Name:Meridian's Devil Author:s_cosmos
"Ah, what a diegesis." Yue snaps the laptop shut and stretches her arms in the breezy air of her damp little room as she falls back onto her lushy, soft mattress, flat on her back.

She had been planning on finishing this erotic romance book, her lovely companion Lucy had gifted her on her birthday, which was months back.

And after such long span of time, Yue had at last been able to produce some space in her hectic schedule to begin with at least, if not finish it. Despite wanting to discover what happened next in the novel, Yue was worn out through her tough work that she couldn't manage to flip through any more pages without her eyelids constantly flapping close.

"No wonder she ought for me to read it, she's got some startlingly resplendent taste in these." Yue appraises of the content she had read by far.

"It has abundant steamy scenes…mmmh" She mumbles to herself as she heats up on pondering about the hot main lead, his description was so top-notch, voluminous hair, ash-gray, silver locks falling on his fair-complexioned forehead.

His eyes, fathomless, dark onyx orbs, which flickered shades of numerous colors to represent his emotions.

His jaw, sharp and short, deemed in high regard by the girls. Physique being not too muscular, but not too skinny at the same time, the absolute perfect proportions as desired, defined abs, vesicular arms and neck.

"And he'd definitely be taller than me, not saying I am short, I am of the average height but he…." She sighs as she ponders over the man she read of, "He is just what I could ever dream of as my ideal type."

Even though he never revealed his face, at the annual royal ball, he'd always appear, if he did, with a mask concealing his features partially, if not in totality....

But still how Yue wished she was Li Mei instead, in Jinghang's warm embrace, the dearth of intimacy and romance in her life was practically appalling.

The plot of the novel titled, "My prince is a Vampire.", wasn't as unadorned as Yue thought it to be, after all she wasn't much a bookworm. But going through a few pages, for Yue, a girl with no vitality and romance in life it was rather a roller coaster of emotions.

"Oh, the cliffhangers were top-notch, they had me on the edge the entire time." Yue gleams as she revises in her mind what she had read by now, the mere pages had managed to cover a vast part of the story.

The story inaugurated on a plain end though, it was a prepossessing night, each lady in the town had never once, been so exhilarated for the nightfall as they were then.

It was the night of the royal ball, the accustomed dance, where the prince himself, made an appearance among the crowd.

And at times, even indulged in the animated, vibrant dancing majority.

It was that night when it all commenced, when Li Mei's beloved sister Li Hua, had met with an unprecedented event, of uncertain death, as her carriage had rolled along the land-slide down the steep hill.

Mei's despondency that night at the ball, had caught Prince Jinghang's eyes. And then the story involving the royal romance between Mei and Jinghang commenced.

Yue being inquisitive by nature had surfed up the internet and read a review of the book, it was so arousing!! Li Mei discovering about Jinghang being a vampire, her giving into his urges, losing her virginity, the ecstatic moments seemed oh-so sterling....

Yue rolled over and across the length of her bed out of her carnal thoughts as she giggled simultaneously and ended up accidentally kicking off the laptop down the floor.

But she didn't bother picking it back up as she was already in a state of half-consciousness.

"Ouaaa.." She yawns a yawn of fatigue and covers herself with her fluffy blanket. Despite residing in a not so admirable abode she had spent enough on her mattress and duvet.

"I am definitely gonna have dreams about it tonight." No later than needed the veil of her eyelids enclosed, straying her off to the majestic world of dreams.

Yet, if only her life had been destined to be so composed and harmonious.

"NOW WHAT!?" Yue with only as much a few minutes of napping, springs up in her bed agitated upon hearing a mechanical spark-like sounds emerging from somewhere beside her bed. She wriggled on her elbows to the edge of the mattress to find her laptop being the cause of the rukus.

"What a waste!" She grabbed it harshly and placed it on the nightstand right beside the head board. For a few concise minutes, the technical device had ebbed it's unpleasant ringing and buzzing.

And taking advantage of the solitary environment aroused, she laid down yet again, endeavoring to sleep intoxicated with dreams of Wu Jinghang, the fanciable lead of the book.

But something didn't seem right, her eyes were shut, but she felt as though she was entirely awake and conscious.

She turned towards the other side on the bed striving to aquire a more comfortable posture to sleep. And on switching sides she realised that her covers were no longer spread over her skin, protecting her from the menacing freezing air of the air conditioner, and the mechanical sound didn't seem to subdue eithe.

Rather it was only intensifying by the second.

"What the-" She again sat up to see if she had, by any chance, knocked over her plush warm duvet down the bed, and also to check up on her hand-down like, retired laptop as she thought of it to be.

"I literally need to purchase a new one."

But her eyes widen in trepidation on a much more momentous matter, than having a new purchase to undertake.

A sense of panic begins to accumulate as she discerns that she was not in her room anymore.

"Wait a minute…." Yue's eyes scrutinize, every minute detail of the room, and without any vaciliation she could affirm with certitude, that this was not her room.

Her hands, forthwith, instinctively roam, and cast around the novelty of the mattress she now lay upon.

The sheets are satiny, pearl colored. "Yep, not my bed either."

Yue was in another room, a contrasting room, this seemed familiar to her somehow.

No, she hadn't been here prior to, however, it was entirely analogous to the description of Li Mei's room.

Her hands find their way to her own eyes, rubbing across the skin, in incredulity. She withdraws her hands and her vision regains it's vivid view, anticipating an eyesight of her own, old, dilapidated room.

But to her disillusionment, she was still in the un-ascertained environment.

Yue shook her head in disbelief and got off the anonymous mattress, that she lay upon. "This definitely is not my room" her eyes gaze at the peculiar structure, taking in every nanoscopic detail of it.

The room is rather ravishing, there are pastel, flamingo and rouge pink colored curtains swaying from a distance, the ceiling is taller than the normal average height of a room.

The room itself is quite spacious, the walls are a mix of a scarlet and crème shade, smooth on the surface of the walls. The entire room is carpeted with a velvety, quality fabric mat.

'Where am I?'