Fang Qi really admired Ge Zhaozhao's ability to deceive them. If she hadn't yelled, the gang of assistant policemen wouldn't be able to go, and Lao Cao didn't shrink back so easily.

There must be a policeman on the top. Fang Qi is not afraid, but he presses the inverted gourd to lift the ladle. The big event is not over, and the small trouble continues. If there are more complications, it will only be worse.

I don't know if brother Sangang can get Er Liu back. Wait first.

Ge Zhaozhao looked at them as they walked. It was like walking in a leisurely court. The young people didn't think much. They were tired of putting those fat brick families. Their fat face turned pig liver, and they were panting against the tree. Seeing that Fang Qi stayed above, he stopped coming forward.

But the big eyed thief seemed to be a little swallow flying to Fang Qi, "where's the village head?"

"Oh, go up there. Two people in our village were caught and fished."

The big eyed thief held a fan made of paper towels one by one. His eyes looked around the mountains and forests: "it's a good place. Living here can live a few more years."

Fang Qi said, "that's what you city people think. There are mountains all around us. There's nothing rare."

A deceitful smile appeared on the big eyed thief's face: "I heard Zhaozhao say that in fact, you are very kind-hearted and want to help build roads in the village and get rich with the villagers. Isn't it? "

"Cut, don't give me a high hat, I can't afford it."

The big eyed thief turned his eyes around. "Fang Qi, there's good news. Do you want to hear it?"

Fang Qi's little heart "clanged" and hit the ground like a dog's beak. He fooled and threw it in the sky. He stared at her and asked, "what good news?"

The big eyed thief looked at his watch. The paper towel in his hand suddenly accelerated. He muttered: "ah, it's late. It's really hot!" Without even looking at him, he shook the melon seeds in his cerebellum bag and walked towards Ge Zhaozhao below.

Fang Qixin was still hanging in the air and didn't come down for a long time. He gaped and watched the big eyed thief go down like a winning general. His mind was full of "good news" and "bang bang" are all question marks.

Have the heart to run down and pull back the goblin who stuck him in the middle. It's hard for so many people to start. Then Ge Zhaozhao must know. Ask her? Er - - both of them have been in a cold war since last night.

Fang Qi couldn't afford to ask her.

Needless to say, the big eyed thief is definitely intentional. He wants to make him uncomfortable and deliberately upset him!

Medium goblin!

Fang Qi scratched his ears and cheeks. He thought for a moment that maybe the dead fat man suddenly found out his conscience and agreed to issue a certificate? But I think myopia has made it clear that issuing an identification certificate to them is to hit him in the face. Obviously, this one doesn't make sense.

Did Liu Puyu find the identification agency? Then you have to tell me first?

What would that be?

Fang Qi stood up, squatted down, looked at the woods and pounded the trunk like a little monkey.

Ah, what a taste. It's really hard to say.

Until Zhao Sangang came down with empty hands and called them to go, followed by daughter-in-law Liu with red eyes. Fang Qi hurriedly asked, "why?"

"Tell them to take it away. Let's go back quickly, or we'll be afraid of losing the brothers. Kiko, send the green branches home first, and we'll wait for you at the entrance of the village. "

Fang Qi rode on the oil donkey, let Qingzhi sit on it, put it in gear and slide down slowly.

When passing Ge Zhaozhao and the big eyed thief, he said, "sister-in-law, you can hold tight and don't fall."

The mountain road is not steep, but the leaves are thick and the road is uneven. It's hard to walk. It's not much faster to slip down than to drive up.

On the way, I also saw several villagers, and some of them caught Er Liu. About speaking, Qingzhi heard it, and Qingzhi cried on Fang Qi's back.

Fang Qi comforted: "sister-in-law, don't worry. When brother Sangang goes down the mountain, I'll go fishing with him."

The green branch sobbed and said, "your big brother Liu is dead. As soon as you make the Feng family fat, you call someone to run to the mountain to find a baby to make a fortune. I wonder if the mountain should be full of babies. Why doesn't the balsam pear face start first? He can wander around the mountain every day. "

Fang Qi didn't say much about it. He really found treasure. However, when I go up the mountain, I dig everywhere. People's shoes and target face must not be dry.

The green branch saw Fang Qi and said, "Qizi, did you and Sangang really dig treasure?"

"Well," Fang Qi replied vaguely, "but we don't all belong to us. I told brother Sangang that if we have money, we should first build a cement road and buy some water pumps for our village."

"Then you haven't sold the money yet?"

"Fart, did you see that group of people? Those treasure experts have been in the county for a long time and haven't given a letter. They don't come to our village to see if it's suitable for growing babies. Tell brother San gang that we are a treasure land of Feng Shui and are suitable for growing herbs to make a fortune. "

Fang Qi gave a hammer in the East and a hammer in the West. Not only Qingzhi understood, but Fang Qi himself believed it.

I found the baby, but they didn't say it was valuable or not. But other experts say that planting herbs in Heilongtan village will make a lot of money.

Originally, Qingzhi was also holding his breath. Why should Zhao Sangang and the Fang family dig treasure and others can't? But now it's not like what Feng ER Pang said.

After more than half of his anger disappeared, he said, "Qizi, our big Liu is a straight hearted goose. He believes that shit can be eaten. It's his fault to pour fecal water into your house. I'll scold him. Don't be common with him. "

Fang Qi scolded in his heart. Sure enough, he belongs to a goose. If he eats here, he can do such a wicked thing.

The words changed his taste: "how can I? Brother Liu, my sophomore in college, still borrowed our tuition. It's not your fault. Who wants to be rich. In fact, Sangang and I were in the county for our village. I didn't want Er pang to take advantage of it. "

"Yes, I believe the three gang people. The bereaved Dezi family can't die well. They were struck by thunder when they went out, hit in the street, shit fell into the pit and drowned!"

Fang Qi couldn't help shivering. Liu's daughter-in-law's mouth was poisonous enough. I'm afraid she scolded Zhao Fang's family all over when she was pushed by Feng ER Pang.

When they arrived at the Baogu viewing shed, silly Dazi and Wang Ermeng were picking up the Baogu straw and watermelon peel in the field. They saw the green branches squeaking and saying, "eh, big brother Liu and brother Liu pinch?"

The green branch didn't mean to say that he was caught by others. He said casually, "my foot hurts in the back. Let Qizi send me back first."

Send sister-in-law Qingzhi all the way to her house in the east of the village. Xuejun and Xuemin run out: "Mom, hungry dad and uncle pinch?"

Fangqi turned around and said, "I'll go back first. I guess I'll be back at noon. " Riding on the bus, I rushed to Zhang Li's house first. Unexpectedly, the iron general locked the door. A Luhua chicken laid eggs outside the wall of her yard. Holding up its neck, I looked arrogantly at Fang Qi and began to boast: "big, big, big!"