Chapter 33 - SLEEP WITH YOU

Name:Meridian's Devil Author:s_cosmos
"Ahh..." A relaxed exhale parted her mouth. She covered herself under the duvet lying beside her within the reaches of her stretched arm. The worn out girl unwinded her muscles under the snug and cozy environment. Yue's body had been subjected to extreme fatigue ever since she had arrived there.

Not that she had an easier life before this. In fact, back then, the diurnal days were all the more hectic and tiresome for her. All she could manage to get was a good load of 6 hours of sleep. She however deliberately kept herself preoccupied in piles of work so as to not contemplate over the dreadful emptiness in her life.

'After my parents passed away...'

Yue stared at the flames lashing against the wrought metal fence in front of her as she pondered over her traumatic past. She was a only but a little past the age of a toddler when the shadow of the most compassionate creatures, her parents, passed over from her. For Yue, it was as though the world was inundated in consummate darkness, deprived of the much entailed light of the warm sun or tranquil moon.

For her, she had lost the very essence of life. What could you expect of a child who had a sheltered upbringing, surrounded by only moments of elation, one day being thrown out of that boxed life to the malicious world outside?

It was a heinous time for her. And the choices she made as an individual right after were even more harrowing....

An undesired tear flowed past her crystal eyes, rolling down her rashed cheek due to the bitter cold, and fell on the sheets below. She sighed woefully and forced herself out of the miserable thoughts of her dreadful past. And while she was engrossed in her own clouds of contemplation she hadn't been keeping a check on her surroundings.

She breaks out of her thoughts when she hears a shriek scratch like sound arise from behind her. Her eyes widen in fright and she swiftly turns back to see the glass panel slightly parted. Her heart bangs against my ribs louder until the only sound reaching her ears was the throbbing of her heart when she hears the bushes outside rustle. Yue gulped and quickly sat up in response.

She then hesitantly got up from her overly snuggly set up and treaded towards the door. A constant terror loomed in her mind as she reminisced her encounter with the oddly gigantic wolf in the forest. 'What if he followed us here?' she swallows hard as she reaches for the door panel.

Her hands tremors as it takes hold of the handle and slides it shut. Her eyes roam across the entire room, scrounging for any suspicious entity. It was almost like how one feels after they have just watched a horror movie. The state of mind in the aftermath of viewing a horror film is that of being mindful of every tiny thing, Is someone standing there? I think I saw something move? Did you hear that? I think the lights just flickered. Those are the kinds of thoughts that storm the head right after the post period of a scary movie.

All your senses are heightened unnecessarily and you are nothing but wary of everything. And so was Yue in the moment.

But she managed to calm herself after ensuring of no dubious presence anywhere in the wide room. In her past profession, she had learned to become calm in situations as such. She sighed and turned once again towards the glass panel.

That's when her eyes fall upon the lock which she hadn't seen earlier. Since she didn't lock it, the strong force of wind outside must have gotten a hold of it and rendered it open.

She locks it, and after ensuring everything to be neatly in place, she heads back towards her mattress. But upon reaching it, an unknown unease develops in Yue's chest. She was apprehensive of sleeping alone, she was in an alarmed state of mind subconsciously. This was after all a newfangled world of which she knew nothing of.

She clenched her fists as a contradicting idea flashed her mind.

In a swift motion, she grabbed her duvet and sprinted out of the living hall and into the corridor. Upon reaching her destined location she gulped at her impulsive decision as her gaze met his perplexed one.

"Can I sleep with you?" Yue watches his orbs dilate momentarily in wonder and then darken with desire.