Chapter 560

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
The army led by Fu Yun was only 10000 people. This time, Li Jing left a large number of luggage in juruchuan. Among the army, he selected 30000 elite cavalry and gathered all the compressed dry food left in the whole army, which was enough for the expedition rations of 30000 army.

The rations of the officers and soldiers were solved. For the sake of water and pasture for the war horses, Li Jing chose the route at the southern edge of the Qaidam Basin. The mountain roads here are difficult to walk, but at least there are some sparse vegetation, seasonal rivers formed by melting snow from the snow mountains, and there are some grasslands on both sides of the river. In this way, the supply pressure of the war horses is greatly reduced.

In the Qaidam Basin, in addition to the places where rivers flow, more areas are the endless Gobi desert, which can't see the marginal desolation at a glance, and even birds are very rare.

In the vast Gobi desert, a lonely Tang army made a hard expedition against the wind and sand.

The army crossed the deserted desert. In order to take a shortcut, it also crossed the desert, crossed the Altun mountain, and finally reached the border of Qiemo.

A large number of scouts are released. Their goal today is to find the Cherchen river before sunset. Once they reach the Cherchen River, it is not far from Qiemo.

"Cherchen river has been found, twenty miles ahead!" suddenly the former army scouts ran back and said loudly.


Immediately, all the officers and men of the army cheered one after another. Without waiting for Li Jing's order, they drove their horses and galloped towards the front.

For the cavalry, the distance of 20 Li was just a full sprint. Soon, a wide river came into the sight of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

The thirsty war horses rushed to the river and drank the cold river. The Tang army officers and soldiers also plunged into the river and drank the same river with the war horses.

Qin Huaiyu suddenly raised his head from the river, roared happily, wiped the river all over his face, looked at the sunset reflected in the river and dyed the river red, and couldn't help sighing: "the desert is lonely and straight, and the long river falls in yen. Merton's poem is penetrating."

Many literate generals can't help nodding and looking at Merton. They have seen the magnificent and vast northwest all the way. I'm afraid only Merton's poem is the most appropriate.

Duan Zhixuan shook his head and said, "according to me, it's very appropriate that the people of the long march have not returned in the Qin, Ming and Han Dynasties. I'm afraid we've moved all the way here from Chang'an city. I'm afraid it's at least 5000 miles! Counting the return journey, I'm afraid it's a long distance."

Li Jing could not help feeling that when he first set out for the battle, he had expected that the battle would be very hard, but he did not expect that it would be so difficult. The Tang army not only had to overcome the bad natural conditions, cross the complex and unfamiliar terrain, but also carried out long-distance operations and large-scale detours in the absence of food, supplies and backup, tracked the main force of Fuyun and fought a decisive battle with it, Tang Jun's slightest negligence would lead to an irreparable situation.

Along the way, Li Jing was cautious, fearing that one wrong step would put Tang Jun in danger,

Fortunately, all this is coming to an end. As long as you cross the Cherchen River, Qiemo city is close at hand.

On the third day, the eager 30000 Tang cavalry finally approached Qiemo city. However, to everyone's surprise, Qiemo city was empty without a shadow.

Only the cow dung all over the ground and the gnawing grassland prove that a large number of cattle and sheep have stayed here.

"Let Fuyun run away again." Cheng Yaojin said angrily.

Li Jing stood in the empty Qiemo city and looked embarrassed. This time, the Tang army was in the air again. Fu Yun was old and spicy. He was the most cunning and difficult opponent he met.

"Fuyun can't run far. He can evacuate for up to ten days." Merton said with certainty, looking at the traces of life under his feet.

Li Jing's face slowed slightly. The distance of the 10th day was not long. When Fu Yun evacuated, he carried a large number of cattle and sheep. He couldn't walk fast at all. What we need to determine now is the direction of Fu Yun's escape.

"Our army chases from the East, and the west is the vast desert. Fuyun can only escape in the north and south directions." Cheng Yaojin said.

"Khotan and Gaochang." Li Jingning emphasized that Khotan is the noble man of Fuyun. When Fuyun was chased by the Sui army, it was Khotan who took him in. It can be said that it was Fuyun's first choice.

However, it is not impossible for Fu Yun to go the opposite way, mislead the Tang army to pursue Khotan and change to Gaochang country. Gaochang is a powerful country in the western regions. He has always refused to accept the Tang Dynasty and would like to accept Fu Yun.

If you make a mistake, I'm afraid you'll never catch Fu Yun again.

"Divide the troops immediately. Cheng Yaojin led fifteen thousand cavalry to pursue Khotan. He would have led the rest of the cavalry to pursue north. Once it is confirmed that the pursuit is wrong, turn back immediately." Li Jing said firmly.

No matter how cunning the fox is, it can't escape the hand of the hunter. Although Fu Yun is cunning, Li Jing has made a comprehensive plan and brought 30000 elite cavalry. He has an absolute advantage in military strength.


Cheng Yaojin immediately took the command. The Tang army split up again, one south and one north, and galloped away. The Tang army has pursued three thousand miles. How can it care more than a few hundred miles.

Qiemo city was built because Qiemo river has abundant water and fertile grasslands on both sides.


Cheng Yaojin led a large number of cavalry up the Qiemo River, tracking the trace of Fuyun all the way, without missing any trace.

"It seems that we are very lucky!" on the third day of pursuing again, Cheng Yaojin pointed to the pieces of fresh cow dung under his feet and laughed happily.

Merton also breathed a sigh of relief. The traces of cattle and sheep life became more and more obvious. It seemed that the cat and mouse game was coming to an end.

"The whole army is shrinking. Don't scare the snake." Cheng Yaojin waved his big hand and said insidiously.

Immediately, the Tang army began to gather in formation. Instead of making a fire, the Tang army picked up compressed dry food one by one and ate it on the spot. Even the Scout's search radius was reduced by half. According to Cheng Yaojin's strategic intention, he would rather find the Tu army later than eat all the Tu army.

In the upper reaches of Qiemo River, a large number of Tuyuhun herdsmen hurried along with a large number of cattle and sheep. Even if there were fresh and tender grass sprouts along the way, these cattle and sheep could only bite in a hurry, and were immediately driven away by the hurried herdsmen to continue marching.

Around these cattle and sheep, a large number of Tuyuhun officers and men are escorted. This is Fuyun's last starting capital. Naturally, we should pay close attention to it and allow no loss.


Suddenly the ground shook, and a large number of Tang troops came from behind.

"Tang Jun is coming!"

At the moment, the Tuyuhun soldiers were like a bird frightened by a bow. Seeing that the Tang army was killing thousands of miles away, they had no will to resist and were ready to collapse at one touch.

In this battle, five thousand Tuyuhun cavalry were killed again and a large number of cattle and sheep were captured. However, Cheng Yaojin doesn't value these at all, but only wants one person, Fu Yun.

"General, mohou, our army found Fuyun's account!" a personal soldier came to report.

Merton and Cheng Yaojin were so happy that they hurried forward.

This time, will you catch Fu Yun?