Chapter 1053


The old Taoist priest who came over with a drink was stunned for a moment,

"I said, brother, did you die a little worse?"

Even the old Taoist who "read countless ghosts" was startled by the death of the man in front of him,


Just a little startled,

There's nothing else.

Visitors are guests,

The customer is God,

In the "bookstore" industry,

If you dare to choose guests with colored glasses, it's really hard for you to choose any satisfied ones.

No matter how beautiful and handsome a person is, it's really difficult for you to ensure that she (he) looks good in death.

Lawyer an is not in the bookstore now. He took little Luoli and little boy to Xuzhou to carry out the action of "saving my good brother Gengchen".

But a while ago, in the bookstore, lawyer an and Lao Dao considered ways to generate income after resuming business.

For example, use a special camera to beautify "ghost", then print it out and express it to ghost's relatives and friends in the sun.

Then the bookstore is here, and additional photo and express fees will be charged.

This is a kind of innovative thinking, which can also be regarded as industrial upgrading;

In essence, it is similar to labeling food that cannot be sold as "low sugar, low fat and low calorie".

As for that, worried about the relatives and friends in Yangjian being scared by the ghost?

Does not exist,

Open the circle of friends, all are beauty experts, and you can certainly achieve satisfactory results.

Xu Qinglang got off the table and was ready to go to the box to prepare some food.

The man took the Taoist's glass, took a sip, and smiled,


"Finally free."

"Tired of living?"

The old man chatted with him thoughtfully.

I have done tests before, and there will be a significant difference between the ghost money left by customers after they are sent to hell with and without an old friend.

Obviously, before going to hell, there is a thoughtful Taoist who can chat with you. It's really warm.

As long as people's hearts are warmed, it's easy to pay.

"Alive, good."

The man sighed, looked at the Taoist priest, handed back the empty cup, and slowly said:

"Dead, tired."

The man's eyes were clear and calm.

Generally speaking, before reincarnation, most of the dead will be in a state of "unfinished business";

After all, in this world, people who can live clearly and walk freely and naturally still belong to the minority.

Here, there will be some extreme, even "Crazy".

This kind of calm is indeed rare.

The man was wearing a black pants and a white coat, but the pants and clothes had already rotted and were heavily stained.

This feeling,

It looks like it has just been planed out of the ground.

"Brother, how did you die?"


Hearing this answer,

A politically correct hand sitting at the round table suddenly shook.

Lao Zhang raised his head,

Looking at the man,

It's not as simple as I thought.

Zhou Ze took the soup bowl from YingYing and drank the soup silently.

If more ghosts are sent down, people will easily become numb.

Reality is always more popular than words;

Boss Zhou has long been used to such things, and he has lost his initial indignation. It is like doing work on the assembly line. Day after day, it has become a habit.


This is also the reason why boss Zhou left Lao Zhang with him,

Because Lao Zhang is here,

It can make boss Zhou remember occasionally,


I am still a person,

I should also do some personnel work occasionally.

Lao Zhang quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and almost choked. As he patted his chest, he walked over and took out his notebook placed in his chest pocket,


"How did you die?"

"Hehe, is this going to be the hell detective?"

Seeing Lao Zhang like this, Liu Chuyu couldn't help joking.

He wants to liven up the atmosphere. Moreover, he is now a constable. Lao Zhang, a former colleague, is just a ghost, so he thinks he can make fun of Lao.

But everyone ate and drank soup, and no one cooperated with Liu Chuyu to smile.


How old are you,

You deserve to laugh at political correctness?

Didn't you see that even the boss kept silent, which was acquiescence to Lao Zhang's behavior?

Liu Chuyu bowed his head in embarrassment,


having dinner

"Are you a policeman?"

The man looked at Lao Zhang, still calm.

Lao Zhang nodded, took out his certificate and put it in front of the man.

As a ghost, he has a natural position advantage for the dead. In the process of sending the dead to hell, a ghost with a larger rule can't wait for others to kneel down and make a score bigger than the king of hell.

This is also the reason why hell is better than imps.

But on Lao Zhang's side, he still likes to treat himself as a policeman rather than a ghost.

"It seems that it's really a policeman."

The man nodded.

"Can you tell me something about you? You just said that you were killed."

"Well, he was killed."

The man was still calm, as if he was not talking about his own affairs.

"Who killed it?"

Lao Zhang took out his pen and prepared to record.

"I've been dead for sixteen years. What's the point of saying this now?"

Old Zhang Dun, sixteen years?

"Don't you want revenge?" The Taoist priest said nearby, "bring the person who hurt you to justice!"

Hearing this, the man suddenly laughed.

This smile made Lao Zhang very uncomfortable;

Lao Zhang was not angry, but this smile made him very uncomfortable.

He knows what this smile means. He has seen this smile many times in his long career as a criminal policeman.

Vast, powerless, helpless, finally, to numbness.

"Go ahead."

Lao Zhang reminded.

Sixteen years ago, it is an old case. Witnesses and material evidence may be "damaged" seriously. In addition, the police handling conditions sixteen years ago are incomparable with those now.

The most typical example is DNA testing. In fact, for a long time after the emergence of this technology, the police in many places did not use it at first for various reasons.

Lao Zhang remembers that at the beginning, when the Bureau wanted to do a DNA test, it had to be sent to a foreign research institute to apply for it. Once or twice, the cauliflower was cold and expensive.

Time can erase too many traces.

However, Lao Zhang did not lose confidence because he could directly "interview" the victims, which was almost a bug in the police. Holmes' analysis and reasoning was no better than letting the "dead speak" in the real sense.

"Now, what's the point of saying this?"

The man shrugged,


"At the beginning, I reported up and all kinds of accusations were drowned in the sea. I have been trapped there for 16 years. What else did I not see and think about?"

"Boss, why sixteen years?" Liu Chuyu at the dinner table asked Zhou Ze in a low voice.

"Maybe it's because there are some special things in the place of death, such as fetters or spiritual things, or there are some special auras or buildings nearby, so that his soul has been gathered there without scattering or reincarnation."

This is equivalent to sixteen years in prison, and it is the most terrifying and lonely prison.

Zhou Ze looked up at the man,

He can tell,

The other party is not really so-called, nor is it open-minded,


The disappointment was extreme.

Lao Zhang picked up his police cap, pointed to the man and pointed to the police badge on his head,

Very serious tunnel:

"Since I wear this dress, I will be worthy of it.

I guess what misfortune may have happened to you at the beginning, what happened to you

But please believe me, most policemen are good policemen, and they all respect this responsibility and mission. "

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Liu Chuyu began to applaud.

Zhou Ze kicked Liu Chuyu in the leg.

Liu Chuyu humbly lowered his head.

Sobbing (┬ ┬)

The man looked at Lao Zhang very seriously,

Lao Zhang also looked at him very seriously,


The man nodded,


"You are a good policeman."

"Thank you, so..."

"But I came to be reborn, and I have no money to pay you. To be honest, my family may think I'm missing, and I haven't burned money for me in the past 16 years;

I can't pay you to help me do justice. "

"What is money?"

Zhou Ze said at this time.

But I actually want to say,

Together for a long time,

No money?

Also opened a big reward,

This is a loss!

But Zhou Zeyi looked at Lao Zhang's solemn expression,

Come on,

No money, no money,

It's worth making politics right.

"Yes, the boss is right. We don't want money. Please tell me what happened to you at the beginning. I'm here to assure you that no matter who or what forces are involved, I will help you to settle your grievances and punish your sins."

When others say this, they may be pretending to force.

But Lao Zhang said this,

It's really sincere.

If Lao Zhang in his previous life just acted in a way that did not violate his bottom line,

Lao Zhang, who has died once,

Lao Zhang has become a ghost,

It has become a sin where Lao Tze smashes the pot and sells iron at all costs. You don't care what your fucking background is, what it matters, how capable you are, and how capable you are to kill your grandson's acting style.

"Sit down and talk while eating." Lao Xu pointed to the box and said.

The man was led into the box,

Lao Zhang sat next to him and poured him wine.

The man said while eating dried tea:

"I'm a village accountant in Chenjia village. Sixteen years ago, I reported that our village head illegally occupied the land in the village and misappropriated the national poverty alleviation funds.

I reported it to the town government, the police, and all the organs I could report at that time. "

"And then?" The Taoist asked.

"Then, I was led by the younger brother of the village head to take gunny bags at the roadside at night, and was buried alive under the village sign boundary monument that was being built at the entrance of the village.


Sixteen years. "

"Alas." The old Taoist sighed.

At the door, Liu Chuyu, who heard the content, asked in some doubt:

"After being buried for 16 years, how can the dead come out now? What happened?

Moreover, it's such a coincidence that he came out a few days earlier, either a day earlier or a day later. Before the door of hell was opened, he might be directly terrified. "

Zhou Ze's eyes looked outside, that is, the Internet cafe opposite.

Liu Chuyu looked down his eyes,

I saw the scrolling letters on the electronic screen made by the old road according to the requirements of the street office on the Internet Cafe:

"Eliminate the underworld and eliminate evil, punish evil and fight against underworld............."

Liu Chuyu sighed, "so justice may be late, but it will never fail."

Zhou Ze suddenly laughed,

Liu Chuyu also laughed, and finally sighed that he was right, right. Damn, I didn't think when I was in Changzhou before, but now I'm in Nantong. I'm really accompanying a king like a tiger!


Zhou Ze turned around,

Shout to the Taoist priest:

"Old way."

"Ah, boss?"

"Tomorrow, an electronic screen will be made at the door of the bookstore, and a large one will be made."