coin."

"Cen!" At that time, my mobile phone rang, which is my favorite! favourite! favourite! The voice of my pocket, I immediately took out a mobile phone to see, really ten thousand immortal domain currency to the account!

"Xianyu's latest Qiankun bag."

An antique cloth bag came out of the box. Before I took it, Maomao took it down and looked at it excitedly: "it's the latest! Sister Xiaolan! Do you know what this bag can do? "

"For what?" I asked.

"It's space!" Maomao said excitedly, "this latest model can put 150 million things in it!"

"What I'm also excited. Ouch, I'm going. My dream space finally comes!

Maomao put the bag in front of me, spread Yan Xuechang on the sofa, raised his lips and looked at me with a smile. In his gentle eyes, there was still a child like doting.

Mo Ming is also happy for me.

I can't put it down with my bag. I turn left and right to see that there are patterns of Flowing Clouds and cedars on the surface of the bag. Beside the cedars, there is my favorite old-fashioned beautiful man. The beautiful man uses a few strokes to draw. He has a white dress and ink hair on his head and feet. Even if I can't see his front, I can feel that he must be out of the city. What's the name of this? It's called temperament!

I immediately carried my bag on my back. It matched perfectly with my school uniform. I threw all my things in, and didn't feel the weight added at all. Reach in again and get what you want! Great!

I want to give Xianyu insurance company 100 likes!In addition to the obvious Xianyu insurance logo on the bag, it doesn't affect the fact that people give me such a treasure. What's wrong with me advertising for them? I, Xia Xiaolan, am so shameless!

Take people's things and act for them!

Everyone is happy for me when they see my excitement.

Da Qing, who seldom smiles, also has a smile on her face. Xiao Nuo raises her mouth slightly behind Xiao Bai: "xuanyuanchen It's generous... "

"What? What is xuanyuanchen I look at him in doubt. Maomao and Daqing look at him in doubt. They only smile back at Yan and Moming, and they continue to be lazy. Moming's face becomes a little uncomfortable.

"The last one..." Rabbit beauty sister began to talk again, "it's another part of rose armor..."

Immediately, everyone became quiet, and I looked at her in surprise: "what did you say? Another part of rose armor? "

"Yes." Rabbit ear beauty sister nodded with a smile, "Rose war armor has a helmet."

Nani ~~~~~~~

"but with the change of times and the change of owners, the style of helmet has changed a lot. It has become a headscarf, a face scarf, and finally, a pair of glasses." A pair of rose gold glasses slowly emerged from the box.

Eyes, glasses!

In my brain in an instant once crossed Xuan Yuan Chen this glasses control! Do you?

No wonder the clothes of rose war armour are thrown away. The part above should not be collected by xuanyuanchen!

"Now, this pair of glasses is given to you as a last special reward. I hope you can do well in the future." "Rabbit ear sister smile," also, there are requirements to use big gift bags. In the future, you must wear them every time you live, and make sure that our company logo is displayed in front of the camera. "

Sure enough!

"No problem!" I readily agreed.

"Well, I wish you a happy life in Xianyu." Rabbit ear beauty sister disappeared, glasses floating in front of me, I took the glasses slowly on the face, hey, together! I'm not afraid of fosso touching my head any more!

"Sister Xiaolan, how do you feel when you put it on?" Maomao came to me curiously. Immediately, all the information of Maomao appeared on my lens: "lying trough! Hi Tech! Can it be turned into contact lenses? " As soon as I finished my words, the spectacle frame disappeared. I blinked. It turned into contact lens! and! There is no strange feeling, unlike Dai Meitong, there will be feeling, it is really no feeling!

"Wow!" Maomao also touched my glasses in surprise, "great!"

I said with a smile: "I'll try to find Fu Su!"

"Poof It's spraying.

"Jiang Yan! It's going to be fun! It's going to go down! " All of a sudden, outside the door came the girl's cry like a tsunami. He was so stiff that everyone looked out the door curiously.

Maomao and I walked towards the door step by step. What's the situation?

Mo Ming came to me immediately, as if he was afraid that I would be taken away by me.

Slowly, we opened the door, and suddenly, the shouts came in!

"Jiangyan, we love you -"

I'll go! When will Yan popularity so high!

There were girls standing outside, holding fluorescent cards and banners. Everyone was carrying Blood bag!

Oh, my marisu! How direct they are to express their love for zombies!

In other people's Korean dramas, it's a bento for Mei Mei. In Japanese dramas, it's also a bento for Mei Mei. In China, girls can't make Bento, and they can make soup anyway! Here, it's throwing blood bags directly!

Look! The label on the blood bag hasn't been torn! It must have been on purpose! Because there's a price on the label!

"Ah --" when they saw us open the door, they rushed in one after another.

I'll go!

Maomao and I went straight away, afraid of being trampled into a meat cake!

At the same time, Mo Ming is also in a hurry to get out of the way. Da Qing and Xiao Nuo jump up and run directly from the sofa, but they still sit on the sofa calmly.

After the girls swarmed into the abandoned firewood house, they were quiet instead. They shyly looked at a pair of elder generals who were waiting to be nursed on the sofa.

"General, general, this is your blood bag! I hope you can drink mine first

"Drink mine first!"

"Mine, mine!"

The girls are fighting!

At this time, Mr. Yan slowly sat up, immediately, all the girls did not quarrel, Mr. Yan slowly, raised his face, and then! That 45 degree elevation girl's killing skill has appeared again!

When I saw him like that, my heart began to get angry! It must be for those blood bags!

Sure enough, he raised a charming, vampire smile at the girls: "your blood, I will drink, because you are using your love to extend my life."

At that time, Maomao and I shook together. I looked at Maomao and Moming: "let's go. There's no business for us. I'm afraid I'll vomit if we stay.""Not bad!" For the first time, Mo Ming agreed with my suggestion without hesitation.

Maomao and moming and I walked behind all the girls. I understood that it was live broadcast. When we first saw the oxygen boy, we didn't know it was Jiang Yan. However, in the live broadcast, Jiang Yan was changed to let you see it!

No wonder!

I stare at Jiang Yan coldly and start to collect blood bags one by one. He also glances at me. I make a gesture of disdain for him, but he gives me a wink, which makes me chicken skin again. Forget it, I'm also shameless to recognize xuanyuanchen as godfather for my life, and it's normal for him to sell his hue for food.

It can only be said that the two of us are of the same kind, the same kind, and none! Shame!

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