Chapter 26 - YOUR PLACE

Name:Meridian's Devil Author:s_cosmos
Yue struggles to keep her hands by her side and not wipe away the lonely tear sparkling against his pale skin. It's only instinctive to feel considerate towards a crying person, or maybe that's how Yue took it to be. The pricking affliction of her squeezed hand was long gone to be kept into consideration, for now an overriding matter had surfaced.

She lets her teeth work upon the lower lip as she keeps her thoroughgoing stare fixated at him, while his eyes wander elsewhere. Yue follows his to see where his eyes tend to look at and finds him staring at the guy who initiated an unwanted conversation with a statement that appeared to be intimate.

'The King is on the deathbed', that's what Shuang said as far as her memory served. How could a sentence so simple swirl up such intense emotions? Unless, maybe he is somehow associated to the royalty? Did he, perhaps, serve as a royal guard, that would explain his hostility against his summoning.

Or maybe, he is a nation lover, and owes immense esteem and admiration for the Kingdom and thus it's leader, the one honorable figurehead being on a deathbed concerns him about the future of the Kingdom? Or possibly, he has some sort of near or far relation with them, the King and Queen?' Why did he initially reject the bidding then?

"How long does he have?" she glances back at Wu as he puts forth a thoughtful doubt in response to the woeful assertion.

Yue tries to scrutinize the pool of emotions in his chasmic eyes. There seems to ascend a dolorous and mournful tale of atrocity, yet a glint of indignation and fury seems to loom at large.

"The medics declared him to have a few uncertain months, 10 months utmost." Yue hears Wu take in a deep breath as he closes his eyes and lets his head fall back facing the sky. An evident sign of being under strain and anxiety. And when he opens them, there appears to be no scope of determining his emotions. He evidently can have an admirable control of letting his emotions being visible or concealed.

He shakes his head lowly, up and down, as though trying to confirm something by himself before he speaks. "I'll be there before the end of this week." He gives the expression of a man who once gives his word, keeps it. The entire set of outlandish occurrences ignited and amplified Yue's brimming spirit of inquisitiveness. The ambiguity to the guy who provided her shelter with, seemed to become increasingly a conundrum to which she deeply desired to find an answer.

As the conversation prevails, the wind within the forest doesn't seem to hold back. It flows by swiftly and softly, howling gently as it passes by the three standing amidst it's path. And while Yue shivers despite having an over-sized shirt covering much of her skin except her lower legs. On the contrary the two shirtless guys standing on either side of her, don't seem to be affected by the frigid cold at all.

They glance at her in unison as she rubs her hands against her arms, and on seeing them glare at her, she ceases her actions instantly flustered, thinking she might as well be over doing things, given the fact they don't feel chilly at all. The guy with the Clan-like tattoo holds back a laugh at Yue's actions, while Wu simply sighs at her, shaking his head sideways in disapproval.

The long-lost fight at his place now appeared to resurface, and Yue pouted as she looked away. It wasn't her fault that she was a normal human who feels the normal cold as a person should.

"It would be best you arrive as soon as possible, the sooner the better." Shuang announces his opinion, thoughtful one at that, and Wu nods his head in consensus.

"I'll get going now." Wu glances up at the departing man, "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Shuang unexpectedly takes Yue's hand in his larger one and places a gentle kiss on the back of her cold pale skin and startlingly winks flirtatiously at her catching her off guard before turning on his heel and heading towards unknown wilderness.

Yue heats up right away at his illicit farewell, unknowingly she kept staring in the direction of the egressed flirt. She was amazed at the irresistible charms that guy had to offer.

"If you're done blushing, mind heading to my place?" She turns her head at the other remaining displeased person, who's presence for a moment had skipped her mind. "Or do you have a place to go to?" As a matter of fact, she didn't. But she also, did not want to accompany that ruthless imbecile, as she liked to title him.

'He is absolutely self-absorbed and doesn't care about me, not that he should. But he lacks even the basic decencies at certain points. But he did apologize, and perhaps I am taking the series of moments between the two of us to the heart, when I shouldn't.'

"Yeah okay." Yue shrugs and moves in the direction that they were already headed in, ahead of him.

"Yeah okay what?" He walks up to her and she stops instantly to answer him back.

"Yeah okay, I back to your place." He bobs his head in response, a sort of approval to her choice of going along with him, probably. He did want her to stay by his side after all, or that's what she thought as he didn't disapprove of her decision of arriving back to his abode.