Chapter 780

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
Dacien temple in Chang'an city is a temple with a lot of incense in Chang'an city. Every year, a large number of male believers go to worship the Buddha. Even many dignitaries and ladies are regular guests of dacien temple, often leaving a lot of incense money.

In addition, daci'en temple has an excellent reputation. Whenever frustrated scholars and poor scholars from other places come to Chang'an City and have nowhere to settle, daci'en Temple provides accommodation free of charge. If ordinary people go to daci'en temple to ask for relief due to sudden changes in their family circumstances, daci'en temple will also give generously.

Zhao Laohan in the suburb of Chang'an is a believer of daci'en temple. His wife Zhao is weak and ill. He donates incense money to daci'en temple every year in order to pray for his wife.

However, during the Chinese new year, his Zhao family suddenly became seriously ill and had no money to treat the disease. Finally, he borrowed three Guan money from Da Ci'en Temple and spent three months on treatment, which greatly improved in Mo hospital.

Hu family!

Old man Zhao helped the newly healed Zhao family back. In order to cure the Zhao family, they spent a lot of their savings before. It can be said that they were destitute and their family was very poor.

"Fortunately, I met doctor sun this time, which gave my wife hope of recovery." Zhao said happily. Zhao's condition was extremely complex. Finally, Sun Simiao personally made Zhao's condition better.

Zhao had just recovered from his serious illness and was weak. Seeing the Hu family, he couldn't help but feel ashamed and said, "I blame my poor health for making this family so difficult."

Zhao shook his head and said, "who told us that we were not born in Mojia village, but fortunately, your disease has improved and everything will be all right."

Nowadays, Mojia village is famous, and the villagers' welfare can be said to envy everyone. Especially, Mojia village is backed by Mojia hospital, and its free medical treatment can be said to be everyone's dream.

"But how can you repay the three Guan money you borrowed from Da Ci'en Temple?" Zhao worried. In order to treat her, the family has long been in vain. The three Guan money is not a small amount.

As soon as the old man Zhao gritted his teeth and said, "you don't have to worry. I'm going to ask the benefactor of Ci'en Temple for grace for some time. Now that your health has improved, I'll go to Mojia village to work. With all my strength, I can return it within a year. You can keep the field at home and recuperate."

The average monthly salary in Mojia village is about 300 Wen. If you work hard for a year, it will be nearly 300 yuan. If you save money, you can pay off your debts.

Zhao was relieved. However, before old man Zhao went to Da Ci'en Temple, he saw the Tongji monk of Da Ci'en Temple come to the door accompanied by the chief.

"It turned out that benefactor Hu has improved, which is really gratifying." Tongji monk folded his hands.

Old man Zhao said with joy on his face, "thank you also for the help of master Tongji. If master Tongji doesn't lend the old man three Guan money, how can we cure the stubborn disease of the base."

The Tongji monk nodded and said, "I came here just for this matter. At the beginning, daci'en Temple lent benefactor Hu Sanguan money and agreed to return it in January. Now three months have passed. I don't know when benefactor Hu will return it."

The old man Zhao immediately looked puzzled and said, "please allow Tongji master some time. When the old man goes to work in Mojia village, he will pay back his money at the first time."

Tongji monk immediately turned cold and said, "it has been three months since we made an appointment to return it in one month. According to the original contract, if you don't pay it in one month, the interest will double. Now it's three months. You already need to repay 40 yuan even with the principal and interest! Do you want to extend the time?"

"Forty Guan! How is this possible?" old man Zhao looked at Tongji monk like a bolt from the blue. He didn't dare to think about the number of forty Guan. He always thought that he only needed to pay back the three Guan money.

"It's impossible. It's written in black and white, and you can still recognize your original fingerprint." Tongji monk took out a contract and put it in front of old man Zhao.

"This... This..." old man Zhao couldn't help looking for help to the chief of the Department.

The chief took over the contract, looked carefully, and sighed helplessly, "it's written in black and white, and the interest is also the market price. There's nothing wrong."

"But at the beginning, master Tongji didn't have any interest!" said the old man with a red face. He could pay back the money three times a year, but 40 times a year. This is a sky high price. How could he exchange it, let alone the soaring interest.

When the chief heard the speech, he immediately blew his beard and glared and said, "as you say, dacien temple will lend you money for free. You dare to take advantage of the Buddha's cheap."

"But how can the old man afford to pay back these forty passes?" old man Zhao, who was a believer in daci'en temple, shrunk at his words.

The chief looked at old man Zhao's family. He shook his head and said, "it seems impossible to expect you to pay back the money. However, your family still has more than ten mu of land, which is not worth 40 Guan, but master Tongji, in my face, it's better to make a clean break?"

"Then I'll give Mr. Li Chang a face." seeing that old man Zhao couldn't squeeze any oil and water, Tongji monk nodded.

"You can't take away our land, it's our lifeblood!" the Zhao family heard the news, regardless of their weak body, came from the inner room and begged. More than ten acres of the Zhao family are excellent fields, which are the most valuable wealth of the Zhao family. How can they easily give them to others.

"It's only natural that you should pay your debts. If your family can't pay them back, you should pay them off with Tian." Li Chang said coldly.

Old man Zhao also woke up at the moment. He understood that he had won the plan of the chief and Tongji monk. He trembled and pointed to the two humanitarians: "are you not afraid of the government if you lose all conscience?"

The Tongji monk said coldly, "how many officials in the imperial court have just won the examination by boarding in our da Ci'en Temple. With this layer of incense, who do you think the government will help?"

"Besides, there are still black and white words here? There is a mountain of irrefutable evidence. Even if it comes to your majesty, you deserve it." after the chief intimidated, he left with Tongji monk.

Zhao's husband and wife can't help but stay there. It's like being lost. For farmers, land is the foundation of their survival. If they lose land, they will have nothing.

In an instant, their joy of getting better was swept away, leaving only endless desolation.

The next day, just after daybreak, the firewood door of Zhao's family was closed. There was no figure at the end of the day. The neighbor pushed the door to visit and suddenly screamed.


Immediately, the calm Zhaojiazhuang caused a sensation, and some brave villagers entered the house. Only then did they find that Mr. and Mrs. Zhao had killed themselves at the same time.