Chapter 2237

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Jesse Lee suddenly opened his eyes. Then he focused vaguely and blankly for a long time, and finally turned his head to one side.

Gao Yang stood by Jesse Lee's bed and watched Jesse Lee notice him, so he whispered, "no doubt, you're not dead."

Jesse Li breathed out, closed her eyes again and whispered, "you're kidding me."

"Everyone has a hard time. I also understand your mood of dying, but I must give you a chance, brother. How does it feel to die?"

Jesse Lee whispered, "darkness, I thought it would be eternal, but it turned out to be just a sleep."

Gao Yang said coldly, "so, what was the experience before death?"

Jesse Lee breathed out and whispered, "terrible."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "yes, it must be terrible. Man, you experienced the feeling of death once. Now when you wake up, you should have different feelings. The future days may be difficult, but not boring. Think about it. It's better to fall into eternal darkness, or to be brave in the face of pain and difficulty, but it also represents an infinitely possible future?"

Jesse Lee smiled and said, "this is really your style."

He said loudly, "if you die, you'll die. If you don't have a future, you'll get rid of the pain. But don't you think it's boring to die? Give yourself a chance to choose again, man. Think about it carefully. You're not afraid of death. You dare to face death calmly and dare not meet the challenges waiting for you for the rest of your life?"

People who have died once will think differently.

Gao Yang's approach is to give Jesse Lee a chance to regret.

Many suicides end their lives as soon as they are impulsive and cruel. Will they really not regret it before their lives are about to end?

Of course, the answer is No. many suicides will regret it, but they have no chance to choose again.

Life is precious, only once, can't stand the wrong choice.

But Gao Yang gave Jesse Lee a chance to choose again.

If Jesse Lee still wants to die, Gao Yang won't stop him this time, but if Jesse Lee changes his mind, Gao Yang will be very, very welcome.

Jesse Lee looked at Gao Yang, looked at Gao Yang's eyes for a moment, and finally sighed, "it's really bad to die. I think even if the days in the future will be harder, it's better than death. You're right. At least it won't be so boring."

Gao Yang finally laughed. He shouted to Jesse Lee, "welcome back, brother."

Gao Yang is really happy from the bottom of his heart. Jesse Lee seems to feel a little embarrassed. He muttered to himself, "but I just want to die, or I'm thinking about how to die. If I don't die anymore, what can I do in the future? I've been abandoned."

Gao Yang said with a serious face: "I'm glad you changed your mind, man, but you have to make it clear that disability does not mean waste. There are many physically disabled people in the world. Dare you say they are waste? I did a lot of homework when you were asleep, so do you want me to name a lot of disabled people and tell you how great they are."

Jesse Lee smiled and said, "thank you. No, well, who are there? I only know one Roosevelt."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Beethoven wrote the Ninth Symphony after he was completely deaf. Can you imagine what deaf means to a musician? Of course, we say a person with a higher degree of disability, do you know Hawking? Man, you still have one leg and one hand. Hawking is paralyzed. He only has a pair of eyes and three fingers to move."

Jesse Lee smiled and said, "please, Hawking is a scientist. His genius brain can continue to work, and I don't have a physicist's brain."

Gao Yang shrugged and said, "we're not a university or a research institute, man. As a mercenary, the things in your head are also precious. Think about it, our company needs a knowledgeable person to deal with a lot of things. Do you think I should recruit someone from outside to get my resume? Or should I find a brother who can be absolutely trusted?"

Jesse Lee laughed and said, "you let me manage your company? Please, a guy in a wheelchair is sitting in the office in a suit. I feel uncomfortable when I think about it. Please spare me."

Gao Yang nodded and said, "it's better if you don't like sitting in the office. I'm just embarrassed to let you take on more difficult work."

Jesse Li Rao said with interest, "what do you call a more difficult job?"

With an exaggerated face "Brother, don't you see how short we are in Somalia? I need a man with brains to manage those guys who don't have brains to command trouble. In addition, we probably need to train some useful people in Yemen. Where do you think I should find an instructor? Even if you don't want to train those rookies, it doesn't matter. You have too much to do, I said that the things in your mind are very precious. Where else can I find a green horse run to work for me besides you? "

Jesse Lee took a long breath and said, "it sounds good. Indeed, I still have a lot to do. Let's try? But I don't know how long I have to lie down."

Gao Yang said with a smile, "this is a hard injury. Although amputation is very troublesome, you can move in three months at most, so you have to go to Somalia to eat sand in a few months. Are you ready?"

Jesse Li said with a smile, "I still miss that broken place in Somalia. Well, it's really troublesome to follow you. If you're disabled, you have to continue to work hard for you. You're great."

Gao Yang laughed and said, "did you just know I'm good?"

Jesse Lee suddenly said, "scratch my forehead. It's itchy. It's been itching for a long time."

Gao Yang stretched out his hand to scratch him, then wiped his hands on Jesse Lee's bedspread with disgust on his face and said, "don't let me do this. It's disgusting. I'd better find you two beautiful little nurses."

Jesse Lee frowned and said, "no, it's the most painful to see whether you can eat or not, so for the time being, the uglier the better, really, the uglier the better. In order to prevent my aesthetic level from declining day by day, you have to change me often. When I can see and eat, you can change me back to a beautiful one."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "there are so many shit, but no problem. Remember to pay yourself. Anyway, you can't spend all your money."

Jesse Lee squinted at Gao Yang and said, "boss."


"You don't look like a mercenary, really, not at all."

"I thought you were going to say thank you."

"Thank you."

"Well, you're welcome."