The old ghost waved, "come here, let's drink." Seven or eight bottles of cold beer were brought out from the big freezer at one go.

Fang Qi opened the plastic bag on the small round table. It was full of pickled vegetables: pig face, pig large intestine, Red duck, soy sauce beef, soy sauce donkey meat, vegetarian chicken, kelp peanuts, and seven or eight dishes.

"Can you finish it, boy? Buy so much. "

"You're here." Take the bottle and bite the lid.

"Don't drive so much. I just drank it from Gao Liangyu."

"That bitch?" The old ghost disdained to say, "I'll drink if you don't drink!" Pick up a bottle and drink it all at once.

Seeing the old ghost like this, Fang Qi also picked up the bottle and drank it up. He put down the bottle and looked around the tin room: "you alone?"

"Little apprentice, go home for a blind date. It's no big deal today. Let's talk about it. What's the matter with you? Why did you drop out? "

Fang Qi talked with the old ghost while drinking and told him his embarrassing situation.

The old ghost saw him take out two packs of "Shennong" cigarettes, take out several packs of lotus king from the cabinet and put them on the table: "here you are, no hooves, no old ghost. I'm here today."

Seeing Fang Qimeng, the old ghost patted him on the shoulder: "you forgot the hammer of class 3 and 4. Those dog day old bullied me?"

"Oh," Fang Qi remembered. In fact, the old ghost and he were in different classes at the same level. The old ghost in senior one was black, thin and stupid. The class bully in class three and four was nicknamed hammer. He used the old ghost as a servant who didn't listen to squeak and was beaten.

Fang Qi was so obedient that he beat the hammer at that time. When he met, he was called "brother Qizi". His tongue was still vague, and he was called "brother hoof".

In the third year of senior high school, the old ghost went to learn to repair the car before he finished. For just two years, the black and thin boy just grew into a "black Li Kui".

"Good dogs protect three neighbors, and good men protect three villages". Fang Qi, like the mountain king, accepted all the troublemakers in No. 3 middle school. As long as people from other schools dare to bully people, Fang Qi will take people to war.

But Fang Qi didn't expect that he would have such a great impact on the old ghost. "You say that as if I funded you millions."

"When people fight for one breath, the Buddha is a pillar of incense. If you don't help me beat the hammer down, I can't stand up now. "

Fang Qi suddenly figured out what's going on. Puberty is changeable. This is called depression in psychology. It seems that Xiao Cui's children's shoes have this problem. It is estimated that he was bullied when he was a child.

Speaking of Fang Qi, the old ghost chewed the pig's ear: "the wicked have to be sharpened by the wicked. You have many ideas. You must have a way to deal with the donkey day."

Fang Qi scratched his head anxiously. "There's so much wool. I'm looking for you to give me an idea. Three smelly feet can also smoke down an elephant. I made a circle of calls at Liangyu's house. These boys are either dead fathers or holding babies. Only four or five can come. "

The old ghost rolled his eyes and said, "why don't you call us? I didn't see you and didn't see you. "

"Where do I have your phone? This is also a step on monkey poop - Ape dung. "

"What does that boy look like?"

Fang Qi took out his mobile phone. This is still an electronic picture from GE Zhaozhao.

The old ghost looked: "yes, I remember. There's nothing I don't know about the big fart in our small county. "

Raise the bottle and touch Fang Qi, "Oh, by the way, hoof, I'll introduce someone to you. To tell you the truth, I have no strong points, but if I can remember that others are good to me, I can remember it all my life and I can't forget it until I die. "

"Who is it?" Fang Qi didn't know what he was trying to say.

"See, such a big place, including this tin shed, is all mine. I met a master. He gave me advice, or I wouldn't be famous. "

The goods belched with wine and looked at the empty bottles on the ground, "drink more?"

Fang Qi patted his stomach and said, "another belly. If you don't succeed, you'll lose."

The old ghost raised his chopsticks and said, "then eat."

Fang Qi shook his head: "you eat your food, I smoke."

At the door of lengbuding, someone asked, "Xiao Wei, has the car been repaired?"

The old ghost bounced up like sitting on the switch: "Uncle Lin, the car has been repaired and cleaned for you."

A middle-aged man came in at the door and looked at Fang Qi. His eyes stayed on his face for a while, "your friend?"

"Yes, my classmate Fang Qi." Turning his face, the other party squeezed and winked, "this is the benefactor uncle Lin I just told you."

Fang Qi stood up and called Uncle Lin.

Uncle Lin made a sound, nodded slightly, turned his face and asked the old ghost, "why do you talk about me?" His face seemed unhappy.

The old ghost immediately turned pig liver and said, "I... I said it was a beast if I didn't report my kindness. Fang Qi was the only college student in our county who was admitted last year."

"Oh," Uncle Lin looked a little slower and looked at Fang Qi, "how much did it cost?" He took out five old heads from his clothes pocket and handed them to the old ghost.

The old ghost went back several steps like a fire, and the empty wine bottles fell down with a clang. "Uncle Lin, if I charge you, I'll still be human."

Uncle Lin scolded, "you're stupid. You don't need money to repair the car. Why don't you drink the West and north wind? Take it! "

The old ghost scratched his head like a child who did something wrong. He took out a red note and slapped himself in the mouth: "Uncle Lin, I can charge you."

Uncle Lin stopped pushing each other and put away his wallet: "that's it. I can drive away." When he got into the car, he looked back at Fang Qi.

The old ghost kept sending uncle Lin outside until he couldn't see the car. While walking, he slapped himself in the face: "I'm such an asshole!"

From the first time Fang Qi saw Uncle Lin, he felt that the man seemed to have human hair, and there was a faint pressure all the time. Until the man left, his body was like a small fountain.

A long puffed out a smothered turbid breath: "what the hell is this man doing?"

The old ghost looked up at him and said, "he is uncle Lin who helped me."

"I know. Is this man a senior official?"

The old ghost shook his head: "I don't know what he is. I only know that he is a great help to me. He is my benefactor."

Fang Qi was so frustrated that he patted the old ghost on the shoulder: "you've met a noble man. This man is definitely a big official. There are two kinds of officials in the world. One is a treacherous minister and the other is a loyal minister. Ordinary people will never learn. "

The old ghost said quietly, "I don't know any treacherous and loyal officials. I only know that he is good to me and is my benefactor."

Fang Qi ran to the freezer and took out a few bottles of cold beer. "Don't worry about it. Such people don't care about money at all. Lying in the trough, the wine that frightened him had no strength at all. "