Chapter 465

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
Li Shimin said in a deep voice, "marriage is not a small matter, but related to the stability of the country. When you go down to the ordinary people and the backyard of the Imperial Palace, all you want is to prosper the family and everything, cultivate your self-cultivation, govern the country and stabilize the world. If you don't have peace of mind, how can you serve the country? Today, the matter of the Hu family's daughter reminds me. Since there are many marriage problems in the world, how can I sit idly by."

"Your Majesty is holy!" the ministers said respectfully.

Even Quan Wanji has nothing to say. Even the most stubborn people want harmony in their family, kindness and filial piety.

Li Shimin looked around for a week, looked at Merton and said angrily, "Merton, since this happened because of you, let's talk about the defects of my marriage in Datang?"

Merton didn't know that he had revealed his secret. He said with full confidence: "first, getting married with close relatives, second, getting married early, third, getting married with children, fourth, child brides, fifth, arranging the sale of marriage, and finally parents interfering in the marriage."

As soon as Merton's voice fell, the hearts of the ministers were heavy. Who could have thought that so many problems were hidden under the tradition of parents' orders and matchmakers' words.

Li Shimin trembled in his hand and said, "let's have a discussion. If you have any problems, you can confront Merton face to face. Today, we will solve all the problems one by one and return a good marriage between men and women in the world."

All the ministers looked around without words,

Eldest sun Wuji gnawed his teeth and said, "back to the emperor, Weichen believes that close relative marriage is very harmful. According to Weichen's investigation, many close relative married couples have children with disabilities, fools, many diseases and premature deaths, which are very harmful. Please also order to announce it to the world and prohibit it."

The marriage between Chang sun Chong and Princess Changle has been dissolved for nearly a year. Now it's all right to mention it, and it's most appropriate for him to take the initiative to mention it.

In fact, for Merton's close relative marriage, the eldest sun Wuji's heart resented that Merton had let the eldest sun's family lose the opportunity of a century of wealth, but there was no trace of happiness. The eldest sun's family has become a behemoth now. If the future eldest sun's family is run by a fool, I'm afraid that would be the future of cutting off the eldest sun's family.

Li Shimin looked at Chang sun Wuji with satisfaction. Although the close relative marriage involved Chang sun Chong and Princess Changle, it could not be delayed indefinitely. Although the ink magazine has spread the harm of close relative marriage among the people, the effect is not obvious. There are still a lot of people getting married among the people.

"In that case, when revising the law of Zhenguan, the eldest sun Aiqing added this prohibition, and all relatives within five generations of the direct line and three generations of the collateral line can't get married." Li Shimin nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Wei!" the elder sun Wuji sighed with relief, and then stepped down.

"I have some doubts about early marriage," said Quan Wanji as soon as his eldest son Wuji stepped down.

"Quan Aiqing, please say," said Li Shimin.

Quan Wanji nodded and said, "Your Majesty, the law stipulates that men and women can get married after 15. However, doctors believe that men and women can get married only after their physical development is completed. I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

"How old is it when the development is completed?" Li Shimin frowned, turned to Merton and asked:

Merton said, "eighteen years old."

Li Shimin felt a little relieved immediately. However, before he relaxed, he heard Merton continue: "it's not an empty year, but one year old."

"One year old?" the ministers wondered.

Merton explained: "At present, the calculation age of Datang is a virtual age. Birth is one year old. Every Spring Festival increases one year. Doctors believe that this calculation age is extremely inappropriate. If one baby is born on New Year's Eve and another baby is born on Spring Festival, there is a difference of one day between them, but there is a difference of one year in calculation. If it is the same year, one year, one year's end, but one staggers and one year's end But still in swaddling clothes. "

Merton explained clearly, and the ministers nodded again and again.

"Doctors calculate the age from the date of birth to the birthday a year later, which is the virtual age stipulated by my dynasty. When I get married at the age of 15, it seems to doctors that I am only 13." Merton said bitterly.

"Thirteen years old!" Li Shimin was stunned. He had married when he was thirteen years old. No wonder the doctors reacted so much.

"I object!" Quan Wanji shouted.

"Since the end of the Sui Dynasty, the population of our Dynasty has withered, the land is deserted, the supreme emperor and his majesty have rested, and the population has gradually recovered. However, it is still not as good as the previous dynasty. If a woman marries at the age of 18, the population growth of our Tang Dynasty will be greatly reduced, and there will be insufficient Ding men at that time, which will endanger the foundation of the imperial court!" Quan Wanji exclaimed that at the age of 18, it would not be a virtual 20. In the current situation of Datang, he is already the mother of several children.

At this time, the population is the labor force, which can create wealth, taxes and troops. In order to increase the population, rulers often encourage early marriage. Quan Wanji's remark was immediately approved by many ministers.

Merton retorted: "Early marriage is very harmful. According to the statistics of doctors, there are countless cases of early marriage women having difficulty giving birth and one body and two lives. In this way, instead of increasing the population, it is counterproductive. As for the population growth, and with the prosperity of doctors, the infant mortality will be greatly reduced in the future, and the child survival rate will increase greatly. At that time, your majesty may have to consider how to settle so many newborn people."

What's the use of having more students? It's right to survive. As a master of gynecology and pediatrics, Sun Simiao has begun to write medical books on gynecology and obstetrics and began to teach female doctors in the women's Medical College. Once this group of women's medicine is completed, the survival rate of infants and young children in Datang will increase greatly. At that time, the whole Datang will usher in a population peak.

"Suppose a woman gets married at the age of 18, has five children in her life, can have five generations in a hundred years, and has nearly 100 people living together for four generations."

The Ministry of civil affairs, wearing a bow, nodded, and the Ministry of public affairs registered residence statistics in the world. In some wealthy families, the population of four generations lived together had hundreds of people.

"By analogy, the population of the whole Datang will double every 20 to 40 years. At present, the population of our Datang will be 3.8 million, 20 million, 40 million in 20 years, and hundreds of millions in 100 years. Mr. Wei, your majesty, is our Datang ready to feed hundreds of millions of people in 100 years?" Merton's voice is sonorous, It shook the imperial court like thunder.

"Hundreds of millions of people?" Manchu officials looked at Merton strangely

Li Shimin was shocked and immediately turned his eyes to Dai Zhou, the Minister of the Ministry of the people.

Dai Zhou quickly leaned over and counted on the Chaohu. The more he counted, the more frightened he was. After a while, he was sweating. After a long time, he smiled bitterly and said, "if the doctors can ensure the survival rate of newborns, in a hundred years, my Chaohu population may be hundreds of millions."

The Manchu minister took a breath. Before that, they were worried that delaying the marriage age of women would be detrimental to population growth. At this moment, this worry has long disappeared.

The population of the Tang Dynasty soared, but the land growth could not catch up. If there were more people and less land, and the land output could not feed so many people, I'm afraid that the people would have no livelihood at that time, and the chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty would certainly repeat itself in the Tang Dynasty.

Merton nodded secretly, but he knew how serious the population growth rate was. In the later period of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, the population had reached more than 80 million. If there were the promotion of doctors, it would not be impossible for the population of the Tang Dynasty to exceed 100 million.