Chapter 147

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu

Empress Chang sun pondered. Seeing the cry from her heart, she immediately felt that although the word was too ironic, it was really penetrating.

"Ninety nine percent of the farmers in the countryside are illiterate, and eighty percent of the people in Chang'an city are illiterate." Li Shimin sighed when he saw the statistics in the ink magazine. "Not only that, I'm afraid there are many palace women eunuchs illiterate in the imperial palace!"

"So there is no illiteracy in Mojia village?" asked the empress changsun.

"It can't be said that there is no illiteracy in Mojia village, but there is no illiteracy in the new generation!" Li Shimin pointed to the last paragraph of Mojia magazine.

"Compulsory education in Mojia village!" empress Chang Sun said suspiciously, staring at Mojia magazine.

Li Shimin sighed, "the Mohist village is so big. All teenagers under the age of 15, both men and women, have to go to school for education."

Usually the children of other people help their families as soon as they are sensible. Unless they are rich families, they are willing to send their children to school.

"Both men and women have to go to school? Isn't that a mess?" the eldest Sun Queen frowned.

"People in the same village know each other. Men and women under the age of 10 are in the same class, while those over the age of 10 will go separately!" Li Shimin had already seen it and explained to the empress changsun.

Empress Chang sun nodded. There is really no need for men and women under the age of 10.

"I'm afraid that's why Merton came up with the idea of women's medical school!" the eldest sun queen suddenly said. She thought that women's medical school had made a history, but she didn't expect that there was a women's school in Mojia village.

"This is also the reason why there are so many women's medical schools in Mojia village this time." Li Shimin sighed. Nearly a hundred people have been admitted to the women's medical school in Mojia village alone, and this is only women of school age. It can be seen that the compulsory education in Mojia village is not shouting slogans verbally, but really implemented.

"However, my concubine also heard that Mojia village implements free medical treatment in the whole village, and now it has compulsory education in the whole village. How much money will it cost?" sighed the eldest Sun Queen.

"Guanyin maidservant, forget the most important idea of Mohism!" Li Shimin bought a pass and said.

"Universal love is better than attacking the virtuous!" the eldest Sun Queen blurted out.

"Universal love and virtuosity! Now I finally know why Mohism declined in those years. None of these ideas can be implemented without money!" sighed Li Shimin.

Not to mention the wedding room in Mojia village before, it is free medical treatment and compulsory education in the whole village. I'm afraid it costs a lot of money. Where can ordinary people afford it!

Just say Shang Xian! Just hire female doctors with a monthly salary. If ordinary people can afford it.

"Your Majesty, don't forget that Merton is a famous little god of wealth. Everything he makes is very valuable!" the eldest Sun Queen reminded.

"Yes! Maybe the Mohists really found a new way in Merton." Li Shimin sighed.

As an emperor, Li Shimin thinks more. He can even imagine that after the emergence of block printing, the cost of reading and literacy has been greatly reduced, and the time for large-scale education is ripe. At the same time, a large number of unsuccessful literati have found a way to make a living.

The rise of education can provide more talents for the Tang Dynasty to participate in the imperial examination. Coupled with the implementation of the paste name system, I'm afraid more and more common people and even ordinary people's sons will go to the court and break the monopoly of aristocratic families on official positions.

Li Shimin took a deep breath and buried these in his heart. Everything is still immature.


"People who study are divided into three classes. The lower classes only need to be able to read and calculate to meet their daily needs; the middle school students learn skills and have no worries about food and clothing all their life, such as those who learn medicine, calculate accounts and be teachers; the best ones learn and become officials, and thousands of people who study in the Tang Dynasty, how can everyone be an official."


Kong Yingda looked at Li duo's reading syllogism in Ink magazine! This is simply the biggest impact on the Confucian culture and martial arts and the imperial family.

To be fair, everyone knows how many people study in the world, and few can be officials. Therefore, although Confucius advocated education without discrimination, Confucianism advocated elite education in all dynasties.

"Li laoguai really dares to say anything!" Liu Yinian snapped at the ink magazine in his hand. Li duo's words were like lifting the lid.

When Li duo was in Chang'an City, he often confronted the Imperial College. In recent years, he was silent. He thought he was already discouraged. Unexpectedly, he made a comeback with his back against the Mojia village.

"An old Li monster is not worried and can't turn over any big waves. Now let's discuss this compulsory education of Mohism!" Kong Yingda shook his head.

"Compulsory education!"

Suddenly, all the doctors of the Imperial College became silent. Anyone can see that once compulsory education is implemented, it is a great event that will last forever, but it was proposed and implemented by the Mohist school!

"In my opinion, compulsory education doesn't work!" Liu Yinian said gritting his teeth.

"Talk about it!" Kong Yingda indicated.

"Sacrificing wine, not to mention the source of students, is a mixture of good and bad. This money and food alone will cost a lot. Mojia village is just a village. How many villages in the whole Tang Dynasty can afford so much money and food." Liu Yinian sniffed.

"Universal love is not offensive! The Mohists like to mention some false big empty slogans, which can't be implemented at all!" Dr. Guozi also agreed.

In their view, these slogans of Mohism seem to be perfect, but in the end they are just empty.

Others also agree. At present, compulsory education has no promotion value at all. It is just a flash in the pan. Maybe the decline of Mojia village will disappear

Shen Hongcai looked at a group of empty eyed Guozijian doctors, shook his head and said, "before, the universal love of Mojia village could not be implemented at all. Now he has sold the first step and implemented a village. In mathematics, zero to one is how difficult, and one to two is much easier."

However, he is now bent on Mathematics and has been excluded by the public before. How can he kindly remind them.


This special issue not only solved the trust crisis between women's Hospital and Mojia village, but also aroused heated discussion among the people of Chang'an city.

"Love and benefit each other!"

People's hot topic is always inseparable from the core of Mohism. Mohist Thought, which has disappeared for thousands of years, is once again presented to the people of the Tang Dynasty. No one thought it was such a beautiful scene.

"Everyone has a rich life, the newly married people send new houses, free medical care for all villagers, and compulsory education for the whole village!" this is an unimaginable paradise on earth for some people in the Tang Dynasty who are still struggling to eat enough, and this paradise on earth is beside him - Mojia Village.

The creator of all this was Merton, the son of the Mohist family. For a while, Merton's reputation rose again, almost everyone knew.