Chapter 1115

Name:Mohist Tang Author:jiang chen yi nu
Outside Gaochang City, the firearm supervisor is ready to go, and a full 200 carriages are particularly eye-catching. In front of the firearm supervisor team, two people have attracted everyone's attention, one is naturally Mo Jiazi, the other is the former king of Gaochang, now Gongqu Zhisheng, Jincheng County, Datang Dynasty.

This time, the firearms supervisor took the lead in triumphant return. By the way, he also took a job to return the new Jincheng County Duke to Chang'an city to report on his work.

"Don't send them far away. Mo MOU will go ahead and wait for you in Chang'an city." Merton said goodbye to the people who came to see them off.

"Bon Voyage!"

"When crossing the Gobi desert, don't forget to bring more water!"


They all told him that they had obviously suffered the pain of the next door for two thousand miles.

Merton laughed and said, "don't worry, the firearm supervisor has hundreds of empty cars, enough to discharge water."

"Take care, everyone!" Merton waved, stepped onto the last shadow and headed for the East. Since he had embarked on his return journey, he naturally had to hurry back at the first time. After all, there was a princess Changle waiting for him in Chang'an city.

"Mojiazi is gone!"

The movement of 200 carriages in the firearm prison can't hide from the people of Gaochang city. The people can't help but have complex thoughts. It was the devil mojiazi who broke through the wall of Gaochang city. At the same time, mojiazi, like a God, brought raisins to Gaochang, allowing countless Gaochang people to see the future and make a living.

What makes Gaochang people more complicated is the departure of Qu Zhisheng. Although Qu Zhisheng only served as king of Gaochang for less than one month, he was escorted to Chang'an City by Tang army. Although he nominally returned to Beijing to report on his work, everyone knows that there will be no king in Gaochang since then.

The departure of mojiazi fell into the eyes of some interested people. A Hu merchant came to a cage. In the cage, there was a divine falcon. Hu merchant quietly stuffed a secret letter into the bamboo tube at the foot of the Falcon, opened the cage, and the Falcon rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

Hawks and falcons fly all the way, but there is only one goal, that is, 800 miles of the vast sea.

Although the 800 mile vast sea is said to be uninhabited, it is not absolutely impossible to survive. When Tuyuhun voyun fled, he was an oasis hiding in the 800 mile vast sea. In addition, it was summer. The melting of glaciers made several rivers flow into the 800 mile vast sea, which had long been large oases.

The Falcon looked for it continuously, finally found it, saw a huge oasis, immediately rushed down and fell on a young man's shoulder.

Looking at the obvious plateau red on his face, he is a Tibetan. Looking at his gorgeous clothes, he is obviously a Tibetan noble. There are five thousand people and horses around him.

The Tubo nobleman took down the bamboo tube at the foot of the hawk and falcon, threw out a piece of meat, held it in his mouth, and flew aside to eat happily.

When the Tubo nobleman took down the secret letter, he couldn't help laughing and said, "the Mo family is finally alone. This time, as long as we break the firearms prison and capture the Mo family alive, that's when I talk about the fame of the Qin mausoleum."

No one can imagine that Tubo hid five thousand troops and horses in the 800 mile vast sea, and the leader was the proud son of Tubo Prime Minister Lu Dongzan, on the Qin mausoleum.

"Great, I'm tired of staying here for a long time." Mo Chi, the commander of Tubo, lost his horse meat and roared.

In order to achieve absolute concealment, Lu Dongzan united with Tuyuhun tribe to kill Murong Shun. After Tuyuhun attracted the attention of the Tang army, he secretly sent his son Lun Qinling to hide in the oasis and wait for the next instruction.

In order to cover the imperial mausoleum, Lu Dongzan even kept circling with the Tang army in Tuyuhun, sometimes deliberately showing weakness. As expected, the Tang army relaxed its vigilance. No one thought that Tubo would cross thousands of miles to the 800 mile sea to ambush 5000 troops and horses, ready to ambush mojiazi and firearms prison.

Qin Ling couldn't help thinking of the conversation he had with his father before he set out. It was just spring. When his father got the secret report from Chang'an City, he decided to kill Murong Shun and provoke the Tang Dynasty.

"Tuyuhun will surely defeat Tubo in this war." Lu Dongzan said with a heavy face on his face.

On Qin Ling's face, he said, "why should my father fight with the Tang Dynasty? How can I waste my Tubo man for Tuyuhun."

"What's this loss? If we can change an ink family, it's all worth it." Lu Dongzan said with a firm face.

"The Mohist family!" on the Qin mausoleum, it was not the first time he had heard the name. As a peer, the Mohist family was at the height of the sun. On the Qin mausoleum, he was a proud man, how could he be convinced.

"Now I give you a task as my father. You have to ambush in the 800 mile sea and prepare to ambush the Mexican family." Lu Dongzan said with a frozen face.

On Qin Ling, he saw for the second time that his father attached so much importance to a young man. Last time, Lu Dongzan was facing Songzan Ganbu.

On the Qin mausoleum, he said proudly, "the firearms can't supervise a thousand people and horses. Please give the child a thousand people and horses, and he will surely return with the head of the Mexican family."

Ludongzan shook his head and said, "for my father, I give you five thousand soldiers and horses. You must get the gunpowder and kill the Mexican family."

"Five thousand troops and horses?" on the Qin mausoleum, he was stunned. The Tubo cavalry has always been elite. Five thousand troops and horses can almost form their own army. The Mohists are only a thousand people and horses. On Qinling, they not only think that their father is making a mountain out of a molehill.

"The Mohist son has created miracles many times. It's not too prudent to be the father of the Mohist son. If possible, the father even wants to give you 10000 troops. However, such a large-scale mobilization can't hide from the Tang army. If the Tang army finds out that it falls short, and it's not easy to hide in the 800 mile vast sea, no one can confirm when the Mohist son will return. The 5000 troops are already at the limit." Lu Dongzan said solemnly.

"Don't worry, father. There are five thousand soldiers and horses. If you can't take the Mexican family again, the child will have no face to see his father." Lun Qinling said proudly.

There are five thousand soldiers and horses in the imperial mausoleum. He is not arrogant. There are only one thousand Mohists and horses. Even if Mohists are famous, he believes that he will be able to kill Mohists this time.

Ludong praised Ning and said, "go! Remember, there is only one task for you, that is, the Mohist must die."

"The Mohist must die?" on the Qin mausoleum, he was shocked and didn't understand. "Father, once the Mohist died, wouldn't Tubo, the secret gunpowder recipe, be unavailable."

Lu Dongzan sneered: "Yugu set thinks that this time I will swallow the secret skill of gunpowder alone, but he doesn't know that the secret skill of gunpowder is not worth mentioning compared with the secret of the protection of the gods on the Tibetan Plateau. Only when the Mohist died, can I keep this secret on the Tibetan Plateau and be invincible."

"Yes, father!" Lun Qinling nodded solemnly and immediately sneaked all the way with 5000 troops and horses, bypassing the Tuyuhun big tribe, and even directly killed his mouth and covered up his whereabouts when he met a small tribe. Only then did he quietly lurk in the 800 mile vast sea.

"Father, the Mohist family is finally alone. This time, the Mohist family must die." Lun Qinling said firmly.

After waiting for a few days, according to the itinerary of mojiazi, he should be about to walk out of the 800 Li sea. With a wave of his hand on the Qinling mausoleum, 5000 people and horses were immediately ready to go. It was extremely difficult to find mojiazi in the 2000 Li Gobi desert, but there was only one destination for mojiazi, that is, the Qikou near the Yumen pass.