Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Everyone wants them?”

The shop owner had never anticipated that before he could even begin his introduction, this peculiar customer had taken a liking to the merchandise, to the point of considering buying everything. He still had plenty of scrap fabric in his shop.

This time, Ning Yan also looked at Lin Fan in astonishment, not understanding why she suddenly wanted to buy so much. And if they needed purchase certificates, it would likely cost a lot.

Lin Fan furrowed his brow, also considering the matter of purchase certificates. “If purchase certificates are required, then I won’t be able to buy so much.”

Seeing Lin Fan’s earnest expression, the shop owner immediately smiled, convinced that Lin Fan was not feigning interest. “No, no need for purchase certificates. If these scrap fabrics don’t sell for a long time, they might just accumulate dust in the warehouse. If you want them all, it’ll be a total of 35 yuan. How does that sound?”

Lin Fan counted on the spot. There were at least seven pieces of scrap fabric, each for 5 yuan. One piece of fabric could make several pieces of clothing, so this price was already quite cheap.

“Deal!” Lin Fan did not hesitate and quickly reached an agreement with the shop owner.

However, as Lin Fan was leaving with the fabric in hand, a boy who appeared to be seven or eight years old rushed in, accidentally colliding with a nearby shelf.

The boy fell to the ground and began convulsing, struggling to breathe.

Luckily, the boy’s collision did not damage the shelf, but his condition seemed to be deteriorating.

“Whoa, where did this child come from? Why is he so careless? What’s going on? How did he suddenly end up like this?” The shop owner glanced briefly at the shelf but was primarily concerned about the child lying on the ground. However, the child’s condition looked quite serious, and he didn’t dare to touch him lightly.

A middle-aged woman pushed her way into the crowd and upon seeing the young boy on the ground convulsing, she began to cry out, “Yuanyuan? Yuanyuan, what’s happening? Oh yes, the medicine, the medicine…”

The woman started rummaging through her bag in a frantic manner, but in her haste, she was sweating profusely and could not find the medicine she was talking about.

The customers in the store gathered around, including Zhou Liu, who had managed to break free earlier.

“Oh dear, ma’am, your child seems to be having an asthma attack. We need to rush him to the central hospital! I’m a nurse at the central hospital. Let me help you!” Zhou Liu hurried into the crowd, and when she spotted Lin Fan and Ning Yan, she instantly remembered the humiliation she had endured at the mall just moments ago. She had initially intended to taunt them and save face, but when she noticed someone in distress, her intentions quickly changed.

After all, she was a medical student, right? And she worked as a nurse at the central hospital. If she could save this young boy, it would help her regain some respect in front of everyone.

With this thought in mind, Zhou Liu went to assist the young boy.

Upon hearing that Zhou Liu was a nurse, the woman placed her hope in her, saying, “Nurse, you must save my son! I… I forgot to bring his medication today, and he can’t afford to have an incident!”

Zhou Liu inwardly cursed the woman for being careless enough to forget her son’s medication when his life was at stake. However, she did not show her frustration and instead, with a smile, said, “I will do my best, but the most urgent thing right now is to get the child to the hospital!”

Zhou Liu was about to start moving the young boy when the crowd naturally made way for them. However, at that moment, the young boy’s breathing became even more rapid, and the heavy wheezing was audible.

“Make way!” Lin Fan, seeing the situation, quickly had Ning Yan hold onto the fabric and approached, taking the young boy from Zhou Liu’s arms and laying him on the ground.

Zhou Liu, caught off guard, was pushed aside by Lin Fan and could not help but worry, “Lin Fan, what are you doing? I’m the nurse here. This child has asthma, and if we don’t get him to the hospital in time, he could die!”

Ignoring Zhou Liu’s cries, Lin Fan opened the young boy’s collar and located the hollow between the two collarbones just below the throat, then pressed down.

Upon hearing the word ‘die’, the woman’s expression turned even more terrified, and she became overwhelmed and confused.

Seeing Lin Fan’s actions and wanting to intervene to ensure the child was taken to the hospital, Zhou Liu rushed forward. But Lin Fan gave her a stern look and said, “If you want him to die, I can stop right now.”

The woman suddenly froze in place.

Zhou Liu could not believe that Lin Fan had such skills, the ability to administer emergency care to an asthma patient without medication. But she was not willing to let Lin Fan steal this opportunity from her.

“Lin Fan, I’m a nurse at the central hospital, and you don’t even know medicine. What are you doing here trying to save someone? If something happens to this child, it’ll be your fault!” Zhou Liu said angrily.