Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Even though these people were aware of the connection between her and Li Wei, the Original Owner had never disclosed the details to anyone else, and this provided Lin Fan with a golden opportunity.

“Lin Fan! What nonsense are you talking about?” Li Wei was both angry and embarrassed. However, due to the situation, he did not shout at Lin Fan loudly. Instead, he lowered his voice and grabbed Lin Fan’s arm.

Lin Fan could not help but understand his little scheme. He immediately continued, “Life has become unbearable. Li Wei is now holding onto the money he cheated from me and is planning to run away. Let’s all discuss it. Initially, Li Wei claimed that he was facing financial difficulties and borrowed two hundred yuan from me, and the IOU is still with me, with his signature and thumbprint. Yet, he actually wants to dodge the debt!”

Lin Fan pretended to take out a few pieces of paper and unfolded them in front of everyone, continuing to cry, “I used to be too naive and believed this man’s lies. But I never thought that Li Wei, who appeared to be honest and kind, was actually a deadbeat who wouldn’t repay his debts!”

Wasn’t he planning to use her money to get married? Well, that depended on whether he could hold onto it!

Lin Fan sneered inwardly while observing everyone’s reactions.

“Didn’t Lin Fan used to be so infatuated with Li Wei? Why is she now asking him for money? Could it be that Li Wei is truly ungrateful, as Lin Fan claims?”

“If that’s the case, it means Li Wei owes money and has made us think that Lin Fan has been supporting him all this time. In the end, Li Wei is just a freeloader.”

Some people began to doubt, and others did not shy away from the matter, even starting to analyze it.

Feng Li heard these words, and her face turned extremely ugly. However, she was more inclined not to believe it. She turned to Li Wei and asked, “Is what she’s saying true? Have you been deceiving me all along?”

Li Wei was caught between the two, unsure of what to do. With so many people watching, he suddenly felt his face burning and saw Lin Fan produce some inexplicable IOUs. He found the situation unreasonable.

He had never issued any IOUs!

“When did you ever help me? Those funds were clearly given to me by you!” Li Wei stiffened his neck and shouted, then turned to soothe Feng Li, “Li Li, don’t listen to this woman. She’s lying! I’ve never written an IOU; she must have written it herself to slander me!”

Feng Li glanced at Li Wei and then at Lin Fan. When she compared the expressions on their faces, her heart began to waver.

“Is there any slander? Let this young lady confirm it,” Lin Fan said calmly. “Isn’t she your girlfriend? She must recognize your handwriting, right?”

As Lin Fan spoke, he had already approached Feng Li and showed her several IOUs, each clearly marked with a specific date and the amount of money Li Wei had borrowed from Lin Fan.

These IOUs were indeed fake. Li Wei had written a letter to the Original Owner before, which had been well-preserved by the previous owner. Lin Fan had taken advantage of the fact that Yan Shun was asleep last night to imitate the handwriting and create these IOUs.

As for the thumbprints, her fingerprints and Li Wei’s blood were used, but they were somewhat blurry when pressed. However, having an outline was sufficient.

So Lin Fan was also gambling, betting that Li Wei’s mind would not think to verify the fingerprints and that someone would recognize Li Wei’s handwriting. In such a situation, Li Wei would be unable to defend himself.

Feng Li’s eyes stared fixedly at the fleeting IOUs, and her mood plummeted suddenly, feeling as if she had been drenched in cold water.

Her confirmation of Li Wei’s handwriting indicated that these IOUs were not fake.

Trembling, she pushed away Li Wei’s hand and said in disappointment, “Let’s call the police. Whatever it is, let the police sort it out! I believe the police will uncover the truth!”

Lin Fan discreetly curled her lips; it would be even better if they went to the police.

Little did she know that as soon as Li Wei heard the mention of calling the police, he jumped up and refused without hesitation. “No way!”

“Why not? Li Wei, are you afraid to confront me at the police station? After all, you’ve been deceiving me for so long, and the money you’ve taken from me, adding it all up, is not a small sum. Besides, do you know that the 500 yuan you took from me a few days ago had a military district emblem on it!” Lin Fan stood up from the ground and taunted.

“What? A military district emblem? How is that possible? Lin Fan, you’re definitely lying to me!” Li Wei was shocked and completely disbelieved Lin Fan’s words.

After scanning the people around him, he waved his hand and said, “Don’t believe Lin Fan, you all know what kind of person she is, right? She’s definitely deceiving people!”

“Make way, make way!”

The crowd whispered among themselves, and just as someone was about to speak up, two uniformed police officers pushed through the crowd and walked in. They glanced around, their faces stern, and loudly asked, “Who reported the incident just now? Who said there was someone committing fraud here?”