Chapter 1823

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Lieutenant Colonel Carl Simonson stood up, and then he quickly gave the order.

"Pay attention to each group, the target is confirmed! Group A and group B enter the forest for cable landing, establish a defense line to prevent all personnel from escaping, group C and group D land on the road, and then enter the target building, pay attention to mines and start action!"

In terms of dress, Lieutenant Colonel Carl Simonson is no different from his team members. He is also dressed as an attacker. Every member of the red team is first and foremost a best soldier.

The helicopter descended. When the cabin door of the helicopter opened, Lieutenant Colonel Carl Simonson came out first. When he walked towards the woods, he said calmly: "brothers, I don't want to remind you how powerful the enemy is, because you all know that we are not familiar with the ground, and we don't know what's waiting for us. I just want to say, red team!"


"Red team!"


"Red team!"


This is not a silent action, because the goal is pursued all the way, so Carl Simonson has an extremely rare opportunity to carry out a pre war mobilization.

For the last time, Carl Simonson shouted, "I'm invincible!"

"Red Trident!"

The people standing at Carl Simonson shouted the last slogan in unison.

Carl Simonson waved his hand and shouted, "move!"

Targeted exercises have been carried out countless times. The only thing that hasn't been drilled is the terrain, but everyone knows what to do. Carl Simonson just gives an order. There is no need for any fine command at all. That's the responsibility of the commanders of each team.

"Turn on electronic jamming!"

"Electronic jamming on!"

"Open the way in front of the demining team, go!"

More than thirty people quickly divided into three columns and began to move towards the woods.

Electronic jamming must be started first, which can imitate the enemy's use of radio to control the initiation of mines or directional mines. Therefore, electronic warfare is the first to be launched.

The reason why it is electronic warfare rather than simple electronic interference is very simple. Interfering with the enemy makes all its radios ineffective and keeps its own communication unblocked. This matter itself must have anti electronic interference technical means, so this is already the most basic electronic warfare.

In front of them are soldiers carrying individual anti mine system. If there are mines or directional mines, they will find them soon.

Carrying an electromagnetic mine detector to search for mines is outdated, and the mine detector used by Trident is much more advanced.

First of all, the mine detector equipped by the red team is compound and will not only rely on detecting metal objects as the main technical means to find mines.

The people in the army did not use mine detection equipment, so they were seriously affected by mines during the attack, but the army special tactics research group had the most advanced mine detectors.

Microwave thermal detection technology can distinguish mines from soil surface temperature, so as to find mines.

Ultrasonic mine detection, needless to say, the mine detector based on this principle can not only find small mines, but also find hidden mine mixing lines and cables.

Using odor mine detection, mines can not use metal, but they can not use deceptive drugs. Mines can be detected when the odor molecules emitted by deceptive drugs are detected.

Carl smonson didn't want to be trapped by mines, so he took all the mine detectors with him.

Technology is productivity, and technology is combat effectiveness. With the help of many latest technologies, the infantry nightmare did not create any resistance to the red team, so the team moved very fast, very fast.

In fact, no mines were found all the way until they reached the clearing in the forest.

"No mines found!"

Mine detection soldiers said that they had not found any mines, but the team also stopped outside the scope of the mines.

Carl Simonson didn't give any orders. He just needed to control the overall situation. His subordinates would solve those trivial technical means very well.

So Carl stromson began to look carefully at the houses in the woods.

The house is not too big. The typical Soviet style has only one floor, just like the suburban villa distributed to ordinary citizens free of charge in the Soviet era, but now the gray cement outer wall is full of graffiti, the glass and doors have long disappeared, and there is no yard. The open space around the house is newly grown trees, no big ones, all small trees.

"I need the results of the investigation of the surrounding terrain."

After Carl Simonson finished his short speech, the person who provided intelligence support immediately said in his earphone: "no suspicious target was found nearby, no infrared signal, nothing."


"Building materials have been obtained. Suburban villas and residential houses built in the Soviet era have nothing special, but the internal structure cannot be provided."

Carl Simonson whispered, "I see."

It seems that the target really entered the house because he was desperate. Carl Simonson was relieved, but he still couldn't start the attack without taking any preventive measures, so he immediately said: "anti mine team action, eliminate any possibility of mines, assault team preparation, blasting team preparation, capture team personnel preparation, action!"

The landmine detector was laying down boxes. When Carl Simonson gave the order, small rockets were fired and shot at the house.

A long rope was dragged behind each rocket, but it was not an ordinary rope, but a blasting rope. The rocket hit the house or fell to the ground, and then the blasting rope behind the rocket exploded, clearing out safety passages from the woods to the house.

After the explosion, no matter whether there are mines or not, there are certain safe roads and areas now. Carl Stevenson didn't have to say anything. A figure quickly ran out of the woods and rushed to the house without a door.

There were soldiers close to the house. There was no shooting or explosion. It was very quiet.

Carl Simonson felt that he had won, but he still felt a lot of pressure. He was worried about whether the people inside would decide to give themselves a happy and commit suicide first after finding themselves in a desperate situation.

It had to be fast enough, so Carl smonson couldn't help yelling, "come on! Come on! Come on!"

But Carl Simonson heard an ominous roar, and then he looked up at the sky in amazement.

"Artillery attack! Concealment!"

A heart rending cry, but it wasn't Carl Simonson. He gasped and couldn't speak.

Carl Simonson froze. He couldn't even lie down to avoid shells until he was pushed down by the people next to him.

Carl Simonson heard the sound of "whew", which means he will be fine, because the shell passed over his head and the explosion point was at least tens of meters.

The commandos who were about to rush to the door heard not the sound of wheezing, but the sound of air being torn, because the shells were falling on his head.

How do you describe the sound of air tearing? No one could answer, because everyone who heard the voice was dead.

The earth is shaking, and the shock wave spreads around. People in the distance can even see the wave when the air is compressed. The sound is after the explosion debris, and then everyone can hear it.


Is it all over?

No, it's just the beginning.

"Large caliber artillery!"

Carl Simonson roared with all his strength, but he didn't hear his voice because the explosion was too dense.

So the voice should be like this, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Finally, the explosion stopped. Lieutenant Colonel Carl smonson raised his head and shook his head. After shaking some soil off his head, he took off his bulletproof glasses and threw them aside.

The woods are gone, only the stumps still smoking. The sky is full of smoke and the ground is full of dust. Under the dust, there are big pits, which are bullet pits.

Of course, there are corpses. Only those who are far away from the house can leave corpses. Those who are too close to the house only leave corpses.

The earth has stopped shaking and the sky is burning.

But where was the house still well? Only two craters and 152 mm shells were left, which could not destroy the house.

Carl Simonson trembled, and then he roared, "intelligence! That's not an ordinary house!"

The first to launch the attack was gone, and many people waiting for orders survived. Carl Simonson roared, "report the loss! No, everyone follow me!"

At this time, there was another unknown sound, but the sound of the explosion was not so loud, but after the shell landed, it burst out a very bright light, just like setting off fireworks.

The earth began to burn.

Carl Simonson was cold, and then he whispered, "white zero incendiary bomb, correct shooting! Everyone, rush to that house, only there can live! Forget the wounded!"

Carl Simonson ran to the house as fast as he could. When the second round of shells fell in, they still had a chance to stay outside, only to turn into coke.

Helpless and unwilling, the red team is unmatched, but their flesh and blood can't resist steel and fire.

Carl Simonson wanted to scold injustice, but he knew it was fair. He led the most powerful army in the world, and the other party used the truth.

What is truth?

The most powerful people in the world can't escape a shell exploding around them, iron and fire. This is the truth.

Carl Simonson guessed right. The shelling was not over. They just changed the bomb type, incendiary bomb and white zero incendiary bomb in order to solve the enemy scattered in a wide range as soon as possible.

He changed the bomb type and began to shoot around. This was a desperate plan to hunt down deserters. Carl Simonson was very glad that he gave the order to rush to the house.

But Carl stromson was unhappy, and he felt a strong sense of humiliation.

I want to stand against you, but you throw shells at me. The agreed strongest duel in the world has become massacre, shameless!