Fang Qi took the key and went to her office. Except for the last contract signing meeting, she came here. The door was usually closed. The smell of leather sofa with new furniture filled the air. Zhang Li opened the window to breathe and picked up a rag to wipe everywhere.

"Stop fooling around. I'll take you to buy a quilt and some daily necessities."

It's close to No. 1 middle school. There's a big supermarket and a small alley. It's full of small restaurants and snack bars. They went to the supermarket to buy a lot of things and send them back. When he came back, Fang Qi said that he was a little far away from No. 3 middle school. He didn't want to buy a bike to ride. He drove the car and bought a small woman's car.

When she returned to the company and asked her to tidy her room, Fang Qi came to ge Zhaozhao's office.

Ge Zhaozhao handed him the folder: "look."

Fang Qi started to see that Gao Xianghuai had signed a contract with Zhou ran. He looked up and asked, "what's the matter?"

"What did you tell me last time, but now you forget?"

Fang Qi pinched his forehead. "Yes, I said, let Gao Xianghuai sign a contract with Zhou ran, let them play with each other, and let's withdraw."

"What the hell do you think?" Ge Zhaozhao looked at Fang Qi with a pen in his hands. "So far, I haven't been able to understand what you want to make."

Fang Qi went to the window. It was a half cloudy and half sunny sky outside and leaned against the windowsill. "I mean, if Zhou ran dug a pit and Gao Xianghuai couldn't shop him, let Gao Xianghuai jump in himself. If he's done, this is his nomination. Let's wait to receive the results. Look at the last articles of the contract. It's very clear. Even if Gao Xianghuai fell into the pit, he couldn't find us. This is not a bilateral agreement, but a tripartite contract. "

Ge Zhaozhao asked, "aren't you afraid that they will partner together to deceive us?"

Fang Qi smiled, "sister, you are smart, but you are smart. It has been clearly written in the contract. Zhou ran must have a problem. If the problem is big, we will plant it. If the problem is small, we will make money. We only eat meat without taking risks. Then we'll send someone to check one by one to see if he's lying to us. It's like throwing the burden to Gao Xianghuai and letting him fight with Zhou ran. It's nothing for us. Besides, with Du Gongbo supporting us now, we don't have to care about Zhou ran. This is also an important reason why I dare to let go to Gao Xianghuai. "

Ge Zhaozhao nodded and said, "well, do as you say." "Your sister has arranged it?" he said

"She's here to repeat. What sister's? I'm not happy to talk nonsense." Although Fang Qi said so, he still had a Langlang smile on his face, which made people wonder whether he was happy or unhappy.

"Has the road in your village been repaired? How many herbs have been planted? "

Fang Qi remembered that the planted horse card could be collected in a few days, so he said, "the last horse card can be collected when the frost falls. How to collect it?"

Ge Zhaozhao took out an A4 booklet from the shelf: "the price of medicinal materials depends on the color and dryness. After you collect them, you have to dry them. We will have a special master to collect them at home. The first batch is too small. I intend to make this batch of Maka into Maka pieces and sell them locally. "

Fang Qi looked through the price and did divide it into several grades. The harvest of one season is two or three thousand yuan in the backyard. It must be no problem. If you plant it in Baogu field, a small piece of land can collect at least 10000 yuan a season. Unfortunately, it can't be planted in four seasons, and other herbs need to be planted in other seasons.

I didn't see Mr. Ge when I came home. I heard that he lived in Ermeng's house. Zhao Sangang also said that he got an experimental field in the vegetable garden in front of Ermeng's house. I don't know what he planted. I was so busy that I didn't have time to see him. I must bring something to the old man next time I go back.

"Come on, let me show you the lab." Ge Zhaozhao got up and took him upstairs. "Can you approve me to build an elevator now? We should not only build an elevator, but also build a sample. It's hard to get something up from below. "

Fang Qi stood at the corner of the stairs and looked down. "It's all decorated. Don't you have to smash the elevator you're building now?"

"Stupid, do you think I can do whatever I want like you? I have long left room for building elevators. " Pointing to the front, "it's absolutely no problem to build two external elevators. Make a transparent glass room."

The outer elevator is actually next to the gate. The whole corridor turns right here. From the elevator, there are all workshops and offices.

"OK, we didn't have money before. Now we can go if we have money."

When I entered the laboratory, I saw that the walls between several classrooms were all broken through, and various pipes such as ventilation, spraying, smoke control and so on were laid on them. Several rooms were all glass enclosed rooms. Some are already equipped with machines, and some are empty. The workers are installing all kinds of machines and equipment.

These people are the construction units sent by Yahua company. They have been doing the projects of Yahua company before. Naturally, they have nothing to do with their small laboratory.

"Oh, by the way, does our company need to recruit a group of experimenters? Yahua will also send personnel, but they just come to help. They can't stay too long. We still need to train our own people."

Fang Qi didn't know anything about these things. "I'll leave these things to you. I really don't know anything about them. I'll just do research. You can deal with the company. "

Developing a long-term new drug will certainly not be as simple as seeing a doctor. He sees a doctor only for individuals, while the developed drugs are aimed at thousands of patients. Therefore, the clinical symptoms and pathological structures of many patients need to be analyzed to screen out the main viruses to overcome. The process is quite complex.

When he came back, Fang Qi was looking through dozens of serious diseases that the state announced needed to overcome. The chick came in with two boxes of takeout. Fang Qi looked up and said, "Oh, it's really a stomach service. He's hungry."

The chick ignored him, put one box in the office and went out with the other box.

"Does this girl have a grudge against me? It's been like this from the beginning to now. Why do you think I offended her? Too wronged. "

Ge Zhaozhao pushed the convenience box to the middle. "Come on, eat together. If she falls into the second disease, no one can cure it."

Fang Qi sat on the opposite side of the chair. Without chopsticks, he directly grabbed a steamed stuffed bun and put it in his mouth. "This disease can be cured..." as soon as he looked back, he saw the sick chick standing at the door. His face was like how much Fang Qi owed her.

"Come out with me!"

Fang Qi looked at GE Zhaozhao and said, "is this calling me? Why did I omit a name now? If I don't go out, will she hit me? "

Ge Zhaozhao smiled. "She must be something. Just go out and see what's wrong with her."