163 The signal flare of war.

Liang Chen blanked out for a bit while the information flooded his mind, doing his best to digest it as quickly as possible. He didn't have to memorize it as the information imprinted itself in his mind, but actually understanding the information and what it was conveying required him to study it for a bit. Liang Chen opened his eyes again, uncertain when he had even closed them, once the information stopped flooding his mind, blinking his eyes a few times while turning to look at Yan Ling.

"Did you also see and hear the scenes just now? And did you receive the flood of information?"

The image of Xiang Hong said that only his own descendants or the descendants of Rahu would be able to awaken the jades and acquire his cultivation technique, but Liang Chen wondered if others around them could also acquire the cultivation technique if they were around at the time the jade awakened. But contrary to what he hoped, Yan Ling shook her head slightly, her eyes gleaming as she looked at the jade that Liang Chen was holding.

"I saw the battle, but I couldn't hear anything. Who were those people and what sort of information did you get? Also, I gotta borrow that jade, the attack made by the silver-haired one seemed to use the law of space, I think I'll be able to learn a thing or two if I get to study."

Liang Chen had already gotten everything he could from the jade so he tossed it to Yan Ling, who swiftly caught it and put it away. He then summarized what he had just heard the three people talking about, he also told Yan Ling the new information he had just received during the flood of information.

"I also learned that there are more cultivation realms that none of the books in the sect's library mentioned, there are two, technically three, that they are lacking. Above the Sovereign God realm is the Empyrean Ruler realm and above that is the Primeval Sovereign realm, the one most people consider to be the peak of cultivation. But there is actually a cultivation realm above even that, the one that the three people in the recording have reached, the Universal Heart realm. The information didn't mention much about these three realms, it said that each person usually has their own unique way of reaching these realms."

Liang Chen's eyes gleamed somewhat as he spoke, Yan Ling's gleaming when she heard the information. Previously unheard of cultivation realms, just how grand was this type of information? And the three people they had seen in the recording, just how grand were they, who had reached the true peak of cultivation? At the same time, they could also feel their hearts thumping faintly. Just the Transcended Immortal and the Sovereign God realm felt so incredibly distant and mighty, and yet there were three realms above even these.

"I also received the full cultivation manual of the Ocean God Physique so I can continue to cultivate my body and soul using it in the future. Only, it turns out that I fucked up a teensy bit when I came up with my own way of altering my bones. Turns out that the cultivation technique is two-fold, the first part is you turning your body into the element while the second part consists of you turning your elemental body into a body constructed purely out of laws. Once you reach this stage, wherever your laws exist so too can you, you'll practically be immortal and omnipresent in this vast multiverse, the only way to kill you would be to forever eradicate whichever law you have become. Of course, as we just saw in the recording, there are ways to get around this."

The number of minor universes that existed in this multiverse was too many to count, and the major universes were so large that they could house thousands of minor universes, there would always be at least one location that held your law of choosing. Xiang Hong should truly have been immortal, but what a shame that Yin Long was capable of perfectly countering his strongest ability. Liang Chen realized that he had gone a bit off topic, quickly returning to what he was talking about.

"But anyway, as the end goal is to turn your entire body into a singular law, you usually start accustoming your body to said law as quickly as you can. The normal path to changing your bones is to turn them into the same liquid as your bone marrow and then coating it in a thin layer of laws that will slowly merge with the liquid. I simply turned my bones into the crystallized form of the fused storm law so I might have to put in a bit of extra effort once I reach the stage where I have to turn my entire body into a singular law."

He didn't consider it too big of a problem, it only meant a bit more work when he finally reached the later stages of cultivation, there were far worse ways he could have messed up. After he finished explaining the full details of the Ocean God Physique, he noticed that Yan Ling was looking at him with exasperation, releasing a heavy sigh while stretching out her arms and pinching Liang Chen's cheeks, stretching them.

"Really, and here I thought the Chaos King technique was already beyond ridiculous. And just when I think that I've somewhat managed to close the gap between us, you pull out some dumb shit and use it to run right ahead again, can't ya spare at least a single thought for me?!"

Yan Ling continued to pull and stretch Liang Chen's cheeks in exasperation and slight frustration, but Liang Chen simply grinned at her while letting out a somewhat cheeky chuckle. Someone seemed to protest their way of showing affection however, the white-haired and blue-eyed Lan Yun jumping out of Yan Ling's dantian and clutching onto Yan Ling's arms while doing her best to scold her.

"Maman, No! Maman, No! Maman bad!"

The two of them stopped their playing around when Lan Yun scolded Yan Ling, looking at her with some surprise. Neither of them had gotten the chance to teach her any words yet, but here she was, uttering two words she shouldn't know. Could she have been listening to them while they were out walking, picking up a word or two just from listening? If so, she was quite a bit smarter than either of them had first assumed. Yan Ling picked up Lan Yun and gently swung her around a little to ease her adorable anger.

"No no, you're getting it wrong, it's not Maman, it's Mama. Me, Mama. He, Little Freak. Say it with me, Mama, Little Freak."

Liang Chen could only roll his eyes when he heard that the first thing Yan Ling was trying to teach Lan Yun was that nickname she had come up with back when they first met. But it seemed like at least one person here was on their side, Lan Yun digging her feet in and remaining adamant.

"No! Maman, Papan!"

Yumao popped out from Liang Chen's shadow, slithering up his arm and coiling up on Liang Chen's head, nodding his head in agreement to Lan Yun's words, so Liang Chen had at least two supporters here. Liang Chen stretched out his arms and snatched Lan Yun from Yan Ling, embracing her with his left arm while pointing at Yan Ling.

"Don't listen to her, she's a liar. Me Papa, she Mischievous Fox."

Liang Chen had to admit that it felt strange, suddenly having a little girl treating him like her father. But it felt nice, it was calming. Yan Ling, Yumao, and now Lan Yun, having the three of them around made him feel like he had regained a little of that which he lost when his parents were executed. He felt that all he had to do now was reunite with his big sister, Qing Chun, and his little family would be almost complete.

Yan Ling clicked her tongue when she heard what Liang Chen was trying to teach Lan Yun, scowling slightly as she reached out her arms and took back Lan Yun before Liang Chen could try to teach her more.

"Don't teach her strange things, what if she memorizes them? So, what do you think we should do about what Sun Cailin told us?"

Liang Chen fell silent after hearing Yan Ling's question, his expression turning a bit more serious as his fingers drummed his thigh for a few seconds before he responded.

"Qian Liao, huh? She can't lie to us because of the contract, so he should really be coming for us. And since we got our hands on the cultivation technique, there isn't too much reason for us to stay in the towers either, other than resources. But well, with him coming for us we can't really stay here safely, leaving is probably the better choice. And now that I can continue to cultivate my body and soul, there is a place I would like to check out."

Qian Liao was definitely stronger than them, he couldn't hurt them as long as they stayed within this house, but he could just set up camp outside their door and trap them here. After he finished talking, Liang Chen gave Yan Ling's interspatial ring a light tap and took out the disk made from brown metal that contained the map of this planet. He put some Qi into it, the image of a faintly pear-shaped planet appearing in the air above it. Liang Chen pointed at a location close to the bottom of the planet, an area marked with the words 'Thunder Saint's Final Breath'.


While Liang Chen and Yan Ling were planning on what to do next, the reinforcements of the Dawn's Blade Alliance and the Moon Dragon Sect had finally arrived on the planet. The two people who had been sent to help the new disciple, Wu Huan, and were subsequently beaten by Qing Lan Yong, were standing in the air high above the planet. The golden-eyed and orange-haired Yu Jiang and the golden-eyed and bald Shen Cai were looking at the six people that were rapidly flying towards them, stopping a few feet away from them. The apparent leader of the six, a woman with blue eyes and brown hair hanging all the way down to her knees looked at the planet beneath them, her eyebrows rising slightly.

"Do you not know what they say about this planet? You were unable to find the target amongst all these carps?"

The planet's name was Dragon's Gate because of the fact that most of the cultivators that left the planet ended up becoming rather powerful, spawning the legend that one would either leave the planet and become a dragon or stay on the planet and remain a carp. Yu Jiang's smile turned a bit bitter as he shook his head, revealing a hand imprint on his neck.

"You can't blame us, Senior Sister Xia, the target has some very strong people who are doing their best to keep him hidden. Did Venerable Master say anything when he handed you the arrays?"

Yu Jiang's expression was a bit awkward when he asked his question, the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint their Venerable Master. But he was able to let out a breath of relief when his Senior Sister, Ding Xia, shook her head. But what she proceeded to say sent a cold shiver down the spine of everyone present.

"We didn't meet Venerable Master, he has temporarily left this universe in an attempt to meet the Nine Star Demon God, he wishes to ask for some blood from the Dark God to aid him in his breakthrough. But don't worry, Senior Teacher Song has lent us one of the array's Master created after receiving some of the Divine Emperor's teachings."

Nine Star Demon God, everyone here knew the weight and terror of that name. Just once these people had gotten the lucky chance, and the unfortunate fate, of seeing the Nine Star Demon God in action, battling against some Parasites that were trying to corrode one of the minor universes. Even to this day, several of them still woke up at night, shivering and covered in cold sweat as they remembered the scene.

Ding Xia raised her right hand and caused 999 flags made from orange jade to appear around her, the flags quickly flying over to Yu Jiang. He accepted the flags with slightly trembling arms, a burning desire to see the array in effect spreading through his body. Ding Xia gave a casual explanation of the array, seven apple-size crystal orbs filled with what seemed to be liquid fire appearing in front of her.

"It'll seal the Qi and bloodlines of everyone on the planet, unless someone here has the bloodline of an Origin Beast, they'll be unable to break through the array and put up any resistance. I'll also give you these, finish the job quickly and return to the sect."

Neither Ding Xia or the five other people she brought along remained in the area after she finished her task, they had other missions that they had to complete, coming here was just a quick detour for them. Yu Jiang passed the crystal orbs over to Shen Cai, the two sharing a quick nod before splitting up to take care of their own separate jobs.

Yu Jiang quickly moved around the entire planet, planting the 999 flags in different spots. Once the 999th flag was planted, all of them lit up with countless green runes that stretched out and connected with each other, forming a massive array that surrounded the entire planet. Once the array surrounded the entire planet it started to sink down, imprinting itself on every living being on the planet and sealing every single ounce of strength they had, leaving even the strongest cultivator little better than a normal mortal. And a mere three minutes after the array covered the entire planet, a rumbling explosion rocked the Soaring Cloud continent, the entire headquarters of the Storm Wolf sect being swallowed by deep violet flames.