Fang Qi wanted to see how he could cure epilepsy, but the boy turned back to clean up the smashed stall. He picked up a few strings of tofu bamboo sticks and put them on brother Luo. He said to the gang of gangsters, "if he wants to live, let him go to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital to find me. You guys cleaned up other people's stalls and sent them away. I caught one and died! " When he said this, Fang Qi's face was particularly frightening with autumn frost.

He said to the boy, "if you don't go to the hospital, you will be disabled. Come with me."

Knowing that he had met a good man, the black faced boy covered the back of his head and followed Fang Qi into the alley to the Chinese hospital. The blood trickled out from his fingers. Fang Qi held him and poked the acupoint near the back of his head.

The boy jumped away and instinctively raised his hand to block.

Fang Qipi smiled, but the meat didn't laugh. "I'll stop the bleeding for you, otherwise I don't want to carry you."

The boy put his hand down in doubt.

Zhang Li chased up from behind, "you mind your own business again!"

"Why don't you go back first and I'll take him to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital." Fang Qi is afraid that Zhang Li will blame him for fighting again. Later, he will have to clean up those boys surnamed Luo.

"I don't know. I also want to see nurse song and Dr. Wang."

The traditional Chinese medicine hospital is closest to here. It's just around the corner after a street. I went in and registered, sutured, drugged and bound up. I've been busy for a long time. Fang Qi saw his ID card and knew that he was from Chenjia village. Chenjia village was still behind Houli village of sister-in-law Liu's mother's house, which was more closed. Not to mention the road, you have to cross mountains and rivers even when you walk.

After listening to Chen Zhijie, the tool for crossing the river is two fallen trees. It takes more than five hours to walk from Chenjia village to Yueshan town. All the children in the village have to live in school. Otherwise, it will take half a day to go home. When he goes to school, he lights a torch and gets up in the middle of the night to catch up with the town.

Fang Qi asked, "you have good skills. Have you studied it?"

Chen Zhijie smiled bitterly: "our family originally fled to the mountains from Wuyi, Hebei Province. It is a descendant of Baji boxing. I didn't dare to deal with these hooligans, or I could beat them up. My grandfather said that strong people have strong hands. There are capable people behind them. Don't make trouble outside easily. I won't beat them if I'm not in a hurry. "

Fang Qi smiled. "Your grandpa's suit is no longer good. What else should you pay attention to when dealing with these hooligans? It's really pedantic!"

"Thank you for saving me, but I have no money for you. I make some money at noon all day. They smashed the stall for hundreds of dollars." Chen Zhijie sighed dejectedly.

Fang Qi asked him where he lived. Chen Zhijie said that he lived in the fish house by the river in the south of the city. They only charged him 100 yuan a month and asked him to look at the fish net in the La river.

"You haven't eaten yet. Go eat first. They'll bring your car later."

Zhang Li ran to find head nurse song. She didn't see her out for a moment. When they got out of the hospital, they spread a bowl of noodles in the nearby noodle stall. Fang Qi said that he had said it and let him eat it himself.

Chen Zhijie looked at him as he ate. "I think you seem to know kung fu, which is much better than me."

Fang Qi leaned against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth and said, "to tell you the truth, I don't know kung fu, but I can fight. Don't mention these bastards. Even if they are older than them, I have fought. It turned out that I had passed the third middle school, and I had to listen to me that time. "

Chen Zhijie opened his mouth: "you are also from No. 3 middle school. Are you brother hoof?"

Fang Qi smoked and said, "do you know me?"

"I'm also from No. 3 middle school. I just came down this year. Eh, I heard you've been admitted to Beijing Polytechnic? Why haven't you left yet? "

Fang Qi leaned back. "Well, the doll has no mother. It's smelly and long. We're poor and can't afford to go to school. We just quit school."

At first glance, Chen Zhijie is a naughty child, otherwise he can't not know Fang Qi, who is the "first brother" of the invincible three middle schools.

His bastard grandfather only taught him advice, not how to return blood for blood and a tooth for a tooth. The best Kung Fu is just a show off in the hands of counsellors.

They all came out of the third middle school, and the closer the relationship is. Fang Qi asked him how much he could earn in January. Chen Zhijie shook his head: "I spent 300 yuan to pour this stall from others. It doesn't take many days. I can earn 80 yuan a day in good times and more than 10 or 20 yuan in bad times. It turned out that I jumped everywhere. I just got here today and was smashed. "

Just as he was saying this, he saw Luo Ge's face and body with a bamboo stick. He was held step by step to move to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital. Some bean curd strings had fallen off, and there was a piece of residue. As soon as he walked, the bamboo stick shook up and down. He was sweating, but he couldn't cry out.

The gang of gangsters behind him pushed a broken car with tofu strings, green vegetables and Flammulina velutipes in a mess.

"Keep quiet and I'll clean them up." Fangqi deliberately coughed loudly. Sure enough, the boys saw him and came here together.

Luo Ge was helped to stand in front of Fang Qi. Fang Qi seemed not to see him and smoked. These gangsters went to this station, hurriedly paid for several noodle guests and ran away.

Fang Qi spit after smoking a cigarette. He walked slowly to brother Luo and pulled out the bamboo stick. Brother Luo screamed in pain. He shook his arm and pushed them away. He reached out and picked up the steel pipe: "hit me!"

Lying trough, this is a shit eating animal. I just saved your dog's life. I just came back and turned my face and didn't recognize people. Fang Qi was so angry that he gave him a big mouth and turned Rogo around like a top. Before he could react, Fang Qi stamped him on the ground.

"To save a dog, he has to wag his tail at me. You are worse than a dog!" As soon as he tried his best, brother Luo planed his face disorderly, but he couldn't speak.

His gang of gangsters are usually Muggles after eating shit. A little man ran away behind him. Fang Qi threw the steel pipe away. The boy was smashed and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Quante, kneel down. Who dares to run? I'll abolish him!" Fang Qi broke and shouted. These boys have grown up eating shit. They can't tell good from bad. Reasoning with them is playing the piano on donkeys.

Steel pipes and steel bars jingled to the ground, and the little gangster knelt on the ground.

Fang Qi stepped on brother Luo at his feet. "Boy, when I was domineering, you were still urinating on the Kang. Do you want to lie in bed like Zhang Bo? I'll leave you a souvenir, or you won't know the smell of shit. " He grabbed his hand and snapped it.

Luo Ge made a beast like sound in pain. His fingers connected his heart. It's strange if he doesn't hurt.

"Ten, these claws are all evil. I'll waste them all for you." Holding the hand, Chen Zhijie hurriedly shouted, "brother hoof, show mercy!" He ran over and begged, "brother, if you don't kill too much, you have to forgive others. Forgive him."