V6.Chapter 3

Is this the reason why Fu Su's desire to talk stops? Who am I?

Apart from my immature love with him and his casual level, I know that he is a person who takes the overall situation into consideration. On this point, he is the same as xuanyuanchen. But, he is another kind of God reserve, more arbitrary than xuanyuanchen, more casual, perhaps because he was not the president at that time.

The position of president is well-known in everyone's heart in the immortal realm, which is basically the same as the prince of mortals. There is no big accident. The throne is his.

Now that you've got this position, who wants to put it down? Therefore, xuanyuanchen is very careful in everything he does. He must be the first to know the six realms. Therefore, he will say that there can't be secrets he doesn't know in the immortal realm, because this is the divine realm and the immortal realm. A tiny secret may have a great chain effect.

At that time, Fu Su was not in that position, so he could make it public. I think he was naive. Now I think I was naive too. On impulse, I jumped down like that.

Now, after calming down for a long time, and passing through his revenge, I sit down and think about it. I'm a scum, too! Originally, it was very good for Fu Su to pretend that he didn't like me. You can still be like before. I'm too impulsive. I believe Fu Su's words in the next ten years and go after him. Am I not an idiot?

What will VOSO experience in the next decade? With the destruction of the six realms, xuanyue became king. Xuanyue took charge of the life and death power of the Protoss. He threatened the lives of his clan and his parents, and let Fusu marry her. This shows that Fusu has gone through a difficult, even subversive psychological process!

For the safety of his people and his parents, he and xuanyuanchen learned to endure and even compromise humiliatingly. He learned to tolerate and accommodate. Although he was forced, unwilling and even rebellious, he still endured.

But what about the current vossus?

Either you don't disobey me, or you don't disobey me!

He's not accommodating and tolerant at all. I didn't ask him to accommodate me in everything. That's my work, but he can't let me accommodate him in everything. He can't disobey him at all! Because I let Feng lingcan go, I was so angry that I dumped me just to make my heart happy.

As a result, TM wants to get back together with me!

What a work!

Is also my Xia Xiaolan love experience insufficiency, the social experience insufficiency, the man! Lack of experience!

Forget it, when the enemy is at hand, my palace puts aside the personal grudge with him and decides to help him once. In fact

I look at the pool, I want to find Lian, in the test of the king's palace, Lian, left his hand, I owe him a favor, I do not want so beautiful demon world to be painted charcoal, become such scorched earth, my heart will be very sad, very painful.

If I say it's for Lian, then fusunaya will not.

Yes! Find Lian, find Houying, never let the world destroy again! So everyone is very tired!

I made a decision and went to the king's palace again. Before I knew it, sister Baiying had left. I suddenly had another additional decision. I found Lian and told him that sister Baiying missed him. I don't know why. I hope Lian knows that not everyone is his enemy in the king's palace.

I looked up and found that the balcony from the garden to the office of President Fusu was closer. Don't forget, I had wiped all the windows of the palace several times.

I stood under the window of the president's office, and the lawn began to rise again. When I got to the window of Fusu, he was leaning on the sofa with one hand and his face in a trance.

After he became president, it was really different. From time to time, in his eyes, he would flow out the same deep and heavy thoughts as xuanyuanchen.

"Dong Dong Dong." I knocked on the window.

When he was stunned, his eyes immediately showed a trace of irritability, and he shot directly at me. But when he found out that it was me, he seemed to raise his eyebrows with some pride, and his eyes showed charm and arrogance: "do you miss me so soon? I am the president now. If you are obedient, I can consider allowing you to come back to me. "

I stood in front of the window, calmly looking at him: "I came back to talk to you about a condition."

"Hiss." He opened his face in a funny way, and gently rubbed his red lips with his hand slightly attached to his chin. "Don't challenge my patience ~ ~ ~ what qualifications do you have to negotiate with me?"

"I'll go to the demon world." Let me just say it.

"No!" He turned abruptly, his eyes fixed on me.

I looked at him firmly: "you have no other choice! You know it

He squinted, "Shua!" For a moment, it was like a half lying posture suddenly moved in front of me, and the human wind directly blew up my long hair. He was so fast that I almost had no time to make any reaction. Even his eyes were still looking at the sofa he was lying on, but he had already come to me, raised his hand and "banged on the window frame on my side, and then stared at me with the kind of eyes that could not disobey him Me: "I'm not sure, I'm not sure!"

I slightly twisted my eyebrows and thought, "I'm human, I'm heaven..."

"Don't say it!" He was drinking hard.

I looked at him in amazement.But he looked down at me seriously, which made me stand in front of the window.

Suddenly, he held out his hand and clasped my chin, and pulled me directly to him. He looked down at me with more irritated eyes: "don't be good at making opinions, dare to disobey my orders again, and I'll drive you out of the immortal Kingdom at once!"

I stare at him, he looked at me, eyes suddenly fiery up, down face toward the lips, I was so surprised that my eyes widened, there was no time to cover his mouth.

Suddenly, he stopped in front of my lips, that bright red, always with a scornful sneer of the lips so stopped at the top of my lips, and then close a minute can squeeze away the thin air between us.

"Xia Xiaolan, you will know who is really good to you!" His overbearing tone is like that of Fusu before, but not like that. His look is more mature than before.

I don't know what's going on. Maybe it's because he became the president that he had to look at problems like xuanyuanchen and can't act arbitrarily any more. I don't think he can let go of the position of Lord God, because he once said that if he wants to be the LORD God, and with his character, he must get what he wants!

I reached out and tried to push his hand away A sound, but was firmly held by him, so that I can not escape his control, he is such a domineering, but also strong rebellious little God.

The next moment, I can only use the old way to escape from his control, what else, of course Stab him.

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