Chapter 2701

Name:Mercenary War Author:ru shui yi
Gao Yang walked slowly out of his house with jarebin alone.

From the moment I bought the house, it was the home of alebin from any point of view.

Yalebin has a good spirit and high interest. After passing the stage of being timid about his hometown, yalebin has reached the moment of excitement for returning to his hometown.

"Look, the house with the blue roof was once the home of my father's friend. I had a very good relationship with a girl who lived in it. She moved away when I was ten. I don't know why. At that time, her sister always hated me. Maybe it was because I buried her doll in the ground. Er, we were playing the funeral game."

Gao Yang couldn't help laughing and said, "the funeral game, teacher, your childhood game project is very unique."

"It's normal for children to imitate the funeral. Oh, look, that big tree, come with me!"

Yalebin suddenly quickened his pace. He went to the big tree, and then began to turn around the tree and mutter.

"Here, ha ha, here! Look, I was so tall at that time."

Yalebin's eyes radiated a light called childlike innocence. He looked high in the direction of yalebin's fingers and saw a line of extremely blurred handwriting.

"I engraved it when I was twelve. It seems so. Next to it is my partner's name, Alessandro Kopf. His name is too long. Before we finished engraving, we were found by adults, and then we ran away."

Stroking two extremely blurred handwriting, aleebin grinned. Then he patted the unfinished name with his hand and said, "Alessandro became a soldier when he was seventeen and was in the army."

After that, yalebin smiled at Gao Yang and said, "Sochi was a resort at that time. Many senior military officials could be assigned to vacation villas here. Alessandro's father was from the north Caucasus military region, so he often lived here."

After taking a deep breath, yalebin patted the tree with his name engraved on it, then stretched out his hand and said, "let's go and keep going."

Yalebin continued to move forward with interest. Sometimes he would smile politely at the oncoming pedestrians, or say thank you to the people who sidled to give way to him.

"I have a good memory here. You know, I was a celebrity here at that time. Because I got five points in every subject, my friends didn't get beaten, so my classmates and friends hated me."

In a place that looked like a school, alebin stopped and said with emotion. After pointing out that it was no longer the school building, he smiled and said, "at that time, I was a celebrity here. My parents were proud of me. The teachers liked me. Although the students hated me and let them be beaten, they worshipped me and respected me because I was a genius."

If others say he is a genius, Gao Yang must spit on his face, but yalebin says he is a genius, Gao Yang can only give his knees.

"In fact, when I was a child, I really dreamed of becoming a scientist. If there was no war, World War II destroyed everything but created a strong Soviet Union. The change to me was that I wanted to be a soldier, a soldier like my father."

Alebin pointed and went on, and then he said with interest: "Although I was disturbed by World War II, I didn't leave my homework. Everyone thought I would go to college, but I couldn't wait to join the army when I just entered high school. But I didn't enter the army, but I entered the KGB. You know, I was afraid of the KGB at that time."

He reached out to stop Gao Yang and asked Gao Yang to follow him around the corner instead of going straight. Yalebin continued: "I entered the KGB, but I didn't expect that they let me continue to school."

As if regretful and complacent, he smacked his mouth and said with a smile: "They asked me to go to school and go to the best university. I went to Moscow University. In 1954, Khrushchev put forward an idea, a training plan for super spies to compete for hegemony with the United States. I was the sixth of the first batch to be selected, but in the end, I was the only one in our group who insisted."

Yalebin suddenly stopped. He pointed to his head and said seriously, "you know, until now, I still often wake up from nightmares. I dream that I failed the exam."

Gao Yang was stunned for a moment, and then he said with a smile, "I just dreamed of failing the exam. Didn't I dream of being late?"

Yalebin smiled and said, "I didn't have a chance to be late, so I never worried about this. At that time, we were examinations, studies, examinations. They wanted to open my brain and pour it into me. It was a nightmare experience."

Moving on, yalebin smiled and said, "Khrushchev put forward the idea, Brezhnev completed the idea, why did I become the captain of the black devil? Because I am the only genius who can lead genius. Of course, they have no other choice."

"Why? Didn't you train several groups of people?"

"Er, when they die, spies can't just learn, they have to practice. They have to learn in practice. Some people die, some people are crazy, and only I stay. They have no other choice."


"Do you think anyone can bear that pressure? Ha ha."

Gao Yang nodded sadly and said, "yes, the exam can really drive people crazy."

Yalebin suddenly reached out in surprise and said in a loud voice, "Hey! Look where!"

Gao Yang looked at it along yalebin's fingers and said, "a restaurant?"

"Yes! There was a restaurant in 1934 shortly after I was born. The Georgian dumplings there are very famous. My father likes them very much and my mother likes them very much. They all say they are authentic. I went to eat many times when I was a child, but my father was reluctant to take me to eat and go!"

In fact, Gao Yang would like to hear about his history from yalebin, but he found a restaurant in yalebin's memory. Of course, he must have a meal.

Yalebin stood at the door of the restaurant, and then he said with great interest, "everything is different except the name. I don't know if the taste has changed. Let's go in and have a look."

Gaoyang naturally wanted to accompany him to the end. He and yalebin went into the restaurant and sat on a table for two under the guidance of the waiter.

After the peak of lunch, there were not many people in the restaurant. After sitting down, yalebin couldn't wait to say, "two Georgian dumplings, Chacha wine, thank you."

When the waiter left with the menu, yalebin looked at Gao Yang and said solemnly, "you've always paid the bill. This time, I'll invite you to taste the food and cha cha wine of my hometown."