V10.Chapter 11

It's still so beautiful, beautiful and quiet. The quiet water is isolated from any sound, so you can see the special aestheticism of water and silence.

He jumped into the sky, then turned over and down, fish tail flashing in the sun, he jumped into the water, in the water drew a white ripple, bubbles like naughty elves follow behind him, his purple fish tail swaying in the beam, let his figure become blurred and dreamy.

The edge of the giant water polo was right in front of my eyes. It swayed gently in the wind. I also took off my shoes and stockings and slowly stretched out my feet. My feet were as white as jade because of the evolution of divine power. In the sun, it also brought out a point of transparency. My toes slowly located on the swaying water surface. Immediately, there were layers of ripples, which swung in all directions. In circles of ripples, Lian swam towards me Came over, "Hua La" a, the body leaned out of the water, as if standing in front of me.

"Come on." He held out his hand to me, and the water on his hand was shining like crystal in the sun.

I was stunned and shook my head: "no, no, I haven't learned how to breathe underwater."

He a Leng, charming smile: "I teach you."

I look at him, and then look at the attractive water floating in the air behind him. The cool and comfortable feeling is particularly attractive and confused in the sun.

"Afraid I'll eat you?" He laughed, "don't worry, I ate you once and vomited, you can It's awful. " He winked at me and his lips were in full swing.

I was stunned and couldn't help laughing. Hahaha, that time, he ate me, but he almost vomited to death. We really don't know each other.

"I don't think you dare eat me any more." He and I smile at each other in the wave light of Lingling.

I stretched out my hand to him. His wet hand held my hand. It was cold and slippery. He looked at my body and said, "are you like this?"

I look at myself, a Leng, ah, I did not change clothes.

"Wait for me." I pulled back my hand from his hand and was about to take off the heaven and earth bag when my mobile phone rang. I felt guilty for a moment. I went. I felt guilty. What?

But my heart is really empty

"Who?" Lian asked.

Holding my cell phone, I didn't dare to look: "I guess It's my godfather... "

"Xuanyuanchen?" On the contrary, Lian was full of fun. "Does he know you're here?"

I shook my head and sweated: "that's why I'm afraid..." If Godfather knew that he was so jealous, he would be angry!

"Then don't take it."

"No! He will

"Turn on forced answer now..." I haven't finished. I've been forced to answer, orz Sure enough

The picture suddenly flashed, xuanyuanchen high cold figure has stood in front of me, a white coat like a windbreaker, shining on the crystal glasses.

"Why not take it!" He stares at me, full of irritability, suddenly, his eyes flash, began to scan around me, immediately eyes squint: "Yangong!"

I immediately pointed to him: "ah! Godfather, you know Yangong I immediately sink face, "so, you also came! Sure enough, you boys are all lusters! "

At that time, xuanyuanchen froze. Xuanyuanchen was frozen! For the first time, he showed a stiff expression. His eyes twinkled. He held his glasses and covered his embarrassed look with his hand: "Why are you here?" He asked coldly, in an awkward tone.

"Er..." It's so complicated. How can I explain it.

"Wash your eyes here ~" all of a sudden, Lian came out of the water, and my wet hand put on my shoulder. Immediately, the cold light of my godfather's lens flashed. It's over. It's killing!

Suddenly, I just felt a murderous air passing behind me. Lian's arm disappeared on my shoulder. When I turned to look, I was lying in the trough! My godfather is here!

Xuanyuanchen pulls Lian's arm. Lian's red, naked and wet body sticks to xuanyuanchen's body because xuanyuanchen tugs it hard. In my mind, ten thousand grass mud horses gallop by, and they are wearing the "dirty" flag!

"You dare to seduce Xiaolan, I castrate you!" Cool evil overbearing voice from my godfather mouth out, he coldly scornful half droop eyes looking at Lian.

Er My godfather didn't change his lines. He said the same to Jie last time. Is he going to castrate all the men who are close to me? Then I can build a eunuch "harem"

Lian pulled up the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "Chen Xiaolan likes us very much together ~"

xuanyuanchen's expression froze again, and immediately released Lian. Lian put one hand on her waist, brushed her wet purple hair, and raised an eyebrow to xuanyuanchen: "do you want to have a swim?"

Xuan Yuan Chen looks at the water on the side, slightly wrinkling eyebrows, seems to have a lot of things to deal with.

"Godfather! Have a swim I held my fists and said excitedly. His eyebrows trembled and he glanced at me: "I see." Then he took off his glasses and threw them at me. I caught them immediately. Lian stood by and laughed.

Then, xuanyuanchen began to untie the buttons of his clothes, "Bata Bata", one by one, gradually revealed the delicate clavicle and snow-white skin inside, "Hua La" all off, black hair flying in the wind, he threw his arms, clothes toward me, I caught him again in a hurry, holding his sandalwood clothes, beautiful heart.Under the sun, a high cold, a coquettish, they both jump into the clear water, shuttle between the golden beams, dream like the most beautiful fairy tale, this is the real eye wash ah

I enjoyed sitting back on the swing, picked up Lian's clothes and put them beside me. I slowly swung up the swing. When my feet swung out of the edge of the balcony, I fell into the cool water. Everything in front of me was picturesque.

"Didi Dudu" mobile phone rings again, who is it? I haven't had time to look, the phone has sounded: "forced answer on."

I'm going to Who has such great ability to answer the question!! Do I still have human rights!!!

When I saw the evil face and the dark purple dress, my heart stopped beating. It was Fusu!

It's rare to see Fusu wearing an antique long shirt. He's always at the forefront of fashion. His hair is still small braided on one side, his ears are exposed, and the black earrings on his earlobes are shining. The fashionable hairstyle is not against his antique long shirt at all.

Maybe it's because Meinan can control everything. He just stands with his back to xuanyuanchen. He looks up at me, and there is a complex emotion in his chestnut eyes. There is no half smile on his evil face, as if he can't relax when he meets me now.

"Where is xuanyuanchen?" He opens mouth to ask Xuan Yuan Chen, moreover, the vision also glances down a side not to look at me.

I Leng for a while, the atmosphere inexplicably become embarrassed, because, my heart is also very confused: "you look for him?"

He screwed up his eyebrows: "now it's just a tea break, what do you say to go to the bathroom! We are Protoss. What kind of toilet do we go to He drank in a rage.

"Poof!" I can't help laughing, xuanyuanchen! The above toilet is the reason! Call me! And because Lian came!

Fu Su looked irritably to one side. Suddenly, he was stunned and blurted out: "Yan palace!"

"Ah, you know Yangong! You've been here, too! " In the heart inexplicable fire! TM knows this is Yangong. How can I believe that men's hearts are pure? "Fusu! How many times have you been here, to be honest? "

Fu Su immediately stroked his forehead with a white eye and regretted biting his lips with one hand. He brushed his forehead and glanced at me. His eyes suddenly fell on xuanyuanchen's clothes beside me. Immediately, his murderous spirit flashed: "xuanyuanchen is really here! You! You idiot! I said he's not for you! " He yelled at me angrily! Or as always to be overbearing! But in the past, he was overbearing that he dumped me and didn't allow me to like others. Now, he is overbearing that he doesn't allow me to like xuanyuanchen, that is, xuanyuanchen can't.

I continued to question him: "you say! How many times have you been here? "

"That's not the point!"

"Then what's the point!"

"That's the point!" All of a sudden, under the illusion of Fusu, the magic array flashed. Fusu broke through the illusion and strode in front of me. He pulled me up and said, "follow me! You can't go to bed with him

"What are you talking about?" I tugged at my hand.

He was in a hurry and pointed to the clothes on my side: "he has taken off all his clothes! You are too busy! It's going to start soon. He'll have time! " He stopped, blinked, reached for Lian's clothes and said, "whose clothes are these?"

"Yes." I said angrily. I pulled back my hand and looked at him depressed, but I saw his chestnut eyes begin to open. I was surprised and looked at me for a while. The flame in his eyes suddenly rose. He narrowed his chestnut eyes, looked dark and evil, and began to smile from the corner of his mouth: "Xia Xiaolan, you are evolving very fast! In that case, let's play together! " He pulled me up abruptly to hold my chin. I raised my hand and said "pa!" Hit on his face, he a Zheng, the eye is deep pain!

I suddenly got up, directly broke off his body and pointed forward: "there it is! You want to play with them! You know I love to see you guys together! "

He was stunned for a moment, I saw him stunned, squinted, raised his foot and kicked him into the water: "give me a good sober up!"

"Bang!" He threw himself into the water, his body still standing in the water.

I looked at his back and was silent for a long time. He stood quietly in the water. His short chestnut hair floated with the water. I was silent for a long time and said, "Fusu, I know You're back... "

His back was slightly stunned, and I lowered my face: "do you think, who will be the most sad person when you quarrel with xuanyuanchen Every time you are hostile In my heart It's very painful... "

He pinched his fists slightly. Suddenly, he pulled his chest and pulled off his long shirt in the water. The long robe floated out of the water without any water drop and fell into my hands. With the breath of his own, memories came to my heart. Those pictures that were with him and in the end of the world were engraved in my heart forever.

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